
11080 lines
610 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-06-18 19:05:11 +02:00
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<library name="adafruit">
<package name="ARDUINO">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Arduino Uno&lt;/b&gt;
Make a shield with ease, this package has all the named pins as well as the two mounting drill holes and an outline of the USB and DC power connector. The outline is on the DIMENSION layer, so if your board house uses it they will cut the outline to match.</description>
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<text x="50.927" y="52.07" size="1.016" layer="21" font="vector">Digital I/O</text>
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<package name="ARDUINO-BPLACE">
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<pin name="D10" x="2.54" y="27.94" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R270"/>
<pin name="D11" x="0" y="27.94" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R270"/>
<pin name="D12" x="-2.54" y="27.94" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R270"/>
<pin name="D13" x="-5.08" y="27.94" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R270"/>
<pin name="GND" x="-7.62" y="27.94" visible="pin" length="middle" direction="pwr" rot="R270"/>
<pin name="AREF" x="-10.16" y="27.94" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R270"/>
<pin name="A5" x="33.02" y="-33.02" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R90"/>
<pin name="A4" x="30.48" y="-33.02" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R90"/>
<pin name="A3" x="27.94" y="-33.02" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R90"/>
<pin name="A2" x="25.4" y="-33.02" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R90"/>
<pin name="A1" x="22.86" y="-33.02" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R90"/>
<pin name="A0" x="20.32" y="-33.02" visible="pin" length="middle" rot="R90"/>
<pin name="VIN" x="15.24" y="-33.02" visible="pin" length="middle" direction="pwr" rot="R90"/>
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<deviceset name="ARDUINO">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Arduino Diecimila/Duemilanove&lt;/b&gt;
Make a shield with ease, this package has all the named pins as well as the two mounting drill holes and an outline of the USB and DC power connector. The outline is on the DIMENSION layer, so if your board house uses it they will cut the outline to match.
<gate name="G$1" symbol="ARDUINO" x="-7.62" y="2.54"/>
<device name="UNO" package="ARDUINO">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="/RESET" pad="RESET"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3V" pad="3V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5V" pad="5V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A0" pad="A0"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A1" pad="A1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A2" pad="A2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A3" pad="A3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A4" pad="A4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A5" pad="A5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="AREF" pad="AREF"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D0" pad="D0"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D1" pad="D1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D10" pad="D10"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D11" pad="D11"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D12" pad="D12"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D13" pad="D13"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D2" pad="D2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D3" pad="D3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D4" pad="D4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D5" pad="D5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D6" pad="D6"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D7" pad="D7"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D8" pad="D8"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D9" pad="D9"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND1" pad="GND1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND2" pad="GND2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VIN" pad="VIN"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-BPLACE" package="ARDUINO-BPLACE">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="/RESET" pad="RESET"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3V" pad="3V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5V" pad="5V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A0" pad="A0"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A1" pad="A1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A2" pad="A2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A3" pad="A3"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D0" pad="D0"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D1" pad="D1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D10" pad="D10"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D11" pad="D11"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D3" pad="D3"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D8" pad="D8"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D9" pad="D9"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND1" pad="GND1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND2" pad="GND2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VIN" pad="VIN"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-NOHOLE" package="ARDUINO-NOHOLE">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="/RESET" pad="RESET"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3V" pad="3V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5V" pad="5V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A0" pad="A0"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A1" pad="A1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A2" pad="A2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A3" pad="A3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A4" pad="A4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A5" pad="A5"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D0" pad="D0"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D1" pad="D1"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D12" pad="D12"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D3" pad="D3"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D6" pad="D6"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="D8" pad="D8"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="D9" pad="D9"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND1" pad="GND1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND2" pad="GND2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VIN" pad="VIN"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-NODIM" package="ARDUINO-NODIM">
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="3V" pad="3V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5V" pad="5V"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A0" pad="A0"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A1" pad="A1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A2" pad="A2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A3" pad="A3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A4" pad="A4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="A5" pad="A5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="AREF" pad="AREF"/>
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<technology name=""/>
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<deviceset name="TMC260-PA" prefix="IC">
<description>&lt;b&gt;TRINAMIC Energy Efficient Microstep Driver for up to 1.7A with coolStep&amp;trade;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Information given in this library is believed to be accurate and reliable. However no warranty is given for its correctness.&lt;p&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;Datasheet for TMC260/261/262&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;h2&gt;Description&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;h3&gt;Energy Efficient Microstep Driver for up to 1.7A with coolStep&amp;trade;&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p&gt;The TMC260 is the first energy efficient high precision microstepping driver IC for bipolar stepper motors with integrated power MOSFETs. The unique high resolution sensorless load detection stallGuard2&amp;trade; is used to for the world&amp;trade;s first integrated load dependent current control feature called coolStep&amp;trade;. The ability to read out the load and detect an overload makes the TMC260 an optimum choice for drives where a high reliability is desired at a low cost. The new patented spreadCycle PWM mixed decay chopper scheme ensures best zero crossing performance as well as high speed operation. The TMC260 can be driven with Step &amp;amp; Direction signals as well as by serial SPI&amp;trade; interface. Using the microPlyer allows to operate the motor with highest 256 &amp;trade;Step smoothness reducing the input frequency to 16 &amp;trade;Steps. A full set of protection and diagnostic features makes this device very rugged. It directly drives stepper motors with up to 1.7A. This way it reaches highest energy efficiency and allows driving of a high motor current without cooling measures even at high environment temperatures.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;h2&gt;Specifications&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;h3&gt;Main characteristics &lt;/h3&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;2-phase bipolar stepper motor driver &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;stallGuard2&amp;trade;&lt;/strong&gt; sensorless load detection &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;coolStep&amp;trade;&lt;/strong&gt; load dependent current control &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;save up to 80% energy &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;spreadCycle&lt;/strong&gt; hysteresis PWM chopper &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;best current zero crossing performance &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;best sine wave form &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;256 &amp;trade;Steps/fullstep (51200 pos/rev.) with a standard 200 step motor &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;microPlyer &lt;/strong&gt;16-to-256 &amp;trade;Step multiplyer &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;full protection and diagnostics &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;lowest power dissipation &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;programmable slope control for low EME &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;standby and shutdown mode stall / load detection output &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Low power consumption via low RDS-ON power stage &lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;h3&gt;Interface &lt;/h3&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;Step &amp;amp; Direction &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;easy-to-use SPI&amp;trade; (20bit) &lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;h3&gt;Electrical Data &lt;/h3&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;up to 1.7A coil current (peak) &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;9V to 40V motor supply &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;3.3V or 5V operation for digital part &lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;h3&gt;Package &lt;/h3&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;TQFP44 10x10 mm² package &lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;RoHS compliant &lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="TMC260/261" x="0" y="2.54"/>
