/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (C) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /** * feature/pause.cpp - Pause feature support functions * This may be combined with related G-codes if features are consolidated. */ #include "../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if ENABLED(ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE) #include "../Marlin.h" #include "../gcode/gcode.h" #include "../module/motion.h" #include "../module/planner.h" #include "../module/stepper.h" #include "../module/printcounter.h" #include "../module/temperature.h" #if ENABLED(FWRETRACT) #include "fwretract.h" #endif #if ENABLED(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR) #include "runout.h" #endif #if ENABLED(HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS) #include "host_actions.h" #endif #include "../lcd/ultralcd.h" #include "../libs/buzzer.h" #include "../libs/nozzle.h" #include "pause.h" // private: static float resume_position[XYZE]; AdvancedPauseMenuResponse advanced_pause_menu_response; fil_change_settings_t fc_settings[EXTRUDERS]; #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) #include "../sd/cardreader.h" #endif #if HAS_BUZZER static void filament_change_beep(const int8_t max_beep_count, const bool init=false) { static millis_t next_buzz = 0; static int8_t runout_beep = 0; if (init) next_buzz = runout_beep = 0; const millis_t ms = millis(); if (ELAPSED(ms, next_buzz)) { if (max_beep_count < 0 || runout_beep < max_beep_count + 5) { // Only beep as long as we're supposed to next_buzz = ms + ((max_beep_count < 0 || runout_beep < max_beep_count) ? 1000 : 500); BUZZ(50, 880 - (runout_beep & 1) * 220); runout_beep++; } } } #endif /** * Ensure a safe temperature for extrusion * * - Fail if the TARGET temperature is too low * - Display LCD placard with temperature status * - Return when heating is done or aborted * * Returns 'true' if heating was completed, 'false' for abort */ static bool ensure_safe_temperature(const AdvancedPauseMode mode=ADVANCED_PAUSE_MODE_SAME) { #if ENABLED(PREVENT_COLD_EXTRUSION) if (!DEBUGGING(DRYRUN) && thermalManager.targetTooColdToExtrude(active_extruder)) { SERIAL_ECHO_MSG(MSG_ERR_HOTEND_TOO_COLD); return false; } #endif #if HAS_LCD_MENU lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_HEATING, mode); #else UNUSED(mode); #endif return thermalManager.wait_for_hotend(active_extruder); } void do_pause_e_move(const float &length, const float &fr) { #if ENABLED(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR) runout.reset(); #endif current_position[E_AXIS] += length / planner.e_factor[active_extruder]; planner.buffer_line(current_position, fr, active_extruder); planner.synchronize(); } /** * Load filament into the hotend * * - Fail if the a safe temperature was not reached * - If pausing for confirmation, wait for a click or M108 * - Show "wait for load" placard * - Load and purge filament * - Show "Purge more" / "Continue" menu * - Return when "Continue" is selected * * Returns 'true' if load was completed, 'false' for abort */ bool load_filament(const float &slow_load_length/*=0*/, const float &fast_load_length/*=0*/, const float &purge_length/*=0*/, const int8_t max_beep_count/*=0*/, const bool show_lcd/*=false*/, const bool pause_for_user/*=false*/, const AdvancedPauseMode mode/*=ADVANCED_PAUSE_MODE_PAUSE_PRINT*/ DXC_ARGS ) { if (!ensure_safe_temperature(mode)) { #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_STATUS, mode); #endif return false; } if (pause_for_user) { #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_INSERT, mode); #endif SERIAL_ECHO_MSG(MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT); #if HAS_BUZZER filament_change_beep(max_beep_count, true); #else UNUSED(max_beep_count); #endif KEEPALIVE_STATE(PAUSED_FOR_USER); wait_for_user = true; // LCD click or M108 will clear this #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) const char tool = '0' #if NUM_RUNOUT_SENSORS > 1 + active_extruder #endif ; host_prompt_reason = PROMPT_USER_CONTINUE; host_action_prompt_end(); host_action_prompt_begin(PSTR("Load Filament T"), false); SERIAL_CHAR(tool); SERIAL_EOL(); host_action_prompt_button(PSTR("Continue")); host_action_prompt_show(); #endif while (wait_for_user) { #if HAS_BUZZER filament_change_beep(max_beep_count); #endif idle(true); } KEEPALIVE_STATE(IN_HANDLER); } #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_LOAD, mode); #else UNUSED(show_lcd); #endif #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) const int8_t saved_ext = active_extruder; const bool saved_ext_dup_mode = extruder_duplication_enabled; active_extruder = DXC_ext; extruder_duplication_enabled = false; #endif // Slow Load filament if (slow_load_length) do_pause_e_move(slow_load_length, FILAMENT_CHANGE_SLOW_LOAD_FEEDRATE); // Fast