/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* Reprap firmware based on Sprinter and grbl. Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This firmware is a mashup between Sprinter and grbl. (https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter) (https://github.com/simen/grbl/tree) It has preliminary support for Matthew Roberts advance algorithm http://reprap.org/pipermail/reprap-dev/2011-May/003323.html */ #include "Marlin.h" #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING #include "vector_3.h" #ifdef ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING #include "qr_solve.h" #endif #endif // ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING #include "ultralcd.h" #include "planner.h" #include "stepper.h" #include "temperature.h" #include "motion_control.h" #include "cardreader.h" #include "watchdog.h" #include "ConfigurationStore.h" #include "language.h" #include "pins_arduino.h" #include "math.h" #ifdef BLINKM #include "BlinkM.h" #include "Wire.h" #endif #if NUM_SERVOS > 0 #include "Servo.h" #endif #if defined(DIGIPOTSS_PIN) && DIGIPOTSS_PIN > -1 #include #endif #define VERSION_STRING "1.0.0" // look here for descriptions of gcodes: http://linuxcnc.org/handbook/gcode/g-code.html // http://objects.reprap.org/wiki/Mendel_User_Manual:_RepRapGCodes //Implemented Codes //------------------- // G0 -> G1 // G1 - Coordinated Movement X Y Z E // G2 - CW ARC // G3 - CCW ARC // G4 - Dwell S or P // G10 - retract filament according to settings of M207 // G11 - retract recover filament according to settings of M208 // G28 - Home all Axis // G29 - Detailed Z-Probe, probes the bed at 3 points. You must de at the home position for this to work correctly. // G30 - Single Z Probe, probes bed at current XY location. // G90 - Use Absolute Coordinates // G91 - Use Relative Coordinates // G92 - Set current position to cordinates given // M Codes // M0 - Unconditional stop - Wait for user to press a button on the LCD (Only if ULTRA_LCD is enabled) // M1 - Same as M0 // M17 - Enable/Power all stepper motors // M18 - Disable all stepper motors; same as M84 // M20 - List SD card // M21 - Init SD card // M22 - Release SD card // M23 - Select SD file (M23 filename.g) // M24 - Start/resume SD print // M25 - Pause SD print // M26 - Set SD position in bytes (M26 S12345) // M27 - Report SD print status // M28 - Start SD write (M28 filename.g) // M29 - Stop SD write // M30 - Delete file from SD (M30 filename.g) // M31 - Output time since last M109 or SD card start to serial // M32 - Select file and start SD print (Can be used _while_ printing from SD card files): // syntax "M32 /path/filename#", or "M32 S !filename#" // Call gcode file : "M32 P !filename#" and return to caller file after finishing (simiarl to #include). // The '#' is necessary when calling from within sd files, as it stops buffer prereading // M42 - Change pin status via gcode Use M42 Px Sy to set pin x to value y, when omitting Px the onboard led will be used. // M80 - Turn on Power Supply // M81 - Turn off Power Supply // M82 - Set E codes absolute (default) // M83 - Set E codes relative while in Absolute Coordinates (G90) mode // M84 - Disable steppers until next move, // or use S to specify an inactivity timeout, after which the steppers will be disabled. S0 to disable the timeout. // M85 - Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S. To disable set zero (default) // M92 - Set axis_steps_per_unit - same syntax as G92 // M104 - Set extruder target temp // M105 - Read current temp // M106 - Fan on // M107 - Fan off // M109 - Sxxx Wait for extruder current temp to reach target temp. Waits only when heating // Rxxx Wait for extruder current temp to reach target temp. Waits when heating and cooling // M114 - Output current position to serial port // M115 - Capabilities string // M117 - display message // M119 - Output Endstop status to serial port // M126 - Solenoid Air Valve Open (BariCUDA support by jmil) // M127 - Solenoid Air Valve Closed (BariCUDA vent to atmospheric pressure by jmil) // M128 - EtoP Open (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil) // M129 - EtoP Closed (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil) // M140 - Set bed target temp // M150 - Set BlinkM Colour Output R: Red<0-255> U(!): Green<0-255> B: Blue<0-255> over i2c, G for green does not work. // M190 - Sxxx Wait for bed current temp to reach target temp. Waits only when heating // Rxxx Wait for bed current temp to reach target temp. Waits when heating and cooling // M200 - Set filament diameter // M201 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for print moves (M201 X1000 Y1000) // M202 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000) Unused in Marlin!! // M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec // M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and M20 minimum feedrate // M205 - advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk, E=maximum E jerk // M206 - set additional homeing offset // M207 - set retract length S[positive mm] F[feedrate mm/sec] Z[additional zlift/hop] // M208 - set recover=unretract length S[positive mm surplus to the M207 S*] F[feedrate mm/sec] // M209 - S<1=true/0=false> enable automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support G10/11: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction. // M218 - set hotend offset (in mm): T X Y // M220 S- set speed factor override percentage // M221 S- set extrude factor override percentage // M226 P S- Wait until the specified pin reaches the state required // M240 - Trigger a camera to take a photograph // M250 - Set LCD contrast C (value 0..63) // M280 - set servo position absolute. P: servo index, S: angle or microseconds // M300 - Play beepsound S P // M301 - Set PID parameters P I and D // M302 - Allow cold extrudes, or set the minimum extrude S. // M303 - PID relay autotune S sets the target temperature. (default target temperature = 150C) // M304 - Set bed PID parameters P I and D // M400 - Finish all moves // M401 - Lower z-probe if present // M402 - Raise z-probe if present // M500 - stores paramters in EEPROM // M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily). // M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to. // M503 - print the current settings (from memory not from eeprom) // M540 - Use S[0|1] to enable or disable the stop SD card print on endstop hit (requires ABORT_ON_ENDSTOP_HIT_FEATURE_ENABLED) // M600 - Pause for filament change X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal] // M666 - set delta endstop adjustemnt // M605 - Set dual x-carriage movement mode: S [ X R ] // M907 - Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes. // M908 - Control digital trimpot directly. // M350 - Set microstepping mode. // M351 - Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly. // M928 - Start SD logging (M928 filename.g) - ended by M29 // M999 - Restart after being stopped by error //Stepper Movement Variables //=========================================================================== //=============================imported variables============================ //=========================================================================== //=========================================================================== //=============================public