<device name="" package="PQFP44_WITH_PADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="!CS" pad="18"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="!EN" pad="19"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="DIR" pad="41"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@2" pad="39"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@3" pad="44"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="SDO" pad="14"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="VS" pad="36"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VSA" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VSB" pad="30"/>
<technology name=""/>
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<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<package name="1X04-1.27MM">
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<wire x1="4.699" y1="-0.381" x2="4.191" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="3" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
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<text x="-0.508" y="-1.651" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="1X04_LOCK">
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<wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X04_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="1.524" y1="-0.127" x2="1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.064" y1="-0.127" x2="3.556" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.604" y1="-0.127" x2="6.096" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.8636" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.1176" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.127" x2="8.89" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-1.1176" x2="8.6106" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.127" x2="8.89" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.8636" x2="8.6106" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="7.3279" y1="-0.4191" x2="7.9121" y2="0.1651" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X4_LOCK">
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<wire x1="8.89" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-2.54" x2="7.62" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="7.62" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="-1.27" x2="7.62" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<package name="1X04-SMD">
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<wire x1="-5.08" y1="1.25" x2="-5.08" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-5.08" y1="-1.25" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="1.27" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="3.81" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="5.08" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.25" x2="5.08" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="1.27" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.27" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="-3.81" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
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<smd name="3" x="1.27" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="2" x="-1.27" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="1" x="-3.81" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
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<hole x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.4"/>
<package name="1X06">
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<wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.635" x2="13.97" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="12.446" y1="-0.254" x2="12.954" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="9.906" y1="-0.254" x2="10.414" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X6">
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="3.048" x2="13.97" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-2.54" x2="12.7" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="12.7" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="-1.27" x2="12.7" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X6-RA">
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.635" x2="13.97" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="3.175" x2="12.7" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="3.175" x2="0" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="3.175" x2="-1.27" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="3.175" x2="0" y2="7.62" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="7.62" x2="12.7" y2="7.62" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="7.62" x2="12.7" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<text x="-0.889" y="-2.794" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="8.001" y="-2.794" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="1X06-SMD">
<wire x1="7.62" y1="1.25" x2="-7.62" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-7.62" y1="1.25" x2="-7.62" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-7.62" y1="-1.25" x2="-6.35" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-6.35" y1="-1.25" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="1.27" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="3.81" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="6.35" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-1.25" x2="7.62" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="-1.25" x2="7.62" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-1.25" x2="6.35" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="3.81" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="1.27" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.27" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="-3.81" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-6.35" y1="-1.25" x2="-6.35" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<smd name="4" x="1.27" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="5" x="3.81" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="6" x="6.35" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="3" x="-1.27" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="2" x="-3.81" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="1" x="-6.35" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<hole x="-5.08" y="0" drill="1.4"/>
<hole x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.4"/>
<package name="1X06_LOCK">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.508" x2="-0.635" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.143" x2="0.635" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.143" x2="1.27" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.508" x2="1.905" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.143" x2="3.175" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.143" x2="3.81" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.508" x2="4.445" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="1.143" x2="5.715" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="1.143" x2="6.35" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="0.508" x2="6.985" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.143" x2="8.255" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="1.143" x2="8.89" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.508" x2="9.525" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="1.143" x2="10.795" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="1.143" x2="11.43" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="0.508" x2="12.065" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.065" y1="1.143" x2="13.335" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.335" y1="1.143" x2="13.97" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.508" x2="13.97" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.762" x2="13.335" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.335" y1="-1.397" x2="12.065" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.065" y1="-1.397" x2="11.43" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.762" x2="10.795" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="-1.397" x2="9.525" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="-1.397" x2="8.89" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.762" x2="8.255" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.397" x2="6.985" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="-1.397" x2="6.35" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.762" x2="5.715" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.397" x2="4.445" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.397" x2="3.81" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.762" x2="3.175" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.397" x2="1.905" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.397" x2="1.27" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.762" x2="0.635" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.397" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="-1.397" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.762" x2="-1.27" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.508" x2="1.27" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.508" x2="3.81" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="0.508" x2="6.35" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.508" x2="8.89" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="0.508" x2="11.43" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.4191" x2="0.2921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.4191" x2="5.3721" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="7.3279" y1="-0.4191" x2="7.9121" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="9.8679" y1="-0.4191" x2="10.4521" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="12.4079" y1="-0.4191" x2="12.9921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X06_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="1.524" y1="-0.127" x2="1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.064" y1="-0.127" x2="3.556" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.604" y1="-0.127" x2="6.096" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.144" y1="-0.127" x2="8.636" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.684" y1="-0.127" x2="11.176" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.8636" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.1176" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.127" x2="13.716" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.127" x2="13.97" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-1.1176" x2="13.6906" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.127" x2="13.97" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.8636" x2="13.6906" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.4191" x2="0.2921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.4191" x2="5.3721" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="7.3279" y1="-0.4191" x2="7.9121" y2="0.1651" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
