/** * RUMBA pin assignments */ #ifndef __AVR_ATmega2560__ #error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu. #endif #if EXTRUDERS > 3 #error RUMBA supports up to 3 extruders. Comment this line to keep going. #endif #define X_STEP_PIN 17 #define X_DIR_PIN 16 #define X_ENABLE_PIN 48 #define X_MIN_PIN 37 #define X_MAX_PIN 36 #define Y_STEP_PIN 54 #define Y_DIR_PIN 47 #define Y_ENABLE_PIN 55 #define Y_MIN_PIN 35 #define Y_MAX_PIN 34 #define Z_STEP_PIN 57 #define Z_DIR_PIN 56 #define Z_ENABLE_PIN 62 #define Z_MIN_PIN 33 #define Z_MAX_PIN 32 #define E0_STEP_PIN 23 #define E0_DIR_PIN 22 #define E0_ENABLE_PIN 24 #define E1_STEP_PIN 26 #define E1_DIR_PIN 25 #define E1_ENABLE_PIN 27 #define E2_STEP_PIN 29 #define E2_DIR_PIN 28 #define E2_ENABLE_PIN 39 #define LED_PIN 13 #define FAN_PIN 7 #define FAN1_PIN 8 #define PS_ON_PIN 45 #define KILL_PIN 46 #if (TEMP_SENSOR_0==0) #define TEMP_0_PIN -1 #define HEATER_0_PIN -1 #else #define HEATER_0_PIN 2 // EXTRUDER 1 #if (TEMP_SENSOR_0==-1) #define TEMP_0_PIN 6 // ANALOG NUMBERING - connector *K1* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used #else #define TEMP_0_PIN 15 // ANALOG NUMBERING - default connector for thermistor *T0* on rumba board is used #endif #endif #if (TEMP_SENSOR_1==0) #define TEMP_1_PIN -1 #define HEATER_1_PIN -1 #else #define HEATER_1_PIN 3 // EXTRUDER 2 #if (TEMP_SENSOR_1==-1) #define TEMP_1_PIN 5 // ANALOG NUMBERING - connector *K2* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used #else #define TEMP_1_PIN 14 // ANALOG NUMBERING - default connector for thermistor *T1* on rumba board is used #endif #endif #if (TEMP_SENSOR_2==0) #define TEMP_2_PIN -1 #define HEATER_2_PIN -1 #else #define HEATER_2_PIN 6 // EXTRUDER 3 #if (TEMP_SENSOR_2==-1) #define TEMP_2_PIN 7 // ANALOG NUMBERING - connector *K3* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used <-- this can not be used when TEMP_SENSOR_BED is defined as thermocouple #else #define TEMP_2_PIN 13 // ANALOG NUMBERING - default connector for thermistor *T2* on rumba board is used #endif #endif //optional for extruder 4 or chamber: #define TEMP_X_PIN 12 // ANALOG NUMBERING - default connector for thermistor *T3* on rumba board is used //optional FAN1 can be used as 4th heater output: #define HEATER_3_PIN 8 // EXTRUDER 4 #if (TEMP_SENSOR_BED==0) #define TEMP_BED_PIN -1 #define HEATER_BED_PIN -1 #else #define HEATER_BED_PIN 9 // BED #if (TEMP_SENSOR_BED==-1) #define TEMP_BED_PIN 7 // ANALOG NUMBERING - connector *K3* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used <-- this can not be used when TEMP_SENSOR_2 is defined as thermocouple #else #define TEMP_BED_PIN 11 // ANALOG NUMBERING - default connector for thermistor *THB* on rumba board is used #endif #endif #define SDPOWER -1 #define SDSS 53 #define SDCARDDETECT_PIN 49 #define BEEPER_PIN 44 #define LCD_PINS_RS 19 #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 42 #define LCD_PINS_D4 18 #define LCD_PINS_D5 38 #define LCD_PINS_D6 41 #define LCD_PINS_D7 40 #define BTN_EN1 11 #define BTN_EN2 12 #define BTN_ENC 43 #define SERVO0_PIN 5