variables============================= //=========================================================================== #ifdef SDSUPPORT CardReader card; #endif float homing_feedrate[] = HOMING_FEEDRATE; bool axis_relative_modes[] = AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES; int feedmultiply=100; //100->1 200->2 int saved_feedmultiply; int extrudemultiply=100; //100->1 200->2 float current_position[NUM_AXIS] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; float add_homeing[3]={0,0,0}; #ifdef DELTA float endstop_adj[3]={0,0,0}; #endif float min_pos[3] = { X_MIN_POS, Y_MIN_POS, Z_MIN_POS }; float max_pos[3] = { X_MAX_POS, Y_MAX_POS, Z_MAX_POS }; bool axis_known_position[3] = {false, false, false}; float zprobe_zoffset; // Extruder offset #if EXTRUDERS > 1 #ifndef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE #define NUM_EXTRUDER_OFFSETS 2 // only in XY plane #else #define NUM_EXTRUDER_OFFSETS 3 // supports offsets in XYZ plane #endif float extruder_offset[NUM_EXTRUDER_OFFSETS][EXTRUDERS] = { #if defined(EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X) && defined(EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y) EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X, EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y #endif }; #endif uint8_t active_extruder = 0; int fanSpeed=0; #ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS int servo_endstops[] = SERVO_ENDSTOPS; int servo_endstop_angles[] = SERVO_ENDSTOP_ANGLES; #endif #ifdef BARICUDA int ValvePressure=0; int EtoPPressure=0; #endif #ifdef FWRETRACT bool autoretract_enabled=true; bool retracted=false; float retract_length=3, retract_feedrate=17*60, retract_zlift=0.8; float retract_recover_length=0, retract_recover_feedrate=8*60; #endif #ifdef ULTIPANEL #ifdef PS_DEFAULT_OFF bool powersupply = false; #else bool powersupply = true; #endif #endif #ifdef DELTA float delta[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; #endif //=========================================================================== //=============================private variables============================= //=========================================================================== const char axis_codes[NUM_AXIS] = {'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'E'}; static float destination[NUM_AXIS] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; static float offset[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; static bool home_all_axis = true; static float feedrate = 1500.0, next_feedrate, saved_feedrate; static long gcode_N, gcode_LastN, Stopped_gcode_LastN = 0; static bool relative_mode = false; //Determines Absolute or Relative Coordinates static char cmdbuffer[BUFSIZE][MAX_CMD_SIZE]; static bool fromsd[BUFSIZE]; static int bufindr = 0; static int bufindw = 0; static int buflen = 0; //static int i = 0; static char serial_char; static int serial_count = 0; static boolean comment_mode = false; static char *strchr_pointer; // just a pointer to find chars in the cmd string like X, Y, Z, E, etc const int sensitive_pins[] = SENSITIVE_PINS; // Sensitive pin list for M42 //static float tt = 0; //static float bt = 0; //Inactivity shutdown variables static unsigned long previous_millis_cmd = 0; static unsigned long max_inactive_time = 0; static unsigned long stepper_inactive_time = DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME*1000l; unsigned long starttime=0; unsigned long stoptime=0; static uint8_t tmp_extruder; bool Stopped=false; #if NUM_SERVOS > 0 Servo servos[NUM_SERVOS]; #endif bool CooldownNoWait = true; bool target_direction; //=========================================================================== //=============================ROUTINES============================= //=========================================================================== void get_arc_coordinates(); bool setTargetedHotend(int code); void serial_echopair_P(const char *s_P, float v) { serialprintPGM(s_P); SERIAL_ECHO(v); } void serial_echopair_P(const char *s_P, double v) { serialprintPGM(s_P); SERIAL_ECHO(v); } void serial_echopair_P(const char *s_P, unsigned long v) { serialprintPGM(s_P); SERIAL_ECHO(v); } extern "C"{ extern unsigned int __bss_end; extern unsigned int __heap_start; extern void *__brkval; int freeMemory() { int free_memory; if((int)__brkval == 0) free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)&__bss_end); else free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)__brkval); return free_memory; } } //adds an command to the main command buffer //thats really done in a non-safe way. //needs overworking someday void enquecommand(const char *cmd) { if(buflen < BUFSIZE) { //this is dangerous if a mixing of serial and this happsens strcpy(&(cmdbuffer[bufindw][0]),cmd); SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM("enqueing \""); SERIAL_ECHO(cmdbuffer[bufindw]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("\""); bufindw= (bufindw + 1)%BUFSIZE; buflen += 1; } } void enquecommand_P(const char *cmd) { if(buflen < BUFSIZE) { //this is dangerous if a mixing of serial and this happsens strcpy_P(&(cmdbuffer[bufindw][0]),cmd); SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM("enqueing \""); SERIAL_ECHO(cmdbuffer[bufindw]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("\""); bufindw= (bufindw + 1)%BUFSIZE; buflen += 1; } } void setup_killpin() { #if defined(KILL_PIN) && KILL_PIN > -1 pinMode(KILL_PIN,INPUT); WRITE(KILL_PIN,HIGH); #endif } void setup_photpin() { #if defined(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN) && PHOTOGRAPH_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN); WRITE(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN, LOW); #endif } void setup_powerhold() { #if defined(SUICIDE_PIN) && SUICIDE_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(SUICIDE_PIN); WRITE(SUICIDE_PIN, HIGH); #endif #if defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(PS_ON_PIN); #if defined(PS_DEFAULT_OFF) WRITE(PS_ON_PIN, PS_ON_ASLEEP); #else WRITE(PS_ON_PIN, PS_ON_AWAKE); #endif #endif } void suicide() { #if defined(SUICIDE_PIN) && SUICIDE_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(SUICIDE_PIN); WRITE(SUICIDE_PIN, LOW); #endif } void servo_init() { #if (NUM_SERVOS >= 1) && defined(SERVO0_PIN) && (SERVO0_PIN > -1) servos[0].attach(SERVO0_PIN); #endif #if (NUM_SERVOS >= 2) && defined(SERVO1_PIN) && (SERVO1_PIN > -1) servos[1].attach(SERVO1_PIN); #endif #if (NUM_SERVOS >= 3) && defined(SERVO2_PIN) && (SERVO2_PIN > -1) servos[2].attach(SERVO2_PIN); #endif #if (NUM_SERVOS >= 4) && defined(SERVO3_PIN) && (SERVO3_PIN > -1) servos[3].attach(SERVO3_PIN); #endif #if (NUM_SERVOS >= 5) #error "TODO: enter initalisation code for more servos" #endif // Set position of Servo Endstops that are defined #ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS for(int8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(servo_endstops[i] > -1) { servos[servo_endstops[i]].write(servo_endstop_angles[i * 2 + 1]); } } #endif #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) delay(PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY); servos[servo_endstops[Z_AXIS]].detach(); #endif } void setup() { setup_killpin(); setup_powerhold(); MYSERIAL.begin(BAUDRATE); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("start"); SERIAL_ECHO_START; // Check startup - does nothing if bootloader sets MCUSR to 0 byte mcu = MCUSR; if(mcu & 1) SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(MSG_POWERUP); if(mcu & 2) SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(MSG_EXTERNAL_RESET); if(mcu & 4) SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET); if(mcu & 8) SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET); if(mcu & 32) SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET); MCUSR=0; SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_MARLIN); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(VERSION_STRING); #ifdef STRING_VERSION_CONFIG_H #ifdef STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(STRING_VERSION_CONFIG_H); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_AUTHOR); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR); SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Compiled: "); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(__DATE__); #endif #endif SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_FREE_MEMORY); SERIAL_ECHO(freeMemory()); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_PLANNER_BUFFER_BYTES); SERIAL_ECHOLN((int)sizeof(block_t)*BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE); for(int8_t i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) { fromsd[i] = false; } // loads data from EEPROM if available else uses defaults (and resets step acceleration rate) Config_RetrieveSettings(); tp_init(); // Initialize temperature loop plan_init(); // Initialize planner; watchdog_init(); st_init(); // Initialize stepper, this enables interrupts! setup_photpin(); servo_init(); lcd_init(); _delay_ms(1000); // wait 1sec to display the splash screen #if defined(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN) && CONTROLLERFAN_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN); //Set pin used for driver cooling fan #endif } void loop() { if(buflen < (BUFSIZE-1)) get_command(); #ifdef SDSUPPORT card.checkautostart(false); #endif if(buflen) { #ifdef SDSUPPORT if(card.saving) { if(strstr_P(cmdbuffer[bufindr], PSTR("M29")) == NULL) { card.write_command(cmdbuffer[bufindr]); if(card.logging) { process_commands(); } else { SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM(MSG_OK); } } else { card.closefile(); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM(MSG_FILE_SAVED); } } else { process_commands(); } #else process_commands(); #endif //SDSUPPORT buflen = (buflen-1); bufindr = (bufindr + 1)%BUFSIZE; } //check heater every n milliseconds manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); checkHitEndstops(); lcd_update(); } void get_command() { while( MYSERIAL.available() > 0 && buflen < BUFSIZE) { serial_char = MYSERIAL.read(); if(serial_char == '\n' || serial_char == '\r' || (serial_char == ':' && comment_mode == false) || serial_count >= (MAX_CMD_SIZE - 1) ) { if(!serial_count) { //if empty line comment_mode = false; //for new command return; } cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count] = 0; //terminate string if(!comment_mode){ comment_mode = false; //for new command fromsd[bufindw] = false; if(strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], 'N') != NULL) { strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], 'N'); gcode_N = (strtol(&cmdbuffer[bufindw][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindw] + 1], NULL, 10)); if(gcode_N != gcode_LastN+1 && (strstr_P(cmdbuffer[bufindw], PSTR("M110")) == NULL) ) { SERIAL_ERROR_START; SERIAL_ERRORPGM(MSG_ERR_LINE_NO); SERIAL_ERRORLN(gcode_LastN); //Serial.println(gcode_N); FlushSerialRequestResend(); serial_count = 0; return; } if(strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], '*') != NULL) { byte checksum = 0; byte count = 0; while(cmdbuffer[bufindw][count] != '*') checksum = checksum^cmdbuffer[bufindw][count++]; strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], '*'); if( (int)(strtod(&cmdbuffer[bufindw][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindw] + 1], NULL)) != checksum) { SERIAL_ERROR_START; SERIAL_ERRORPGM(MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH); SERIAL_ERRORLN(gcode_LastN); FlushSerialRequestResend(); serial_count = 0; return; } //if no errors, continue parsing } else { SERIAL_ERROR_START; SERIAL_ERRORPGM(MSG_ERR_NO_CHECKSUM); SERIAL_ERRORLN(gcode_LastN); FlushSerialRequestResend(); serial_count = 0; return; } gcode_LastN = gcode_N; //if no errors, continue parsing } else // if we don't receive 'N' but still see '*' { if((strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], '*') != NULL)) { SERIAL_ERROR_START; SERIAL_ERRORPGM(MSG_ERR_NO_LINENUMBER_WITH_CHECKSUM); SERIAL_ERRORLN(gcode_LastN); serial_count = 0; return; } } if((strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], 'G') != NULL)){ strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], 'G'); switch((int)((strtod(&cmdbuffer[bufindw][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindw] + 1], NULL)))){ case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: if(Stopped == false) { // If printer is stopped by an error the G[0-3] codes are ignored. #ifdef SDSUPPORT if(card.saving) break; #endif //SDSUPPORT SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM(MSG_OK); } else { SERIAL_ERRORLNPGM(MSG_ERR_STOPPED); LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_STOPPED); } break; default: break; } } bufindw = (bufindw + 1)%BUFSIZE; buflen += 1; } serial_count = 0; //clear buffer } else { if(serial_char == ';') comment_mode = true; if(!comment_mode) cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count++] = serial_char; } } #ifdef SDSUPPORT if(!card.sdprinting || serial_count!=0){ return; } //'#' stops reading from sd to the buffer prematurely, so procedural macro calls are possible // if it occures, stop_buffering is triggered and the buffer is ran dry. // this character _can_ occure in serial com, due to checksums. however, no checksums are used in sd printing static bool stop_buffering=false; if(buflen==0) stop_buffering=false; while( !card.eof() && buflen < BUFSIZE && !stop_buffering) { int16_t n=card.get(); serial_char = (char)n; if(serial_char == '\n' || serial_char == '\r' || (serial_char == '#' && comment_mode == false) || (serial_char == ':' && comment_mode == false) || serial_count >= (MAX_CMD_SIZE - 1)||n==-1) { if(card.eof()){ SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM(MSG_FILE_PRINTED); stoptime=millis(); char time[30]; unsigned long t=(stoptime-starttime)/1000; int hours, minutes; minutes=(t/60)%60; hours=t/60/60; sprintf_P(time, PSTR("%i hours %i minutes"),hours, minutes); SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOLN(time); lcd_setstatus(time); card.printingHasFinished(); card.checkautostart(true); } if(serial_char=='#') stop_buffering=true; if(!serial_count) { comment_mode = false; //for new command return; //if empty line } cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count] = 0; //terminate string // if(!comment_mode){ fromsd[bufindw] = true; buflen += 1; bufindw = (bufindw + 1)%BUFSIZE; // } comment_mode = false; //for new command serial_count = 0; //clear buffer } else { if(serial_char == ';') comment_mode = true; if(!comment_mode) cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count++] = serial_char; } } #endif //SDSUPPORT } float code_value() { return (strtod(&cmdbuffer[bufindr][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindr] + 1], NULL)); } long code_value_long() { return (strtol(&cmdbuffer[bufindr][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindr] + 1], NULL, 10)); } bool code_seen(char code) { strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindr], code); return (strchr_pointer != NULL); //Return True if a character was found } #define DEFINE_PGM_READ_ANY(type, reader) \ static inline type pgm_read_any(const type *p) \ { return pgm_read_##reader##_near(p); } DEFINE_PGM_READ_ANY(float, float); DEFINE_PGM_READ_ANY(signed char, byte); #define XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(type, array, CONFIG) \ static const PROGMEM type array##_P[3] = \ { X_##CONFIG, Y_##CONFIG, Z_##CONFIG }; \ static inline type array(int axis) \ { return pgm_read_any(&array##_P[axis]); } XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(float, base_min_pos, MIN_POS); XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(float, base_max_pos, MAX_POS); XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(float, base_home_pos, HOME_POS); XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(float, max_length, MAX_LENGTH); XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(float, home_retract_mm, HOME_RETRACT_MM); XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(signed char, home_dir, HOME_DIR); #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE #if EXTRUDERS == 1 || defined(COREXY) \ || !defined(X2_ENABLE_PIN) || !defined(X2_STEP_PIN) || !defined(X2_DIR_PIN) \ || !defined(X2_HOME_POS) || !defined(X2_MIN_POS) || !defined(X2_MAX_POS) \ || !defined(X_MAX_PIN) || X_MAX_PIN < 0 #error "Missing or invalid definitions for DUAL_X_CARRIAGE mode." #endif #if X_HOME_DIR != -1 || X2_HOME_DIR != 1 #error "Please use canonical x-carriage assignment" // the x-carriages are defined by their homing directions #endif #define DXC_FULL_CONTROL_MODE 0 #define DXC_AUTO_PARK_MODE 1 #define DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE 2 static int dual_x_carriage_mode = DEFAULT_DUAL_X_CARRIAGE_MODE; static float x_home_pos(int extruder) { if (extruder == 0) return base_home_pos(X_AXIS) + add_homeing[X_AXIS]; else // In dual carriage mode the extruder offset provides an override of the // second X-carriage offset when homed - otherwise X2_HOME_POS is used. // This allow soft recalibration of the second extruder offset position without firmware reflash // (through the M218 command). return (extruder_offset[X_AXIS][1] > 0) ? extruder_offset[X_AXIS][1] : X2_HOME_POS; } static int x_home_dir(int extruder) { return (extruder == 0) ? X_HOME_DIR : X2_HOME_DIR; } static float inactive_extruder_x_pos = X2_MAX_POS; // used in mode 0 & 1 static bool active_extruder_parked = false; // used in mode 1 & 2 static float raised_parked_position[NUM_AXIS]; // used in mode 1 static unsigned long delayed_move_time = 0; // used in mode 1 static float duplicate_extruder_x_offset = DEFAULT_DUPLICATION_X_OFFSET; // used in mode 2 static float duplicate_extruder_temp_offset = 0; // used in mode 2 bool extruder_duplication_enabled = false; // used in mode 2 #endif //DUAL_X_CARRIAGE static void axis_is_at_home(int axis) { #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if (axis == X_AXIS) { if (active_extruder != 0) { current_position[X_AXIS] = x_home_pos(active_extruder); min_pos[X_AXIS] = X2_MIN_POS; max_pos[X_AXIS] = max(extruder_offset[X_AXIS][1], X2_MAX_POS); return; } else if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE && active_extruder == 0) { current_position[X_AXIS] = base_home_pos(X_AXIS) + add_homeing[X_AXIS]; min_pos[X_AXIS] = base_min_pos(X_AXIS) + add_homeing[X_AXIS]; max_pos[X_AXIS] = min(base_max_pos(X_AXIS) + add_homeing[X_AXIS], max(extruder_offset[X_AXIS][1], X2_MAX_POS) - duplicate_extruder_x_offset); return; } } #endif current_position[axis] = base_home_pos(axis) + add_homeing[axis]; min_pos[axis] = base_min_pos(axis) + add_homeing[axis]; max_pos[axis] = base_max_pos(axis) + add_homeing[axis]; } #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING #ifdef ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING static void set_bed_level_equation_lsq(double *plane_equation_coefficients) { vector_3 planeNormal = vector_3(-plane_equation_coefficients[0], -plane_equation_coefficients[1], 1); planeNormal.debug("planeNormal"); plan_bed_level_matrix = matrix_3x3::create_look_at(planeNormal); //bedLevel.debug("bedLevel"); //plan_bed_level_matrix.debug("bed level before"); //vector_3 uncorrected_position = plan_get_position_mm(); //uncorrected_position.debug("position before"); vector_3 corrected_position = plan_get_position(); // corrected_position.debug("position after"); current_position[X_AXIS] = corrected_position.x; current_position[Y_AXIS] = corrected_position.y; current_position[Z_AXIS] = corrected_position.z; // but the bed at 0 so we don't go below it. current_position[Z_AXIS] = zprobe_zoffset; // in the lsq we reach here after raising the extruder due to the loop structure plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); } #else static void set_bed_level_equation(float z_at_xLeft_yFront, float z_at_xRight_yFront, float z_at_xLeft_yBack) { plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); vector_3 xLeftyFront = vector_3(LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION, FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION, z_at_xLeft_yFront); vector_3 xLeftyBack = vector_3(LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION, BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION, z_at_xLeft_yBack); vector_3 xRightyFront = vector_3(RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION, FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION, z_at_xRight_yFront); vector_3 xPositive = (xRightyFront - xLeftyFront).get_normal(); vector_3 yPositive = (xLeftyBack - xLeftyFront).get_normal(); vector_3 planeNormal = vector_3::cross(xPositive, yPositive).get_normal(); //planeNormal.debug("planeNormal"); //yPositive.debug("yPositive"); plan_bed_level_matrix = matrix_3x3::create_look_at(planeNormal); //bedLevel.debug("bedLevel"); //plan_bed_level_matrix.debug("bed level before"); //vector_3 uncorrected_position = plan_get_position_mm(); //uncorrected_position.debug("position before"); // and set our bed level equation to do the right thing //plan_bed_level_matrix.debug("bed level after"); vector_3 corrected_position = plan_get_position(); //corrected_position.debug("position after"); current_position[X_AXIS] = corrected_position.x; current_position[Y_AXIS] = corrected_position.y; current_position[Z_AXIS] = corrected_position.z; // but the bed at 0 so we don't go below it. current_position[Z_AXIS] = zprobe_zoffset; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); } #endif // ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING static void run_z_probe() { plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); feedrate = homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS]; // move down until you find the bed float zPosition = -10; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], zPosition, current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); // we have to let the planner know where we are right now as it is not where we said to go. zPosition = st_get_position_mm(Z_AXIS); plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], zPosition, current_position[E_AXIS]); // move up the retract distance zPosition += home_retract_mm(Z_AXIS); plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], zPosition, current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); // move back down slowly to find bed feedrate = homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS]/4; zPosition -= home_retract_mm(Z_AXIS) * 2; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], zPosition, current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); current_position[Z_AXIS] = st_get_position_mm(Z_AXIS); // make sure the planner knows where we are as it may be a bit different than we last said to move to plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); } static void do_blocking_move_to(float x, float y, float z) { float oldFeedRate = feedrate; feedrate = XY_TRAVEL_SPEED; current_position[X_AXIS] = x; current_position[Y_AXIS] = y; current_position[Z_AXIS] = z; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); feedrate = oldFeedRate; } static void do_blocking_move_relative(float offset_x, float offset_y, float offset_z) { do_blocking_move_to(current_position[X_AXIS] + offset_x, current_position[Y_AXIS] + offset_y, current_position[Z_AXIS] + offset_z); } static void setup_for_endstop_move() { saved_feedrate = feedrate; saved_feedmultiply = feedmultiply; feedmultiply = 100; previous_millis_cmd = millis(); enable_endstops(true); } static void clean_up_after_endstop_move() { #ifdef ENDSTOPS_ONLY_FOR_HOMING enable_endstops(false); #endif feedrate = saved_feedrate; feedmultiply = saved_feedmultiply; previous_millis_cmd = millis(); } static void engage_z_probe() { // Engage Z Servo endstop if enabled #ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS if (servo_endstops[Z_AXIS] > -1) { #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) servos[servo_endstops[Z_AXIS]].attach(0); #endif servos[servo_endstops[Z_AXIS]].write(servo_endstop_angles[Z_AXIS * 2]); #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) delay(PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY); servos[servo_endstops[Z_AXIS]].detach(); #endif } #endif } static void retract_z_probe() { // Retract Z Servo endstop if enabled #ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS if (servo_endstops[Z_AXIS] > -1) { #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) servos[servo_endstops[Z_AXIS]].attach(0); #endif servos[servo_endstops[Z_AXIS]].write(servo_endstop_angles[Z_AXIS * 2 + 1]); #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) delay(PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY); servos[servo_endstops[Z_AXIS]].detach(); #endif } #endif } #endif // #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING static void homeaxis(int axis) { #define HOMEAXIS_DO(LETTER) \ ((LETTER##_MIN_PIN > -1 && LETTER##_HOME_DIR==-1) || (LETTER##_MAX_PIN > -1 && LETTER##_HOME_DIR==1)) if (axis==X_AXIS ? HOMEAXIS_DO(X) : axis==Y_AXIS ? HOMEAXIS_DO(Y) : axis==Z_AXIS ? HOMEAXIS_DO(Z) : 0) { int axis_home_dir = home_dir(axis); #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if (axis == X_AXIS) axis_home_dir = x_home_dir(active_extruder); #endif current_position[axis] = 0; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); // Engage Servo endstop if enabled #ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) if (axis==Z_AXIS) { engage_z_probe(); } else #endif if (servo_endstops[axis] > -1) { servos[servo_endstops[axis]].write(servo_endstop_angles[axis * 2]); } #endif destination[axis] = 1.5 * max_length(axis) * axis_home_dir; feedrate = homing_feedrate[axis]; plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); current_position[axis] = 0; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); destination[axis] = -home_retract_mm(axis) * axis_home_dir; plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); destination[axis] = 2*home_retract_mm(axis) * axis_home_dir; #ifdef DELTA feedrate = homing_feedrate[axis]/10; #else feedrate = homing_feedrate[axis]/2 ; #endif plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); #ifdef DELTA // retrace by the amount specified in endstop_adj if (endstop_adj[axis] * axis_home_dir < 0) { plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); destination[axis] = endstop_adj[axis]; plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } #endif axis_is_at_home(axis); destination[axis] = current_position[axis]; feedrate = 0.0; endstops_hit_on_purpose(); axis_known_position[axis] = true; // Retract Servo endstop if enabled #ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS if (servo_endstops[axis] > -1) { servos[servo_endstops[axis]].write(servo_endstop_angles[axis * 2 + 1]); } #endif #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) if (axis==Z_AXIS) retract_z_probe(); #endif } } #define HOMEAXIS(LETTER) homeaxis(LETTER##_AXIS) +void refresh_cmd_timeout(void) { previous_millis_cmd = millis(); } void process_commands() { unsigned long codenum; //throw away variable char *starpos = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING float x_tmp, y_tmp, z_tmp, real_z; #endif if(code_seen('G')) { switch((int)code_value()) { case 0: // G0 -> G1 case 1: // G1 if(Stopped == false) { get_coordinates(); // For X Y Z E F prepare_move(); //ClearToSend(); return; } //break; case 2: // G2 - CW ARC if(Stopped == false) { get_arc_coordinates(); prepare_arc_move(true); return; } case 3: // G3 - CCW ARC if(Stopped == false) { get_arc_coordinates(); prepare_arc_move(false); return; } case 4: // G4 dwell LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_DWELL); codenum = 0; if(code_seen('P')) codenum = code_value(); // milliseconds to wait if(code_seen('S')) codenum = code_value() * 1000; // seconds to wait st_synchronize(); codenum += millis(); // keep track of when we started waiting previous_millis_cmd = millis(); while(millis() < codenum ){ manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); lcd_update(); } break; #ifdef FWRETRACT case 10: // G10 retract if(!retracted) { destination[X_AXIS]=current_position[X_AXIS]; destination[Y_AXIS]=current_position[Y_AXIS]; destination[Z_AXIS]=current_position[Z_AXIS]; current_position[Z_AXIS]+=-retract_zlift; destination[E_AXIS]=current_position[E_AXIS]-retract_length; feedrate=retract_feedrate; retracted=true; prepare_move(); } break; case 11: // G11 retract_recover if(retracted) { destination[X_AXIS]=current_position[X_AXIS]; destination[Y_AXIS]=current_position[Y_AXIS]; destination[Z_AXIS]=current_position[Z_AXIS]; current_position[Z_AXIS]+=retract_zlift; destination[E_AXIS]=current_position[E_AXIS]+retract_length+retract_recover_length; feedrate=retract_recover_feedrate; retracted=false; prepare_move(); } break; #endif //FWRETRACT case 28: //G28 Home all Axis one at a time #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); //Reset the plane ("erase" all leveling data) #endif //ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING saved_feedrate = feedrate; saved_feedmultiply = feedmultiply; feedmultiply = 100; previous_millis_cmd = millis(); enable_endstops(true); for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { destination[i] = current_position[i]; } feedrate = 0.0; #ifdef DELTA // A delta can only safely home all axis at the same time // all axis have to home at the same time // Move all carriages up together until the first endstop is hit. current_position[X_AXIS] = 0; current_position[Y_AXIS] = 0; current_position[Z_AXIS] = 0; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); destination[X_AXIS] = 3 * Z_MAX_LENGTH; destination[Y_AXIS] = 3 * Z_MAX_LENGTH; destination[Z_AXIS] = 3 * Z_MAX_LENGTH; feedrate = 1.732 * homing_feedrate[X_AXIS]; plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); endstops_hit_on_purpose(); current_position[X_AXIS] = destination[X_AXIS]; current_position[Y_AXIS] = destination[Y_AXIS]; current_position[Z_AXIS] = destination[Z_AXIS]; // take care of back off and rehome now we are all at the top HOMEAXIS(X); HOMEAXIS(Y); HOMEAXIS(Z); calculate_delta(current_position); plan_set_position(delta[X_AXIS], delta[Y_AXIS], delta[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); #else // NOT DELTA home_all_axis = !