<rectangle x1="9.8679" y1="-0.4191" x2="10.4521" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="12.4079" y1="-0.4191" x2="12.9921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X6_LOCK">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="3.048" x2="13.97" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-2.54" x2="12.7" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="12.7" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="-1.27" x2="12.7" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="3.302" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-4.064" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.4191" x2="0.2921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.4191" x2="5.3721" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="7.3279" y1="-0.4191" x2="7.9121" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="9.8679" y1="-0.4191" x2="10.4521" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="12.4079" y1="-0.4191" x2="12.9921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X6-RA_LOCK">
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.635" x2="13.97" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="3.175" x2="12.7" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="3.175" x2="0" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="3.175" x2="-1.27" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="3.175" x2="0" y2="7.62" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="7.62" x2="12.7" y2="7.62" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="7.62" x2="12.7" y2="3.175" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<text x="-0.889" y="-2.794" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="8.001" y="-2.794" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="1X06-SIP_LOCK">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="0.635" x2="12.065" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.065" y1="1.27" x2="13.335" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.335" y1="1.27" x2="13.97" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.635" x2="13.335" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.335" y1="-1.27" x2="12.065" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="12.065" y1="-1.27" x2="11.43" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="9.525" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="1.27" x2="10.795" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="1.27" x2="11.43" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.635" x2="10.795" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="-1.27" x2="9.525" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="-1.27" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="0.635" x2="13.97" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.524" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-2.921" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
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<rectangle x1="7.3279" y1="-0.4191" x2="7.9121" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="9.8679" y1="-0.4191" x2="10.4521" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="12.4079" y1="-0.4191" x2="12.9921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X06_FEMALE_LOCK.010">
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<wire x1="-1.27" y1="1.27" x2="13.97" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="1.27" x2="13.97" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="6" x="12.7" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="2.2225" y1="-0.1905" x2="2.8575" y2="0.1905" layer="51"/>
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<rectangle x1="7.3025" y1="-0.1905" x2="7.9375" y2="0.1905" layer="51"/>
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<rectangle x1="12.3825" y1="-0.1905" x2="13.0175" y2="0.1905" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X03">
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<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X3">
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<wire x1="5.08" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-3">
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<wire x1="-2.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-2.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="9.7" y1="3.15" x2="9.7" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="9.7" y1="2.15" x2="9.3" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
<pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
<pad name="3" x="7" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="1X03_LOCK">
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="0.635" x2="6.35" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X03_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="1.524" y1="-0.127" x2="1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.064" y1="-0.127" x2="3.556" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.8636" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.1176" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.127" x2="6.096" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.127" x2="6.35" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-1.1176" x2="6.0706" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.127" x2="6.35" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="0.8636" x2="6.0706" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.4191" x2="0.2921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.4191" x2="5.3721" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X3_LOCK">
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="3.048" x2="6.35" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-2.54" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.08" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.2921" x2="0.2921" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.2921" x2="5.3721" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X05">
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="9.525" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="1.27" x2="10.795" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="1.27" x2="11.43" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.635" x2="10.795" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="-1.27" x2="9.525" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="-1.27" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="0.635" x2="11.43" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="9.906" y1="-0.254" x2="10.414" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X05-1.27MM">
<description>Header for OS4000-T</description>
<wire x1="-0.381" y1="-0.889" x2="0.381" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.381" y1="-0.889" x2="0.635" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-0.635" x2="0.889" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.889" y1="-0.889" x2="1.651" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="1.905" y1="-0.635" x2="2.159" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.889" x2="2.921" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.921" y1="-0.889" x2="3.175" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-0.635" x2="3.429" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.429" y1="-0.889" x2="4.191" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.191" y1="-0.889" x2="4.445" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-0.635" x2="4.699" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.699" y1="-0.889" x2="5.461" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.461" y1="0.889" x2="4.699" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.699" y1="0.889" x2="4.445" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="0.635" x2="4.191" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.191" y1="0.889" x2="3.429" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.429" y1="0.889" x2="3.175" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="0.635" x2="2.921" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.921" y1="0.889" x2="2.159" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.889" x2="1.905" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="0.635" x2="1.651" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.651" y1="0.889" x2="0.889" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.889" y1="0.889" x2="0.635" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="0.635" x2="0.381" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.381" y1="0.889" x2="-0.381" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.381" y1="0.889" x2="-0.889" y2="0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="-0.381" x2="-0.381" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="0.381" x2="-0.889" y2="-0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.461" y1="0.889" x2="5.969" y2="0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.969" y1="0.381" x2="5.969" y2="-0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.969" y1="-0.381" x2="5.461" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<pad name="5" x="5.08" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
<pad name="4" x="3.81" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
<pad name="3" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
<pad name="2" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
<text x="-0.508" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-0.508" y="-1.651" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="1X05_LOCK">
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="9.525" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="1.27" x2="10.795" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="1.27" x2="11.43" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.635" x2="10.795" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="10.795" y1="-1.27" x2="9.525" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.525" y1="-1.27" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="0.635" x2="11.43" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="9.906" y1="-0.254" x2="10.414" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X05_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="1.524" y1="-0.127" x2="1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.064" y1="-0.127" x2="3.556" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="6.604" y1="-0.127" x2="6.096" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="9.144" y1="-0.127" x2="8.636" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.8636" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.1176" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.127" x2="11.176" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.127" x2="11.43" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-1.1176" x2="11.1506" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.127" x2="11.43" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="11.43" y1="0.8636" x2="11.1506" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.4191" x2="0.2921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
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<rectangle x1="7.3279" y1="-0.4191" x2="7.9121" y2="0.1651" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
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<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-1.24" x2="-2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-2.54" y1="1.54" x2="-1.54" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.54" y1="2.54" x2="1.54" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.54" y1="2.54" x2="2.54" y2="1.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="1.24" x2="2.54" y2="-1.24" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.54" x2="1.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<smd name="4" x="2.54" y="-1.905" dx="0.762" dy="1.524" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-0.889" y="1.778" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-0.889" y="-2.032" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
<package name="TACTILE-PTH">
<description>&lt;b&gt;OMRON SWITCH&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<wire x1="3.048" y1="1.016" x2="3.048" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="3.048" y1="2.54" x2="2.54" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-3.048" x2="-2.159" y2="-3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-2.54" y1="3.048" x2="-2.159" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="3.048" x2="2.159" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="2.159" y1="3.048" x2="-2.159" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-2.159" y1="-3.048" x2="2.159" y2="-3.048" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.048" y1="0.998" x2="3.048" y2="-1.016" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.048" y1="1.028" x2="-3.048" y2="-1.016" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.508" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<text x="-2.54" y="3.81" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<package name="KSA_SEALED_TAC_SWITCH">
<wire x1="0" y1="1.27" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="1.27" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-5.08" y1="-3.81" x2="-5.08" y2="3.81" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="P$2" x="3.81" y="2.54" drill="1" shape="square"/>
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<pad name="P$4" x="3.81" y="-2.54" drill="1" shape="square"/>
<package name="SJ_2S">
<description>Small solder jumper with big paste layer so it will short during reflow.</description>
<wire x1="0.8" y1="-1" x2="-0.8" y2="-1" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.8" y1="1" x2="1.1" y2="0.75" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
<wire x1="-1.1" y1="0.75" x2="-0.8" y2="1" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
<wire x1="-1.1" y1="-0.75" x2="-0.8" y2="-1" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90.114706"/>
<wire x1="0.8" y1="-1" x2="1.1" y2="-0.75" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
<wire x1="1.1" y1="-0.75" x2="1.1" y2="0.75" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.1" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.1" y2="0.75" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.8" y1="1" x2="0.8" y2="1" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<description>Solder jumper, small, shorted with trace. No paste layer. Trace is cuttable.</description>
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<wire x1="0.8255" y1="1.016" x2="1.0795" y2="0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
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<wire x1="0.8255" y1="-1.016" x2="1.0795" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="90"/>
<wire x1="-0.8255" y1="1.016" x2="0.8255" y2="1.016" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.381" y1="0" x2="0.381" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="1"/>
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<smd name="2" x="0.508" y="0" dx="0.635" dy="1.27" layer="1" cream="no"/>
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<wire x1="-1" y1="0.7" x2="-0.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-90.03821"/>
<wire x1="-1" y1="-0.7" x2="-0.8" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="90.03821"/>
<wire x1="0.8" y1="-1" x2="1" y2="-0.7" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="90.03821"/>
<wire x1="-0.8" y1="1" x2="0.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<smd name="1" x="-0.4009" y="0" dx="0.635" dy="1.27" layer="1" rot="R180" cream="no"/>
<smd name="2" x="0.4127" y="0" dx="0.635" dy="1.27" layer="1" cream="no"/>
<text x="-0.9525" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-0.9525" y="-1.651" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-1.016" y1="-1.016" x2="1.016" y2="1.016" layer="31"/>
<package name="SJ_2S-NO">
<description>Small solder jumper with no paste layer so it will open after reflow.</description>
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<wire x1="0.8" y1="-1" x2="1" y2="-0.7" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="90"/>
<wire x1="-0.8" y1="1" x2="0.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<smd name="2" x="0.45" y="0" dx="0.635" dy="1.27" layer="1" cream="no"/>
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<text x="-0.908" y="-1.651" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4">
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<wire x1="12.8" y1="3.4" x2="12.8" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="12.8" y1="3.15" x2="13.2" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<text x="-3.4" y="-4.3" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
<text x="-1.4" y="-4.3" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
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<text x="2.7" y="-4.1" size="0.8" layer="51">S</text>
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<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X2">
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<wire x1="3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
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<wire x1="5.25" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="5.25" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.75" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.75" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-2.15" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-2.15" y1="-2.35" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="5.65" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="5.65" y1="2.15" x2="5.25" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<circle x="2" y="3" radius="0.2828" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
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<pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="JST-2-SMD">
<description>2mm SMD side-entry connector. tDocu layer indicates the actual physical plastic housing. +/- indicate SparkFun standard batteries and wiring.</description>
<wire x1="-4" y1="-1" x2="-4" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-4" y1="-4.5" x2="-3.2" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-3.2" y1="-2" x2="-2" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="3.2" y1="-4.5" x2="4" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<smd name="2" x="1" y="-3.7" dx="1" dy="4.6" layer="1"/>
<smd name="NC1" x="-3.4" y="1.5" dx="3.4" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="NC2" x="3.4" y="1.5" dx="3.4" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="0" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
<text x="2.159" y="-4.445" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
<text x="-2.921" y="-4.445" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
<package name="1X02_BIG">
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<wire x1="5.08" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="P$2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="1.0668"/>
<package name="JST-2-SMD-VERT">
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<wire x1="4.2" y1="-2.13" x2="-4.1" y2="-2.13" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-4.1" y1="-2.13" x2="-4.1" y2="2.97" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="4.2" y1="3" x2="4.2" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-4.1" y1="3" x2="-4.1" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2" y1="-2.1" x2="4.2" y2="-2.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="4.2" y1="-2.1" x2="4.2" y2="-1.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-2" y1="-2.1" x2="-4.1" y2="-2.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-4.1" y1="-2.1" x2="-4.1" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<smd name="P$1" x="-3.4" y="0.27" dx="3" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="P$2" x="3.4" y="0.27" dx="3" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="VCC" x="-1" y="-2" dx="1" dy="5.5" layer="1"/>
<smd name="GND" x="1" y="-2" dx="1" dy="5.5" layer="1"/>
<text x="2.54" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
<text x="2.24" y="3.48" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
<package name="R_SW_TH">
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<wire x1="-1.651" y1="-1.3716" x2="-1.651" y2="-2.2352" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.651" y1="19.2532" x2="13.589" y2="19.2532" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.589" y1="19.2532" x2="13.589" y2="-2.2352" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="13.589" y1="-2.2352" x2="-1.651" y2="-2.2352" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="P$1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.6002"/>
<pad name="P$2" x="0" y="16.9926" drill="1.6002"/>
<pad name="P$3" x="12.0904" y="15.494" drill="1.6002"/>
<pad name="P$4" x="12.0904" y="8.4582" drill="1.6002"/>
<package name="SCREWTERMINAL-5MM-2">
<wire x1="-3.1" y1="4.2" x2="8.1" y2="4.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.1" y1="4.2" x2="8.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.1" y1="-2.3" x2="8.1" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.1" y1="-3.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.1" y1="-3.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.1" y1="-2.3" x2="-3.1" y2="4.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="8.1" y1="-2.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-3.7" y1="-1.35" x2="-3.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-3.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="8.7" y1="4" x2="8.7" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="8.7" y1="3" x2="8.1" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<pad name="2" x="5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="2.032"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="1X02_LOCK">
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="-0.1778" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.7178" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.2921" x2="0.2921" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<package name="MOLEX-1X2_LOCK">
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="3.048" x2="3.81" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="-0.127" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.667" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.2921" x2="0.2921" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<package name="1X02_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<wire x1="1.651" y1="0" x2="0.889" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-1.016" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.9906" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.9906" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0" x2="3.556" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0" x2="3.81" y2="-0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.9906" x2="3.5306" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0" x2="3.81" y2="0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.9906" x2="3.5306" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="2.667" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
<package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2_LOCK">
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<wire x1="5.25" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="5.25" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.25" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.75" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.75" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.75" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-2.15" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-2.15" y1="-2.35" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="5.25" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="5.65" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="5.65" y1="2.15" x2="5.25" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.4318" width="0.0254" layer="51"/>