Load Filament if (fast_load_length) { #if FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_ACCEL > 0 const float saved_acceleration = planner.settings.retract_acceleration; planner.settings.retract_acceleration = FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_ACCEL; #endif do_pause_e_move(fast_load_length, FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_FEEDRATE); #if FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_ACCEL > 0 planner.settings.retract_acceleration = saved_acceleration; #endif } #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) // Tie the two extruders movement back together. active_extruder = saved_ext; extruder_duplication_enabled = saved_ext_dup_mode; stepper.set_directions(); #endif #if ENABLED(ADVANCED_PAUSE_CONTINUOUS_PURGE) #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_PURGE); #endif wait_for_user = true; #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_do(PROMPT_USER_CONTINUE, PSTR("Continuous Purge Running..."), PSTR("Continue")); #endif for (float purge_count = purge_length; purge_count > 0 && wait_for_user; --purge_count) do_pause_e_move(1, ADVANCED_PAUSE_PURGE_FEEDRATE); wait_for_user = false; #else do { if (purge_length > 0) { // "Wait for filament purge" #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_PURGE); #endif // Extrude filament to get into hotend do_pause_e_move(purge_length, ADVANCED_PAUSE_PURGE_FEEDRATE); } // Show "Purge More" / "Resume" menu and wait for reply #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_reason = PROMPT_FILAMENT_RUNOUT; host_action_prompt_end(); // Close current prompt host_action_prompt_begin(PSTR("Paused")); host_action_prompt_button(PSTR("PurgeMore")); if (false #if ENABLED(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR) || runout.filament_ran_out #endif ) host_action_prompt_button(PSTR("DisableRunout")); else { host_prompt_reason = PROMPT_FILAMENT_RUNOUT; host_action_prompt_button(PSTR("Continue")); } host_action_prompt_show(); #endif #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) { KEEPALIVE_STATE(PAUSED_FOR_USER); wait_for_user = false; lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_OPTION); while (advanced_pause_menu_response == ADVANCED_PAUSE_RESPONSE_WAIT_FOR) idle(true); KEEPALIVE_STATE(IN_HANDLER); } #endif // Keep looping if "Purge More" was selected } while (false #if HAS_LCD_MENU && show_lcd && advanced_pause_menu_response == ADVANCED_PAUSE_RESPONSE_EXTRUDE_MORE #endif ); #endif return true; } /** * Unload filament from the hotend * * - Fail if the a safe temperature was not reached * - Show "wait for unload" placard * - Retract, pause, then unload filament * - Disable E stepper (on most machines) * * Returns 'true' if unload was completed, 'false' for abort */ bool unload_filament(const float &unload_length, const bool show_lcd/*=false*/, const AdvancedPauseMode mode/*=ADVANCED_PAUSE_MODE_PAUSE_PRINT*/ ) { if (!ensure_safe_temperature(mode)) { #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_STATUS); #endif return false; } #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_UNLOAD, mode); #else UNUSED(show_lcd); #endif // Retract filament do_pause_e_move(-FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH, PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE); // Wait for filament to cool safe_delay(FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY); // Quickly purge do_pause_e_move(FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH + FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH, planner.settings.max_feedrate_mm_s[E_AXIS]); // Unload filament #if FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_ACCEL > 0 const float saved_acceleration = planner.settings.retract_acceleration; planner.settings.retract_acceleration = FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_ACCEL; #endif do_pause_e_move(unload_length, FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE); #if FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_ACCEL > 0 planner.settings.retract_acceleration = saved_acceleration; #endif // Disable extruders steppers for manual filament changing (only on boards that have separate ENABLE_PINS) #if (E0_ENABLE_PIN != X_ENABLE_PIN && E1_ENABLE_PIN != Y_ENABLE_PIN) || AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_E0(TMC2660) || AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_E1(TMC2660) || AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_E2(TMC2660) || AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_E3(TMC2660) || AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_E4(TMC2660) || AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_E5(TMC2660) disable_e_stepper(active_extruder); safe_delay(100); #endif return true; } // public: /** * Pause procedure * * - Abort if already