((code_seen(axis_codes[0])) || (code_seen(axis_codes[1])) || (code_seen(axis_codes[2]))); #if Z_HOME_DIR > 0 // If homing away from BED do Z first if((home_all_axis) || (code_seen(axis_codes[Z_AXIS]))) { HOMEAXIS(Z); } #endif #ifdef QUICK_HOME if((home_all_axis)||( code_seen(axis_codes[X_AXIS]) && code_seen(axis_codes[Y_AXIS])) ) //first diagonal move { current_position[X_AXIS] = 0;current_position[Y_AXIS] = 0; #ifndef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE int x_axis_home_dir = home_dir(X_AXIS); #else int x_axis_home_dir = x_home_dir(active_extruder); extruder_duplication_enabled = false; #endif plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); destination[X_AXIS] = 1.5 * max_length(X_AXIS) * x_axis_home_dir;destination[Y_AXIS] = 1.5 * max_length(Y_AXIS) * home_dir(Y_AXIS); feedrate = homing_feedrate[X_AXIS]; if(homing_feedrate[Y_AXIS] 0) destination[Z_AXIS] = Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING * home_dir(Z_AXIS) * (-1); // Set destination away from bed feedrate = max_feedrate[Z_AXIS]; plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); #endif HOMEAXIS(Z); } #else // Z Safe mode activated. if(home_all_axis) { destination[X_AXIS] = round(Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER); destination[Y_AXIS] = round(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER); destination[Z_AXIS] = Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING * home_dir(Z_AXIS) * (-1); // Set destination away from bed feedrate = XY_TRAVEL_SPEED; current_position[Z_AXIS] = 0; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); current_position[X_AXIS] = destination[X_AXIS]; current_position[Y_AXIS] = destination[Y_AXIS]; HOMEAXIS(Z); } // Let's see if X and Y are homed and probe is inside bed area. if(code_seen(axis_codes[Z_AXIS])) { if ( (axis_known_position[X_AXIS]) && (axis_known_position[Y_AXIS]) \ && (current_position[X_AXIS]+X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER >= X_MIN_POS) \ && (current_position[X_AXIS]+X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER <= X_MAX_POS) \ && (current_position[Y_AXIS]+Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER >= Y_MIN_POS) \ && (current_position[Y_AXIS]+Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER <= Y_MAX_POS)) { current_position[Z_AXIS] = 0; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); destination[Z_AXIS] = Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING * home_dir(Z_AXIS) * (-1); // Set destination away from bed feedrate = max_feedrate[Z_AXIS]; plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); HOMEAXIS(Z); } else if (!((axis_known_position[X_AXIS]) && (axis_known_position[Y_AXIS]))) { LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN); SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN); } else { LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_ZPROBE_OUT); SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(MSG_ZPROBE_OUT); } } #endif #endif if(code_seen(axis_codes[Z_AXIS])) { if(code_value_long() != 0) { current_position[Z_AXIS]=code_value()+add_homeing[2]; } } #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING if((home_all_axis) || (code_seen(axis_codes[Z_AXIS]))) { current_position[Z_AXIS] += zprobe_zoffset; //Add Z_Probe offset (the distance is negative) } #endif plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); #endif // else DELTA #ifdef ENDSTOPS_ONLY_FOR_HOMING enable_endstops(false); #endif feedrate = saved_feedrate; feedmultiply = saved_feedmultiply; previous_millis_cmd = millis(); endstops_hit_on_purpose(); break; #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING case 29: // G29 Detailed Z-Probe, probes the bed at 3 points. { #if Z_MIN_PIN == -1 #error "You must have a Z_MIN endstop in order to enable Auto Bed Leveling feature!!! Z_MIN_PIN must point to a valid hardware pin." #endif st_synchronize(); // make sure the bed_level_rotation_matrix is identity or the planner will get it incorectly //vector_3 corrected_position = plan_get_position_mm(); //corrected_position.debug("position before G29"); plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); vector_3 uncorrected_position = plan_get_position(); //uncorrected_position.debug("position durring G29"); current_position[X_AXIS] = uncorrected_position.x; current_position[Y_AXIS] = uncorrected_position.y; current_position[Z_AXIS] = uncorrected_position.z; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); setup_for_endstop_move(); feedrate = homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS]; #ifdef ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING int xGridSpacing = (RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION - LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION) / (ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS-1); int yGridSpacing = (BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION - FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION) / (ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS-1); // solve the plane equation ax + by + d = z // A is the matrix with rows [x y 1] for all the probed points // B is the vector of the Z positions // the normal vector to the plane is formed by the coefficients of the plane equation in the standard form, which is Vx*x+Vy*y+Vz*z+d = 0 // so Vx = -a Vy = -b Vz = 1 (we want the vector facing towards positive Z // "A" matrix of the linear system of equations double eqnAMatrix[ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS*3]; // "B" vector of Z points double eqnBVector[ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS]; int probePointCounter = 0; bool zig = true; for (int yProbe=FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION; yProbe <= BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION; yProbe += yGridSpacing) { int xProbe, xInc; if (zig) { xProbe = LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION; //xEnd = RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION; xInc = xGridSpacing; zig = false; } else // zag { xProbe = RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION; //xEnd = LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION; xInc = -xGridSpacing; zig = true; } for (int xCount=0; xCount < ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS; xCount++) { if (probePointCounter == 0) { // raise before probing do_blocking_move_to(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], Z_RAISE_BEFORE_PROBING); } else { // raise extruder do_blocking_move_to(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS] + Z_RAISE_BETWEEN_PROBINGS); } do_blocking_move_to(xProbe - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, yProbe - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, current_position[Z_AXIS]); engage_z_probe(); // Engage Z Servo endstop if available run_z_probe(); eqnBVector[probePointCounter] = current_position[Z_AXIS]; retract_z_probe(); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed x: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(xProbe); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" y: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(yProbe); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" z: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n"); eqnAMatrix[probePointCounter + 0*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS] = xProbe; eqnAMatrix[probePointCounter + 1*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS] = yProbe; eqnAMatrix[probePointCounter + 2*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS] = 1; probePointCounter++; xProbe += xInc; } } clean_up_after_endstop_move(); // solve lsq problem double *plane_equation_coefficients = qr_solve(ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS*ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING_POINTS, 3, eqnAMatrix, eqnBVector); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Eqn coefficients: a: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(plane_equation_coefficients[0]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" b: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(plane_equation_coefficients[1]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" d: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(plane_equation_coefficients[2]); set_bed_level_equation_lsq(plane_equation_coefficients); free(plane_equation_coefficients); #else // ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING not defined // prob 1 do_blocking_move_to(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], Z_RAISE_BEFORE_PROBING); do_blocking_move_to(LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, current_position[Z_AXIS]); engage_z_probe(); // Engage Z Servo endstop if available run_z_probe(); float z_at_xLeft_yBack = current_position[Z_AXIS]; retract_z_probe(); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed x: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" y: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" z: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n"); // prob 2 do_blocking_move_to(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS] + Z_RAISE_BETWEEN_PROBINGS); do_blocking_move_to(LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, current_position[Z_AXIS]); engage_z_probe(); // Engage Z Servo endstop if available run_z_probe(); float z_at_xLeft_yFront = current_position[Z_AXIS]; retract_z_probe(); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed x: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" y: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" z: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n"); // prob 3 do_blocking_move_to(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS] + Z_RAISE_BETWEEN_PROBINGS); // the current position will be updated by the blocking move so the head will not lower on this next call. do_blocking_move_to(RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, current_position[Z_AXIS]); engage_z_probe(); // Engage Z Servo endstop if available run_z_probe(); float z_at_xRight_yFront = current_position[Z_AXIS]; retract_z_probe(); // Retract Z Servo endstop if available SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed x: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" y: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" z: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n"); clean_up_after_endstop_move(); set_bed_level_equation(z_at_xLeft_yFront, z_at_xRight_yFront, z_at_xLeft_yBack); #endif // ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING st_synchronize(); // The following code correct the Z height difference from z-probe position and hotend tip position. // The Z height on homing is measured by Z-Probe, but the probe is quite far from the hotend. // When the bed is uneven, this height must be corrected. real_z = float(st_get_position(Z_AXIS))/axis_steps_per_unit[Z_AXIS]; //get the real Z (since the auto bed leveling is already correcting the plane) x_tmp = current_position[X_AXIS] + X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER; y_tmp = current_position[Y_AXIS] + Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER; z_tmp = current_position[Z_AXIS]; apply_rotation_xyz(plan_bed_level_matrix, x_tmp, y_tmp, z_tmp); //Apply the correction sending the probe offset current_position[Z_AXIS] = z_tmp - real_z + current_position[Z_AXIS]; //The difference is added to current position and sent to planner. plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); } break; case 30: // G30 Single Z Probe { engage_z_probe(); // Engage Z Servo endstop if available st_synchronize(); // TODO: make sure the bed_level_rotation_matrix is identity or the planner will get set incorectly setup_for_endstop_move(); feedrate = homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS]; run_z_probe(); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed Position X: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[X_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" Y: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Y_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" Z: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n"); clean_up_after_endstop_move(); retract_z_probe(); // Retract Z Servo endstop if available } break; #endif // ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING case 90: // G90 relative_mode = false; break; case 91: // G91 relative_mode = true; break; case 92: // G92 if(!code_seen(axis_codes[E_AXIS])) st_synchronize(); for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) { if(i == E_AXIS) { current_position[i] = code_value(); plan_set_e_position(current_position[E_AXIS]); } else { current_position[i] = code_value()+add_homeing[i]; plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); } } } break; } } else if(code_seen('M')) { switch( (int)code_value() ) { #ifdef ULTIPANEL case 0: // M0 - Unconditional stop - Wait for user button press on LCD case 1: // M1 - Conditional stop - Wait for user button press on LCD { LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_USERWAIT); codenum = 0; if(code_seen('P')) codenum = code_value(); // milliseconds to wait if(code_seen('S')) codenum = code_value() * 1000; // seconds to wait st_synchronize(); previous_millis_cmd = millis(); if (codenum > 0){ codenum += millis(); // keep track of when we started waiting while(millis() < codenum && !lcd_clicked()){ manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); lcd_update(); } }else{ while(!lcd_clicked()){ manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); lcd_update(); } } LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_RESUMING); } break; #endif case 17: LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_NO_MOVE); enable_x(); enable_y(); enable_z(); enable_e0(); enable_e1(); enable_e2(); break; #ifdef SDSUPPORT case 20: // M20 - list SD card SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM(MSG_BEGIN_FILE_LIST); card.ls(); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM(MSG_END_FILE_LIST); break; case 21: // M21 - init SD card card.initsd(); break; case 22: //M22 - release SD card card.release(); break; case 23: //M23 - Select file starpos = (strchr(strchr_pointer + 4,'*')); if(starpos!