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<pad name="2" x="3.6778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="1X02_LONGPADS">
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<package name="1X02_NO_SILK">
<pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="JST-2-PTH">
<wire x1="-2" y1="0" x2="-2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-2" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="1" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.4478"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="5.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="4" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
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<text x="-1.4" y="0.7" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
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<pad name="GND" x="0.0254" y="6.557" drill="2.9972" diameter="4.1148"/>
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<pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="5" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-11.176" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-11.176" x2="13.97" y2="-11.176" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="13.97" y1="-11.176" x2="13.97" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
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<smd name="5" x="10.16" y="-0.08" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<smd name="6" x="12.7" y="-0.08" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
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<smd name="1" x="0" y="-0.08" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
<text x="0" y="-6.35" size="0.4064" layer="51">thru-hole vertical Female Header</text>
<text x="0" y="-7.62" size="0.4064" layer="51">used as an SMD part </text>
<text x="0" y="-8.89" size="0.4064" layer="51">(placed horizontally, at board's edge)</text>
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<rectangle x1="12.319" y1="-2.4892" x2="13.081" y2="0.2794" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="19.76" y1="-2.8" x2="19.76" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="19.76" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-2.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="20.16" y1="3.15" x2="20.16" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
<pad name="3" x="7" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
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<pad name="5" x="14" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
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<wire x1="-6.85" y1="-2" x2="-5.85" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-5.85" y1="-2" x2="-5.85" y2="-3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-7.6" y1="4" x2="-7.6" y2="-4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="2.2" y1="-4" x2="2.8" y2="-4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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<text x="-2.54" y="3.302" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
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<deviceset name="VCC" prefix="P+">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<gate name="1" symbol="VCC2" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="">
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="GND" prefix="GND">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<gate name="1" symbol="GND" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="">
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="5V">
<gate name="G$1" symbol="5V" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="">
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="SOLDERJUMPER" prefix="SJ">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Solder Jumper&lt;/b&gt;
Standard SMD solder jumper. Used to automate production. Two varients : Normally Open and Normally Closed are the same, but have different paste layers. NC will have a large amount of paste and should jumper during reflow.</description>
<gate name="1" symbol="SJ" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="NC" package="SJ_2S">
<connect gate="1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="TRACE" package="SJ_2S-TRACE">
<connect gate="1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="NC2" package="SJ_2S-NOTRACE">
<connect gate="1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="NO" package="SJ_2S-NO">
<connect gate="1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="M04" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Header 4&lt;/b&gt;
Standard 4-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08231 with associated crimp pins and housings.</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="M04" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
<device name="PTH" package="1X04">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR" package="MOLEX-1X4">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SCREW" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="1.27MM" package="1X04-1.27MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK" package="1X04_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X04_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X4_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMD" package="1X04-SMD">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LONGPADS" package="1X04_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="1X04_NO_SILK" package="1X04_NO_SILK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="JST-PTH" package="JST-4-PTH">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SCREW_LOCK" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="M02" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Header 2&lt;/b&gt;
Standard 2-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08233 with associated crimp pins and housings.</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="M02" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
<device name="PTH" package="1X02">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR" package="MOLEX-1X2">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="3.5MM" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-JST-2MM-SMT" package="JST-2-SMD">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH2" package="1X02_BIG">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="4UCON-15767" package="JST-2-SMD-VERT">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="GND"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="VCC"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="ROCKER" package="R_SW_TH">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="5MM" package="SCREWTERMINAL-5MM-2">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK" package="1X02_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X2_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X02_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="3.5MM_LOCK" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH3" package="1X02_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="1X02_NO_SILK" package="1X02_NO_SILK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="JST-PTH-2" package="JST-2-PTH">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH4" package="1X02_XTRA_BIG">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POGO_PIN_HOLES_ONLY" package="1X02_PP_HOLES_ONLY">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="M01" prefix="JP">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Header 1&lt;/b&gt;
Standard 1-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115).</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="M01" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="PTH_LONGPAD" package="1X01_LONGPAD">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMD" package="LUXEON-PAD">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-SMTSO-256-ET" package="SMTSO-256-ET">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMTRA-256-8-6" package="SMTRA-256-8-6">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMDNS" package="1X01NS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH" package="1X01">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH_2MM" package="1X01_2MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="OFFSET" package="1X01_OFFSET">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMD-4.5X1.5" package="PAD-1.5X4.5">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POGOPIN_HOLE_LARGE" package="1X01_POGOPIN_HOLE_LARGE">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POGOPIN_HOLE_0.58" package="1X01_POGOPIN_HOLE_0.58">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="POWER_JACK" prefix="J">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Power Jack&lt;/b&gt;
This is the standard 5.5mm barrel jack for power. The PTH is the most common, proven, reliable, footprint. All others are experimental. The Slot footprint only works if the mill layer is transmitted to the PCB fab house so be warned. Spark Fun Electronics SKU : PRT-00119. Mating wall wart : TOL-00298 (and others)</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="POWERJACK" x="7.62" y="-2.54"/>
<device name="SMD" package="POWER_JACK_SMD">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="P$4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDBREAK" pad="GND"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR" pad="VIN0"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SLT" package="POWER_JACK_SLOT">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="GND@2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDBREAK" pad="GND@1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR" pad="PWR"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH" package="POWER_JACK_PTH">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="GND"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDBREAK" pad="GNDBREAK"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR" pad="PWR"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="COMBO" package="POWER_JACK_COMBO">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="GND@1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDBREAK" pad="GND"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR" pad="POWER"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="RCA" package="RCA">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="BARREL"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDBREAK" pad="SPRING"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR" pad="BREAK"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH_LOCK" package="POWER_JACK_PTH_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="GND"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDBREAK" pad="GNDBREAK"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR" pad="PWR"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="RCA_LOCK" package="RCA_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="BARREL"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDBREAK" pad="SPRING"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR" pad="BREAK"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="M06" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Header 6&lt;/b&gt;
Standard 6-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08094 with associated crimp pins and housings.
This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place.
You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).