paused * - Send host action for pause, if configured * - Abort if TARGET temperature is too low * - Display "wait for start of filament change" (if a length was specified) * - Initial retract, if current temperature is hot enough * - Park the nozzle at the given position * - Call unload_filament (if a length was specified) * * Returns 'true' if pause was completed, 'false' for abort */ uint8_t did_pause_print = 0; bool pause_print(const float &retract, const point_t &park_point, const float &unload_length/*=0*/, const bool show_lcd/*=false*/ DXC_ARGS) { if (did_pause_print) return false; // already paused #if ENABLED(HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS) #ifdef ACTION_ON_PAUSED host_action_paused(); #elif defined(ACTION_ON_PAUSE) host_action_pause(); #endif #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_open(PROMPT_INFO, PSTR("Pause")); #endif #endif if (!DEBUGGING(DRYRUN) && unload_length && thermalManager.targetTooColdToExtrude(active_extruder)) { SERIAL_ECHO_MSG(MSG_ERR_HOTEND_TOO_COLD); #if HAS_LCD_MENU if (show_lcd) { // Show status screen lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_STATUS); LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_M600_TOO_COLD); } #else UNUSED(show_lcd); #endif return false; // unable to reach safe temperature } // Indicate that the printer is paused ++did_pause_print; // Pause the print job and timer #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) if (IS_SD_PRINTING()) { card.pauseSDPrint(); ++did_pause_print; // Indicate SD pause also } #endif print_job_timer.pause(); // Save current position COPY(resume_position, current_position); // Wait for buffered blocks to complete planner.synchronize(); // Initial retract before move to filament change position if (retract && thermalManager.hotEnoughToExtrude(active_extruder)) do_pause_e_move(retract, PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE); // Park the nozzle by moving up by z_lift and then moving to (x_pos, y_pos) if (!axis_unhomed_error()) Nozzle::park(2, park_point); #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) const int8_t saved_ext = active_extruder; const bool saved_ext_dup_mode = extruder_duplication_enabled; active_extruder = DXC_ext; extruder_duplication_enabled = false; #endif if (unload_length) // Unload the filament unload_filament(unload_length, show_lcd); #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) active_extruder = saved_ext; extruder_duplication_enabled = saved_ext_dup_mode; stepper.set_directions(); #endif return true; } /** * For Paused Print: * - Show "Press button (or M108) to resume" * * For Filament Change: * - Show "Insert filament and press button to continue" * * - Wait for a click before returning * - Heaters can time out and must reheat before continuing * * Used by M125 and M600 */ #if (HAS_LCD_MENU || ENABLED(EXTENSIBLE_UI)) && ENABLED(EMERGENCY_PARSER) #define _PMSG(L) L #elif ENABLED(EMERGENCY_PARSER) #define _PMSG(L) L##_M108 #else #define _PMSG(L) L##_LCD #endif void show_continue_prompt(const bool is_reload) { #if HAS_LCD_MENU lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(is_reload ? ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_INSERT : ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_WAITING); #endif SERIAL_ECHO_START(); serialprintPGM(is_reload ? PSTR(_PMSG(MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT) "\n") : PSTR(_PMSG(MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_WAIT) "\n")); } void wait_for_confirmation(const bool is_reload/*=false*/, const int8_t max_beep_count/*=0*/ DXC_ARGS) { bool nozzle_timed_out = false; show_continue_prompt(is_reload); #if HAS_BUZZER filament_change_beep(max_beep_count, true); #endif // Start the heater idle timers const millis_t nozzle_timeout = (millis_t)(PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT) * 1000UL; HOTEND_LOOP() thermalManager.start_heater_idle_timer(e, nozzle_timeout); #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) const int8_t saved_ext = active_extruder; const bool saved_ext_dup_mode = extruder_duplication_enabled; active_extruder = DXC_ext; extruder_duplication_enabled = false; #endif // Wait for filament insert by user and press button KEEPALIVE_STATE(PAUSED_FOR_USER); wait_for_user = true; // LCD click or M108 will clear this #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_do(PROMPT_USER_CONTINUE, PSTR("Nozzle Parked"), PSTR("Continue")); #endif while (wait_for_user) { #if HAS_BUZZER filament_change_beep(max_beep_count); #endif // If the nozzle has timed out... if (!nozzle_timed_out) HOTEND_LOOP() nozzle_timed_out |= thermalManager.is_heater_idle(e); // Wait for the user to press the button to re-heat the nozzle, then // re-heat the nozzle, re-show the continue prompt, restart idle timers, start over if (nozzle_timed_out) { #if HAS_LCD_MENU lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_HEAT); #endif SERIAL_ECHO_MSG(_PMSG(MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT)); #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_do(PROMPT_USER_CONTINUE, PSTR("HeaterTimeout"), PSTR("Reheat")); #endif // Wait for LCD click or M108 while (wait_for_user) idle(true); #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_do(PROMPT_USER_CONTINUE, PSTR("Reheating")); #endif // Re-enable the heaters if they timed out HOTEND_LOOP() thermalManager.reset_heater_idle_timer(e); // Wait for the heaters to reach the target temperatures ensure_safe_temperature(); // Show the prompt to continue show_continue_prompt(is_reload); // Start the heater idle timers const millis_t nozzle_timeout = (millis_t)(PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT) * 1000UL; HOTEND_LOOP() thermalManager.start_heater_idle_timer(e, nozzle_timeout); #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_do(PROMPT_USER_CONTINUE, PSTR("Reheat Done"), PSTR("Continue")); #endif wait_for_user = true; nozzle_timed_out = false; #if HAS_BUZZER filament_change_beep(max_beep_count, true); #endif } idle(true); } #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) active_extruder = saved_ext; extruder_duplication_enabled = saved_ext_dup_mode; stepper.set_directions(); #endif KEEPALIVE_STATE(IN_HANDLER); } /** * Resume or Start print procedure * * - Abort if not paused * - Reset heater idle timers * - Load filament if specified, but only if: * - a nozzle timed out, or * - the nozzle is already heated. * - Display "wait for print to resume" * - Re-prime the nozzle... * - FWRETRACT: Recover/prime from the prior G10. * - !FWRETRACT: Retract by resume_position[E], if negative. * Not sure how this logic comes into use. * - Move the nozzle back to resume_position * - Sync the planner E to resume_position[E] * - Send host action for resume, if configured * - Resume the current SD print job, if any */ void resume_print(const float &slow_load_length/*=0*/, const float &fast_load_length/*=0*/, const float &purge_length/*=ADVANCED_PAUSE_PURGE_LENGTH*/, const int8_t max_beep_count/*=0*/ DXC_ARGS) { /* SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("start of resume_print()"); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("\ndual_x_carriage_mode:", dual_x_carriage_mode); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("\nextruder_duplication_enabled:", extruder_duplication_enabled); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("\nactive_extruder:", active_extruder); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("\n"); //*/ if (!did_pause_print) return; // Re-enable the heaters if they timed out bool nozzle_timed_out = false; HOTEND_LOOP() { nozzle_timed_out |= thermalManager.is_heater_idle(e); thermalManager.reset_heater_idle_timer(e); } if (nozzle_timed_out || thermalManager.hotEnoughToExtrude(active_extruder)) // Load the new filament load_filament(slow_load_length, fast_load_length, purge_length, max_beep_count, true, nozzle_timed_out, ADVANCED_PAUSE_MODE_PAUSE_PRINT DXC_PASS); #if HAS_LCD_MENU lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_RESUME); #endif // Intelligent resuming #if ENABLED(FWRETRACT) // If retracted before goto pause if (fwretract.retracted[active_extruder]) do_pause_e_move(-fwretract.settings.retract_length, fwretract.settings.retract_feedrate_mm_s); #endif // If resume_position is negative if (resume_position[E_AXIS] < 0) do_pause_e_move(resume_position[E_AXIS], PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE); // Move XY to starting position, then Z do_blocking_move_to_xy(resume_position[X_AXIS], resume_position[Y_AXIS], NOZZLE_PARK_XY_FEEDRATE); // Move Z_AXIS to saved position do_blocking_move_to_z(resume_position[Z_AXIS], NOZZLE_PARK_Z_FEEDRATE); #if ADVANCED_PAUSE_RESUME_PRIME != 0 do_pause_e_move(ADVANCED_PAUSE_RESUME_PRIME, ADVANCED_PAUSE_PURGE_FEEDRATE); #endif // Now all extrusion positions are resumed and ready to be confirmed // Set extruder to saved position planner.set_e_position_mm((destination[E_AXIS] = current_position[E_AXIS] = resume_position[E_AXIS])); #if HAS_LCD_MENU lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_STATUS); #endif #ifdef ACTION_ON_RESUMED host_action_resumed(); #elif defined(ACTION_ON_RESUME) host_action_resume(); #endif --did_pause_print; #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_open(PROMPT_INFO, PSTR("Resume")); #endif #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) if (did_pause_print) { card.startFileprint(); --did_pause_print; } #endif // Resume the print job timer if it was running if (print_job_timer.isPaused()) print_job_timer.start(); ui.reset_status(); } #endif // ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE