/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #pragma once #include "../inc/MarlinConfig.h" #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) #define SD_RESORT BOTH(SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA, SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM) #define MAX_DIR_DEPTH 10 // Maximum folder depth #define MAXDIRNAMELENGTH 8 // DOS folder name size #define MAXPATHNAMELENGTH (1 + (MAXDIRNAMELENGTH + 1) * (MAX_DIR_DEPTH) + 1 + FILENAME_LENGTH) // "/" + N * ("ADIRNAME/") + "filename.ext" #include "SdFile.h" enum LsAction : uint8_t { LS_SerialPrint, LS_Count, LS_GetFilename }; typedef struct { bool saving:1, logging:1, sdprinting:1, detected:1, filenameIsDir:1, abort_sd_printing:1 #if ENABLED(BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER) , binary_mode:1 #endif ; } card_flags_t; class CardReader { public: CardReader(); static void initsd(); static void write_command(char *buf); static void beginautostart(); static void checkautostart(); static void openFile(char * const path, const bool read, const bool subcall=false); static void openLogFile(char * const path); static void removeFile(const char * const name); static void closefile(const bool store_location=false); static void release(); static void openAndPrintFile(const char *name); static void startFileprint(); static void stopSDPrint( #if SD_RESORT const bool re_sort=false #endif ); static void report_status(); static void printingHasFinished(); static void printFilename(); #if ENABLED(LONG_FILENAME_HOST_SUPPORT) static void printLongPath(char *path); #endif static void getfilename(uint16_t nr, const char* const match=nullptr); static uint16_t getnrfilenames(); static void getAbsFilename(char *t); static void ls(); static void chdir(const char *relpath); static int8_t updir(); static void setroot(); static const char* diveToFile(SdFile*& curDir, const char * const path, const bool echo=false); static uint16_t get_num_Files(); #if ENABLED(SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA) static void presort(); static void getfilename_sorted(const uint16_t nr); #if ENABLED(SDSORT_GCODE) FORCE_INLINE static void setSortOn(bool b) { sort_alpha = b; presort(); } FORCE_INLINE static void setSortFolders(int i) { sort_folders = i; presort(); } //FORCE_INLINE static void setSortReverse(bool b) { sort_reverse = b; } #endif #else FORCE_INLINE static void getfilename_sorted(const uint16_t nr) { getfilename(nr); } #endif #if ENABLED(POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY) static bool jobRecoverFileExists(); static void openJobRecoveryFile(const bool read); static void removeJobRecoveryFile(); #endif static inline void pauseSDPrint() { flag.sdprinting = false; } static inline bool isDetected() { return flag.detected; } static inline bool isFileOpen() { return isDetected() && file.isOpen(); } static inline bool isPaused() { return isFileOpen() && !flag.sdprinting; } static inline bool isPrinting() { return flag.sdprinting; } static inline bool eof() { return sdpos >= filesize; } static inline int16_t get() { sdpos = file.curPosition(); return (int16_t)file.read(); } static inline void setIndex(const uint32_t index) { sdpos = index; file.seekSet(index); } static inline uint32_t getIndex() { return sdpos; } static inline uint8_t percentDone() { return (isFileOpen() && filesize) ? sdpos / ((filesize + 99) / 100) : 0; } static inline char* getWorkDirName() { workDir.getDosName(filename); return filename; } static inline int16_t read(void* buf, uint16_t nbyte) { return file.isOpen() ? file.read(buf, nbyte) : -1; } static inline int16_t write(void* buf, uint16_t nbyte) { return file.isOpen() ? file.write(buf, nbyte) : -1; } static Sd2Card& getSd2Card() { return sd2card; } #if ENABLED(AUTO_REPORT_SD_STATUS) static void auto_report_sd_status(void); static inline void set_auto_report_interval(uint8_t v) { #if NUM_SERIAL > 1 auto_report_port = serial_port_index; #endif NOMORE(v, 60); auto_report_sd_interval = v; next_sd_report_ms = millis() + 1000UL * v; } #endif static inline char* longest_filename() { return longFilename[0] ? longFilename : filename; } public: static card_flags_t flag; static char filename[FILENAME_LENGTH], longFilename[LONG_FILENAME_LENGTH]; static int8_t autostart_index; static SdFile getroot() { return root; } #if ENABLED(BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER) #if NUM_SERIAL > 1 static int8_t transfer_port_index; #else static constexpr int8_t transfer_port_index = 0; #endif #endif private: static SdFile root, workDir, workDirParents[MAX_DIR_DEPTH]; static uint8_t workDirDepth; // Sort files and folders alphabetically. #if ENABLED(SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA) static uint16_t sort_count; // Count of sorted items in the current directory #if ENABLED(SDSORT_GCODE) static bool sort_alpha; // Flag to enable / disable the feature static int sort_folders; // Folder sorting before/none/after //static bool sort_reverse; // Flag to enable / disable reverse sorting #endif // By default the sort index is static #if ENABLED(SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM) static uint8_t *sort_order; #else static uint8_t sort_order[SDSORT_LIMIT]; #endif #if BOTH(SDSORT_USES_RAM, SDSORT_CACHE_NAMES) && DISABLED(SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM) #define SORTED_LONGNAME_MAXLEN (SDSORT_CACHE_VFATS) * (FILENAME_LENGTH) #define SORTED_LONGNAME_STORAGE (SORTED_LONGNAME_MAXLEN + 1) #else #define SORTED_LONGNAME_MAXLEN LONG_FILENAME_LENGTH #define SORTED_LONGNAME_STORAGE SORTED_LONGNAME_MAXLEN #endif // Cache filenames to speed up SD menus. #if ENABLED(SDSORT_USES_RAM) // If using dynamic ram for names, allocate on the heap. #if ENABLED(SDSORT_CACHE_NAMES) #if ENABLED(SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM) static char **sortshort, **sortnames; #else static char sortshort[SDSORT_LIMIT][FILENAME_LENGTH]; #endif #endif #if (ENABLED(SDSORT_CACHE_NAMES) && DISABLED(SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM)) || NONE(SDSORT_CACHE_NAMES, SDSORT_USES_STACK) static char sortnames[SDSORT_LIMIT][SORTED_LONGNAME_STORAGE]; #endif // Folder sorting uses an isDir array when caching items. #if HAS_FOLDER_SORTING #if ENABLED(SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM) static uint8_t *isDir; #elif ENABLED(SDSORT_CACHE_NAMES) || DISABLED(SDSORT_USES_STACK) static uint8_t isDir[(SDSORT_LIMIT+7)>>3]; #endif #endif #endif // SDSORT_USES_RAM #endif // SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA static Sd2Card sd2card; static SdVolume volume; static SdFile file; #ifndef SD_PROCEDURE_DEPTH #define SD_PROCEDURE_DEPTH 1 #endif static uint8_t file_subcall_ctr; static uint32_t filespos[SD_PROCEDURE_DEPTH]; static char proc_filenames[SD_PROCEDURE_DEPTH][MAXPATHNAMELENGTH]; static uint32_t filesize, sdpos; static LsAction lsAction; //stored for recursion. static uint16_t nrFiles; //counter for the files in the current directory and recycled as position counter for getting the nrFiles'th name in the directory. static char *diveDirName; static void lsDive(const char *prepend, SdFile parent, const char * const match=nullptr); #if ENABLED(SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA) static void flush_presort(); #endif #if ENABLED(AUTO_REPORT_SD_STATUS) static uint8_t auto_report_sd_interval; static millis_t next_sd_report_ms; #if NUM_SERIAL > 1 static int8_t auto_report_port; #endif #endif }; #if ENABLED(USB_FLASH_DRIVE_SUPPORT) #define IS_SD_INSERTED() Sd2Card::isInserted() #elif PIN_EXISTS(SD_DETECT) #if ENABLED(SD_DETECT_INVERTED) #define IS_SD_INSERTED() READ(SD_DETECT_PIN) #else #define IS_SD_INSERTED() !READ(SD_DETECT_PIN) #endif #else // No card detect line? Assume the card is inserted. #define IS_SD_INSERTED() true #endif #define IS_SD_PRINTING() card.flag.sdprinting #define IS_SD_FILE_OPEN() card.isFileOpen() extern CardReader card; #else // !SDSUPPORT #define IS_SD_PRINTING() false #define IS_SD_FILE_OPEN() false #endif // !SDSUPPORT