This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace"
to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also,
if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment
will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="M06" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
<device name="SIP" package="1X06">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR" package="MOLEX-1X6">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="RA" package="MOLEX-1X6-RA">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMD" package="1X06-SMD">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK" package="1X06_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X06_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X6_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="RA_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X6-RA_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SIP_LOCK" package="1X06-SIP_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="FEMALE_LOCK" package="1X06_FEMALE_LOCK.010">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LONGPADS" package="1X06_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="1X06-SMD_EDGE_FEMALE" package="1X06-SMD_EDGE">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="3.5MM-6" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-6">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMDF" package="1X06-SMD-FEMALE">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMD-FEMALE-V2" package="1X06-SMD-FEMALE-V2">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POGOPIN_HOLES_ONLY" package="1X06_HOLES_ONLY">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="M03" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Header 3&lt;/b&gt;
Standard 3-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08232 with associated crimp pins and housings.</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="M03" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
<device name="PTH" package="1X03">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR" package="MOLEX-1X3">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SCREW" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-3">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK" package="1X03_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X03_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POLAR_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X3_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SCREW_LOCK" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-3_LOCK.007S">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="1X03_NO_SILK" package="1X03_NO_SILK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LONGPADS" package="1X03_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="JST-PTH" package="JST-3-PTH">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="POGO_PIN_HOLES_ONLY" package="1X03_PP_HOLES_ONLY">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="-SCREW-5MM" package="SCREWTERMINAL-5MM-3">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK_NO_SILK" package="1X03_LOCK_NO_SILK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="M05" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Header 5&lt;/b&gt;
Standard 5-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08230 with associated crimp pins and housings.</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="M05" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
<device name="PTH" package="1X05">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="1.27MM" package="1X05-1.27MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK" package="1X05_LOCK">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X05_LOCK_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH_LONGPADS" package="1X05_LONGPADS">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="SMD" package="1X05-1MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
<technology name=""/>
<deviceset name="TAC_SWITCH" prefix="S" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Momentary Switch&lt;/b&gt;
Button commonly used for reset or general input. Spark Fun Electronics SKU : COM-00097</description>
<gate name="S" symbol="SWITCH-MOMENTARY" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="SMD" package="TACTILE_SWITCH_SMD">
<connect gate="S" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="PTH" package="TACTILE-PTH">
<connect gate="S" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="4" pad="4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<device name="KSA_SEALED" package="KSA_SEALED_TAC_SWITCH">
<connect gate="S" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="3" pad="P$3"/>
<connect gate="S" pin="4" pad="P$4"/>
<technology name=""/>
<library name="LED">
<package name="1206">
<description>&lt;b&gt;CHICAGO MINIATURE LAMP, INC.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
7022X Series SMT LEDs 1206 Package Size</description>
<wire x1="1.55" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.55" y2="-0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.55" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.55" y2="0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.55" y1="0.75" x2="1.55" y2="0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.1" y1="-0.1" x2="0.1" y2="0.1" layer="21"/>
<rectangle x1="0.45" y1="-0.7" x2="0.8" y2="-0.45" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="0.8" y1="-0.7" x2="0.9" y2="0.5" layer="51"/>
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<rectangle x1="0.45" y1="-0.7" x2="0.6" y2="-0.45" layer="21"/>
<package name="LD260">
5 mm, square, Siemens</description>
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<wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="1.27" y1="0" x2="1.27" y2="-0.889" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-0.9917" y1="0.7934" x2="0" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-51.33923"/>
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<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-0.9643" y2="-0.8265" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="40.600331"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-0.9643" y2="0.8265" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-40.600331"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90"/>
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<pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="-2.4892" size="1.016" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<package name="LED2X5">
2 x 5 mm, rectangle</description>
<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="1.27" x2="-2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0.381" x2="0.508" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="0.508" y1="0.381" x2="0.508" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="0.9398" y1="-0.6096" x2="1.143" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="1.651" y1="-0.762" x2="1.651" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
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<text x="-2.54" y="-2.413" size="1.016" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<package name="LED3MM">
3 mm, round</description>
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5 mm, round</description>
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<package name="LSU260">
1 mm, round, Siemens</description>
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<description>&lt;B&gt;LED BLOCK&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
1 LED, Siemens</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;LED HOLDER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
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<package name="Q62902-B153">
<description>&lt;b&gt;LED HOLDER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
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<description>&lt;b&gt;LED HOLDER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
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<description>&lt;b&gt;LED HOLDER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
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<wire x1="2.54" y1="3.81" x2="-3.81" y2="3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-3.81" x2="-3.81" y2="3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-3.81" x2="-2.54" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-3.302" x2="-2.54" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-3.81" x2="2.54" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="2.54" y1="-3.302" x2="2.54" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<circle x="0" y="0" radius="3.175" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
<pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-3.81" y="4.0894" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-3.7846" y="-5.3594" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
<text x="-3.556" y="-3.302" size="1.016" layer="21" ratio="14">+</text>
<text x="2.794" y="-3.302" size="1.016" layer="21" ratio="14">-</text>
<package name="SFH480">
<description>&lt;B&gt;IR LED&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
infrared emitting diode, Infineon
TO-18, lead spacing 2.54 mm, cathode marking&lt;p&gt;
<wire x1="-2.159" y1="1.524" x2="-2.794" y2="2.159" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-2.794" y1="2.159" x2="-2.159" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.524" y1="2.159" x2="-2.159" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="1.5142" y1="0.9318" x2="1.778" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-31.606487"/>
<wire x1="1.5" y1="-0.9546" x2="1.778" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="32.472615"/>
<wire x1="-1.778" y1="0" x2="-1.5142" y2="-0.9318" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="31.606487"/>
<wire x1="-1.778" y1="0" x2="-1.5" y2="0.9546" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-32.472615"/>
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<circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.413" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="A" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="3.048" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-4.318" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="SFH482">
<description>&lt;B&gt;IR LED&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
infrared emitting diode, Infineon
TO-18, lead spacing 2.54 mm, cathode marking&lt;p&gt;
<wire x1="-2.159" y1="1.524" x2="-2.794" y2="2.159" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-2.794" y1="2.159" x2="-2.159" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.524" y1="2.159" x2="-2.159" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-1.5358" y1="0.8959" x2="0" y2="1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-59.743278"/>
<wire x1="-1.5358" y1="-0.8959" x2="0" y2="-1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="59.743278"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-1.778" x2="1.5358" y2="-0.8959" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="59.743278"/>
<wire x1="1.5142" y1="0.9318" x2="1.778" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-31.606487"/>
<wire x1="1.5" y1="-0.9546" x2="1.778" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="32.472615"/>
<wire x1="-1.778" y1="0" x2="-1.5142" y2="-0.9318" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="31.606487"/>
<wire x1="-1.778" y1="0" x2="-1.5" y2="0.9546" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-32.472615"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90"/>
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<circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.667" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-1.27" y="3.048" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="-4.318" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="U57X32">
rectangle, 5.7 x 3.2 mm</description>
<wire x1="-3.175" y1="1.905" x2="3.175" y2="1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.905" x2="3.175" y2="1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.905" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.175" y1="1.905" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-2.667" y1="1.397" x2="-2.667" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.508" x2="2.54" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.508" x2="2.54" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-1.016" x2="2.54" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="0.254" y1="1.27" x2="0.254" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="1.27" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="1.778" y1="1.27" x2="1.778" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<text x="3.683" y="0.254" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="3.683" y="-1.524" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="IRL80A">
<description>&lt;B&gt;IR LED&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
IR transmitter Siemens</description>
<wire x1="0.889" y1="2.286" x2="0.889" y2="1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.889" y1="1.778" x2="0.889" y2="0.762" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="0.889" y1="-0.635" x2="0.889" y2="-1.778" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="0.889" y1="-1.778" x2="0.889" y2="-2.286" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.889" y1="-2.286" x2="-0.889" y2="-2.286" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="2.286" x2="-0.889" y2="1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="1.778" x2="-0.889" y2="0.762" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="0.762" x2="-0.889" y2="-0.762" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="-0.762" x2="-0.889" y2="-1.778" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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<wire x1="-0.889" y1="2.286" x2="0.889" y2="2.286" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.889" y1="-0.762" x2="-0.889" y2="0.762" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-180"/>
<wire x1="-1.397" y1="0.254" x2="-1.397" y2="-0.254" width="0.0508" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="K" x="0" y="1.27" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
<pad name="A" x="0" y="-1.27" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
<text x="1.27" y="0.381" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="1.27" y="-1.651" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="P-LCC-2">
<description>&lt;b&gt;TOPLED® High-optical Power LED (HOP)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Source: ... ls_t675.pdf</description>
<wire x1="-1.4" y1="-1.05" x2="-1.4" y2="-1.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
<wire x1="-1.4" y1="-1.6" x2="-1.1" y2="-1.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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<text x="3.81" y="-1.905" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
<text x="-0.635" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="21">A</text>
<text x="-0.635" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="21">C</text>
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<package name="OSRAM-MINI-TOP-LED">
<description>&lt;b&gt;BLUE LINETM Hyper Mini TOPLED® Hyper-Bright LED&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Source: ... LB M676.pdf</description>
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<text x="-0.635" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="21">C</text>
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<package name="OSRAM-SIDELED">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Super SIDELED® High-Current LED&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
LG A672, LP A672 &lt;br&gt;
Source: ... LG_LP_A672.pdf (2004.05.13)</description>
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<package name="SMART-LED">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SmartLEDTM Hyper-Bright LED&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Source: ... LA_LO_LS_LY L896.pdf</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;Hyper TOPLED® RG Hyper-Bright LED&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Source: ... LA_LO_LS_LY T776.pdf</description>
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Source: ... LA_LO_LS_LY Y876.pdf</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;Power TOPLED®&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Source: ... LA_LO_LA_LY E67B.pdf</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;Hyper CHIPLED Hyper-Bright LED&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
LB Q993&lt;br&gt;
Source: ... Lb_q993.pdf</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;Hyper CHIPLED Hyper-Bright LED&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
LB R99A&lt;br&gt;
Source: ... lb_r99a.pdf</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;Mini TOPLED Santana®&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Source: ... LG M470.pdf</description>
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<package name="CHIPLED_0805">
Source: ... LG_R971.pdf</description>
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Source: ... LG_LY N971.pdf</description>
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Source: ... LG_LY Q971.pdf</description>
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<package name="CHIPLED-0603-TTW">
Recommended Solder Pad useable for SmartLEDTM and Chipled - Package 0603&lt;br&gt;
Package able to withstand TTW-soldering heat&lt;br&gt;
Package suitable for TTW-soldering&lt;br&gt;
Source: ... LO_LS_LY L89K.pdf</description>
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<package name="SMARTLED-TTW">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SmartLED TTW&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Recommended Solder Pad useable for SmartLEDTM and Chipled - Package 0603&lt;br&gt;
Package able to withstand TTW-soldering heat&lt;br&gt;
Package suitable for TTW-soldering&lt;br&gt;
Source: ... LO_LS_LY L89K.pdf</description>
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<package name="LUMILED+">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Lumileds Lighting. LUXEON®&lt;/b&gt; with cool pad&lt;p&gt;
Source: K2.pdf</description>
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<package name="LUMILED">
<description>&lt;b&gt;Lumileds Lighting. LUXEON®&lt;/b&gt; without cool pad&lt;p&gt;
Source: K2.pdf</description>
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<package name="LED10MM">
10 mm, round</description>
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<package name="KA-3528ASYC">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SURFACE MOUNT LED LAMP&lt;/b&gt; 3.5x2.8mm&lt;p&gt;
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- &lt;u&gt;CHIPLED&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LG R971, LG N971, LY N971, LG Q971, LY Q971, LO R971, LY R971
LH N974, LH R974&lt;br&gt;
LS Q976, LO Q976, LY Q976&lt;br&gt;
LO Q996&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;u&gt;Hyper CHIPLED&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LW Q18S&lt;br&gt;
LB Q993, LB Q99A, LB R99A&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;u&gt;SideLED&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LS A670, LO A670, LY A670, LG A670, LP A670&lt;br&gt;
LB A673, LV A673, LT A673, LW A673&lt;br&gt;
LH A674&lt;br&gt;
LY A675&lt;br&gt;
LS A676, LA A676, LO A676, LY A676, LW A676&lt;br&gt;
LS A679, LY A679, LG A679&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;u&gt;Hyper Micro SIDELED®&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LS Y876, LA Y876, LO Y876, LY Y876&lt;br&gt;
LT Y87S&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;u&gt;SmartLED&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LW L88C, LW L88S&lt;br&gt;
LB L89C, LB L89S, LG L890&lt;br&gt;
LS L89K, LO L89K, LY L89K&lt;br&gt;
LS L896, LA L896, LO L896, LY L896&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;u&gt;TOPLED&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LS T670, LO T670, LY T670, LG T670, LP T670&lt;br&gt;
LSG T670, LSP T670, LSY T670, LOP T670, LYG T670&lt;br&gt;
LG T671, LOG T671, LSG T671&lt;br&gt;
LB T673, LV T673, LT T673, LW T673&lt;br&gt;
LH T674&lt;br&gt;
LS T676, LA T676, LO T676, LY T676, LB T676, LH T676, LSB T676, LW T676&lt;br&gt;
LB T67C, LV T67C, LT T67C, LS T67K, LO T67K, LY T67K, LW E67C&lt;br&gt;
LS E67B, LA E67B, LO E67B, LY E67B, LB E67C, LV E67C, LT E67C&lt;br&gt;
LW T67C&lt;br&gt;
LS T679, LY T679, LG T679&lt;br&gt;
LS T770, LO T770, LY T770, LG T770, LP T770&lt;br&gt;
LB T773, LV T773, LT T773, LW T773&lt;br&gt;
LH T774&lt;br&gt;
LS E675, LA E675, LY E675, LS T675&lt;br&gt;
LS T776, LA T776, LO T776, LY T776, LB T776&lt;br&gt;
LHGB T686&lt;br&gt;
LT T68C, LB T68C&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;u&gt;Hyper Mini TOPLED®&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LB M676&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;u&gt;Mini TOPLED Santana®&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LG M470&lt;br&gt;
LS M47K, LO M47K, LY M47K
- &lt;u&gt;LUMILED®&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PW12-R00, LXK2-PW12-S00, LXK2-PW14-U00, LXK2-PW14-V00&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PM12-R00, LXK2-PM12-S00, LXK2-PM14-U00&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PE12-Q00, LXK2-PE12-R00, LXK2-PE12-S00, LXK2-PE14-T00, LXK2-PE14-U00&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PB12-K00, LXK2-PB12-L00, LXK2-PB12-M00, LXK2-PB14-N00, LXK2-PB14-P00, LXK2-PB14-Q00&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PR12-L00, LXK2-PR12-M00, LXK2-PR14-Q00, LXK2-PR14-R00&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PD12-Q00, LXK2-PD12-R00, LXK2-PD12-S00&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PH12-R00, LXK2-PH12-S00&lt;br&gt;
LXK2-PL12-P00, LXK2-PL12-Q00, LXK2-PL12-R00
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<package name="CE-010X030">
<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
1.0 mm lead spacing, 3 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
2.0 mm lead spacing, 5 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
2.5 mm lead spacing, 6 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
2.5 mm lead spacing, 6.5 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
3.5 mm lead spacing, 10 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
3.5 mm lead spacing, 8 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 10 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 12 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
7.5 mm lead spacing, 16 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
7.5 mm lead spacing, 18 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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10 mm lead spacing, 10 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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25 mm lead spacing, 10 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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25 mm lead spacing, 12 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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31 mm lead spacing, 12 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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25 mm lead spacing, 16 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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31 mm lead spacing, 16 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
