mesh_ssid: SSID of the mesh-interface, an ugly SSID prevent clients from connecting (We recommend not to change this)
mesh_bssid: BSSID of the mesh-interface
mesh_mcast_rate: multicast rate of the mesh-interface ]]
regdom = 'DE',
wifi24 = {
ssid = '',
channel = 1,
htmode = 'HT40+',
mesh_ssid = 'mesh.ffmuc',
mesh_bssid = '02:0E:8E:1E:61:17', --[[ from ]]
mesh_mcast_rate = 12000,
wifi5 = {
ssid = '',
channel = 44,
htmode = 'HT40+',
mesh_ssid = 'mesh.ffmuc',
mesh_bssid = '02:0E:8E:1E:61:17',
mesh_mcast_rate = 12000,
--[[ Next-Node
next_node: Howto reach the node you are currently connected to
The node will always be reachable at that address, and it's the same on all nodes. Because next_node packets are redirected within the node itself, there will be no conflicts.
ip4: IPv4 Address to use
ip6: IPv6 Address to use
mac: MAC Address to use
(TODO: What is the purpose of this MAC-Address here?) ]]
--[[ Simple TC settings to limit the bandwidth of the vpn-uplink
ifname: name of the interface/bridge
enabled: default-value
limit_egress: default-value
limit_ingress: default-value ]]
simple_tc = {
mesh_vpn = {
ifname = 'mesh-vpn',
enabled = false,
limit_egress = 200,
limit_ingress = 3000,
--[[ Config Mode settings
Text shown on local website on node while in config mode (after initial flashing or after a long press and hold on the primary button and reboot). You can use html here.
msg_welcome: Welcome message shown at startup
msg_pubkey: Instructions for the user how your community handles the key exchange
only shown if VPN setting is selected
msg_reboot: Message shown when configuration is finished while the node is rebooting.
Within the text given here you can use variables which are
replaced when the respective website is delivered to the user.
Variables must be used in the format <%=NAME%>. See msg_pubkey for an example.
hostname: hostname of the node
pubkey: fastd public key of the node
sysconfig.primary_mac the primary mac of the node, also found printed beneath the device
... other sysconfig.* variables: config_ifname, lan_ifname, wan_ifname ]]
Um deinen Knoten einzutragen, öffne in einem Browser deiner Wahl bitte <a href="<%=pubkey%>&name=<%=hostname%>&mac=<%=sysconfig.primary_mac%>" target="_blank">Keyformular</a>, fülle das Formular aus und schicke es ab.
<p>Informationen für das Formular:
<li>Knotenname: <%=hostname%></li>
<li>MAC-Adresse: <%=sysconfig.primary_mac%></li>
<li>Key: <%=pubkey%></li>
Sollte das Formular nicht verfügbar sein, sende bitte eine Mail an <a href="">Ole</a> oder <a href="">frnk</a>.
msg_reboot = [[
Dein Knoten startet gerade neu und wird anschließend versuchen,
sich mit anderen Freifunk-Knoten in seiner Nähe zu