# Auto Build support for Visual Studio Code This `Visual Studio Code` extension provides access to the `Auto Build` script. ## Installation Get the MarlinFirmware repository from GitHub. Open the directory `buildroot/share/vscode` and copy the `AutoBuildMarlin` folder to the `Visual Studio Code` extension directory. Relaunch `Visual Studio Code` to complete the installation. To find the `Visual Studio Code` extension directory: - Windows - Use Windows Explorer's address bar to open `C:/Users/USERNAME/.vscode/extensions`. - Mac - Use the Finder's `Go` menu to open `~/.vscode/extensions`. - Linux - In the Terminal type `open ~/.vscode/extensions`. ### 3. Install the PlatformIO extension Click on `View` > `Command Palette...` ![](./resources/view_command_palette.png) Find and click on `Extensions: Install Extensions` ![](./resources/install_extensions.png) Type `platformio` into the search box and click on `Install` under `PlatformIO IDE`. ![](./resources/platformio_install.png) ## Usage This extension adds the Auto Build icon ![](./media/AB.svg) to the Activities bar. ### 1. Open the Marlin folder Click on `File` > `Open Folder...` ![](./resources/Open_Folder.png) This brings up the `Open Folder` dialog. Select the folder that has the `platformio.ini` file in it. ![](./resources/Open_Marlin.png) You should see something like the following. If not, click on the Explorer icon in the Activities bar. ![](./resources/Activity_bar.png) ### 2. Click on the Auto Build Icon ![](./media/AB.svg) This brings up the Auto Build menu icon bar. ![](./resources/AB_menu.png) ### 3. Click on one of the four icons - ![](./resources/B_small.svg) - Clicking on it starts `PIO Build` - ![](./resources/C_small.svg) - Clicking on it starts `PIO Clean` - ![](./resources/U_small.svg) - Clicking on it starts `PIO Upload` - ![](./resources/Ut_small.svg) - Clicking on it starts `PIO Upload (traceback)`