40 mm lead spacing, 18 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
40 mm lead spacing, 22 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
50 mm lead spacing, 22 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
7 mm lead spacing, 3.5 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
10 mm lead spacing, 4.5 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
10 mm lead spacing, 6.3 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
16 mm lead spacing, 8 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP AXIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
20 mm lead spacing, 8 mm body, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SNAP-IN RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
TS Snap-In Series 10 mm lead spacing, 20 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SNAP-IN RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
TS Snap-In Series 10 mm lead spacing, 22 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SNAP-IN RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
TS Snap-In Series 10 mm lead spacing, 25 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SNAP-IN RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
TS Snap-In Series 10 mm lead spacing, 30 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SNAP-IN RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
TS Snap-In Series 10 mm lead spacing, 35 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SNAP-IN RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
TS Snap-In Series 10 mm lead spacing, 40 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 12.5 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD TANTALUM&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic Size D&lt;p&gt;
EIA Code 7343, Size D, 7.3 mm x 4.3 mm, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
1.5 mm lead spacing, 4 mm diameter, 11 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
1.5 mm lead spacing, 4 mm diameter, 7 mm length, grid 0.00625 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
2.0 mm lead spacing, 5 mm diameter, 11 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
2.0 mm lead spacing, 5 mm diameter, 15 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
2.5 mm lead spacing, 6 mm diameter, 11 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
2.5 mm lead spacing, 6 mm diameter, 15 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 10 mm diameter, 12 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<package name="CEH-050-100X200">
<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 10 mm diameter, 20 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal Rotated&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 10 mm diameter, 12 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal Rotated&lt;p&gt;
1.5 mm lead spacing, 4 mm diameter, 11 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal Rotated&lt;p&gt;
1.5 mm lead spacing, 4 mm diameter, 7 mm length, grid 0.00625 inch</description>
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2.0 mm lead spacing, 5 mm diameter, 11 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal Rotated&lt;p&gt;
2.0 mm lead spacing, 5 mm diameter, 15 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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2.5 mm lead spacing, 6 mm diameter, 11 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal Rotated&lt;p&gt;
2.5 mm lead spacing, 6 mm diameter, 15 mm length, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SCREW MOUNT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
AA-Series Computer Grade, 12.7 mm lead spacing, 35 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SCREW MOUNT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
AA-Series Computer Grade, 22.7 mm lead spacing, 51 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SCREW MOUNT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
AA-Series Computer Grade, 28.6 mm lead spacing, 64 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP SCREW MOUNT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
AA-Series Computer Grade, 31.8 mm lead spacing, 79 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP TANTALUM&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
2.5 mm lead spacing, 10 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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2.5 mm lead spacing, 3 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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2.5 mm lead spacing, 4 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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2.5 mm lead spacing, 5 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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2.5 mm lead spacing, 7 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP TANTALUM&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 10 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP TANTALUM&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
5.0 mm lead spacing, 8 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD CHIP TANT&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic Size A &lt;p&gt;
EIA Code 3216, 3.2 mm x 1.6 mm, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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EIA Code 3528, 3.5 mm x 2.8 mm, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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EIA Code 6032, 6.0 mm x 3.2 mm, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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3 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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4 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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5 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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6.3 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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8 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD ELECTROLYTIC&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic G&lt;p&gt;
10 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD CHIP TANT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
chip tantalum</description>
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KEMET S / EIA 3216-12</description>
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KEMET S / EIA 3216-12</description>
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chip tantalum</description>
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KEMET T / EIA 3528-12</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD CHIP TANT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
chip tantalum</description>
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KEMET U / EIA 6032-15</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD CHIP TANT&lt;/b&gt; - KEMET C / EIA 6032-28 Wave solder&lt;p&gt;
KEMET U / EIA 6032-15</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD CHIP TANT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
chip tantalum</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt; - reflow soldering&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life 139 CLL&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt; - wave soldering&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life 139 CLL&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt; - wave soldering&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life 139 CLL&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Long life base plate, High temperature 140 CLH&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<package name="C140CLH-1010">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Long life base plate, High temperature 140 CLH&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<package name="C140CLH-1014">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Long life base plate, High temperature 140 CLH&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<package name="C150CLZ-0810">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Long life base plate, very low impedance 150 CLZ&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<text x="-4.7625" y="-5.715" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
<package name="C150CLZ-1010">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Long life base plate, very low impedance 150 CLZ&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<package name="C150CLZ-1014">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Long life base plate, very low impedance 150 CLZ&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<package name="C153CLV-0405">
<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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SMD (Chip) Long Life Vertical 153 CLV&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
High Temperature solid electrolytic SMD 175 TMP&lt;p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD POLCAP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
High Temperature solid electrolytic SMD 175 TMP&lt;p&gt;</description>
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12.5 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD ELECTROLYTIC&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic J&lt;p&gt;
16 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;SMD ELECTROLYTIC&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic K&lt;p&gt;
18 mm dia, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;GOLD CAP&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
SD Series, Horizontal mount</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;GOLD CAP&lt;/b&gt; - Panasonic&lt;p&gt;
SD Series, Vertical mount</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
1.5 mm lead spacing, 4 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
2.0 mm lead spacing, 6 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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2.5 mm lead spacing, 7.5 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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2.5 mm lead spacing, 8.5 mm diameter, grid 0.0125 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal&lt;p&gt;
3.5 mm lead spacing, 8 mm diameter, 11.5 mm length, grid 0.00625 inch</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;POLCAP RADIAL&lt;/b&gt; - Horizontal Rotated&lt;p&gt;
3.5 mm lead spacing, 8 mm diameter, 11.5 mm length, grid 0.00625 inch</description>
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Metric Code Size 4532</description>
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DIN A4, landscape with extra doc field</description>
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<text x="91.44" y="175.26" size="3.81" layer="94">TOS-100 Arduino Shield</text>
<text x="165.1" y="24.13" size="1.778" layer="94">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Germany License.</text>
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Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line,
which will not be processed correctly with this version.