=NULL) *(starpos-1)='\0'; card.openFile(strchr_pointer + 4,true); break; case 24: //M24 - Start SD print card.startFileprint(); starttime=millis(); break; case 25: //M25 - Pause SD print card.pauseSDPrint(); break; case 26: //M26 - Set SD index if(card.cardOK && code_seen('S')) { card.setIndex(code_value_long()); } break; case 27: //M27 - Get SD status card.getStatus(); break; case 28: //M28 - Start SD write starpos = (strchr(strchr_pointer + 4,'*')); if(starpos != NULL){ char* npos = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindr], 'N'); strchr_pointer = strchr(npos,' ') + 1; *(starpos-1) = '\0'; } card.openFile(strchr_pointer+4,false); break; case 29: //M29 - Stop SD write //processed in write to file routine above //card,saving = false; break; case 30: //M30 Delete File if (card.cardOK){ card.closefile(); starpos = (strchr(strchr_pointer + 4,'*')); if(starpos != NULL){ char* npos = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindr], 'N'); strchr_pointer = strchr(npos,' ') + 1; *(starpos-1) = '\0'; } card.removeFile(strchr_pointer + 4); } break; case 32: //M32 - Select file and start SD print { if(card.sdprinting) { st_synchronize(); } starpos = (strchr(strchr_pointer + 4,'*')); char* namestartpos = (strchr(strchr_pointer + 4,'!')); //find ! to indicate filename string start. if(namestartpos==NULL) { namestartpos=strchr_pointer + 4; //default name position, 4 letters after the M } else namestartpos++; //to skip the '!' if(starpos!=NULL) *(starpos-1)='\0'; bool call_procedure=(code_seen('P')); if(strchr_pointer>namestartpos) call_procedure=false; //false alert, 'P' found within filename if( card.cardOK ) { card.openFile(namestartpos,true,!call_procedure); if(code_seen('S')) if(strchr_pointer= 0 && pin_status <= 255) pin_number = code_value(); for(int8_t i = 0; i < (int8_t)sizeof(sensitive_pins); i++) { if (sensitive_pins[i] == pin_number) { pin_number = -1; break; } } #if defined(FAN_PIN) && FAN_PIN > -1 if (pin_number == FAN_PIN) fanSpeed = pin_status; #endif if (pin_number > -1) { pinMode(pin_number, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pin_number, pin_status); analogWrite(pin_number, pin_status); } } break; case 104: // M104 if(setTargetedHotend(104)){ break; } if (code_seen('S')) setTargetHotend(code_value(), tmp_extruder); #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE && tmp_extruder == 0) setTargetHotend1(code_value() == 0.0 ? 0.0 : code_value() + duplicate_extruder_temp_offset); #endif setWatch(); break; case 140: // M140 set bed temp if (code_seen('S')) setTargetBed(code_value()); break; case 105 : // M105 if(setTargetedHotend(105)){ break; } #if defined(TEMP_0_PIN) && TEMP_0_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("ok T:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degHotend(tmp_extruder),1); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" /"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degTargetHotend(tmp_extruder),1); #if defined(TEMP_BED_PIN) && TEMP_BED_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" B:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degBed(),1); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" /"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degTargetBed(),1); #endif //TEMP_BED_PIN for (int8_t cur_extruder = 0; cur_extruder < EXTRUDERS; ++cur_extruder) { SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" T"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(cur_extruder); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(":"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degHotend(cur_extruder),1); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" /"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degTargetHotend(cur_extruder),1); } #else SERIAL_ERROR_START; SERIAL_ERRORLNPGM(MSG_ERR_NO_THERMISTORS); #endif SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" @:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(getHeaterPower(tmp_extruder)); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" B@:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(getHeaterPower(-1)); #ifdef SHOW_TEMP_ADC_VALUES #if defined(TEMP_BED_PIN) && TEMP_BED_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" ADC B:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degBed(),1); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("C->"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(rawBedTemp()/OVERSAMPLENR,0); #endif for (int8_t cur_extruder = 0; cur_extruder < EXTRUDERS; ++cur_extruder) { SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" T"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(cur_extruder); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(":"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degHotend(cur_extruder),1); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("C->"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(rawHotendTemp(cur_extruder)/OVERSAMPLENR,0); } #endif SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); return; break; case 109: {// M109 - Wait for extruder heater to reach target. if(setTargetedHotend(109)){ break; } LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_HEATING); #ifdef AUTOTEMP autotemp_enabled=false; #endif if (code_seen('S')) { setTargetHotend(code_value(), tmp_extruder); #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE && tmp_extruder == 0) setTargetHotend1(code_value() == 0.0 ? 0.0 : code_value() + duplicate_extruder_temp_offset); #endif CooldownNoWait = true; } else if (code_seen('R')) { setTargetHotend(code_value(), tmp_extruder); #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE && tmp_extruder == 0) setTargetHotend1(code_value() == 0.0 ? 0.0 : code_value() + duplicate_extruder_temp_offset); #endif CooldownNoWait = false; } #ifdef AUTOTEMP if (code_seen('S')) autotemp_min=code_value(); if (code_seen('B')) autotemp_max=code_value(); if (code_seen('F')) { autotemp_factor=code_value(); autotemp_enabled=true; } #endif setWatch(); codenum = millis(); /* See if we are heating up or cooling down */ target_direction = isHeatingHotend(tmp_extruder); // true if heating, false if cooling #ifdef TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME long residencyStart; residencyStart = -1; /* continue to loop until we have reached the target temp _and_ until TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME hasn't passed since we reached it */ while((residencyStart == -1) || (residencyStart >= 0 && (((unsigned int) (millis() - residencyStart)) < (TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME * 1000UL))) ) { #else while ( target_direction ? (isHeatingHotend(tmp_extruder)) : (isCoolingHotend(tmp_extruder)&&(CooldownNoWait==false)) ) { #endif //TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME if( (millis() - codenum) > 1000UL ) { //Print Temp Reading and remaining time every 1 second while heating up/cooling down SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("T:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degHotend(tmp_extruder),1); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" E:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL((int)tmp_extruder); #ifdef TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" W:"); if(residencyStart > -1) { codenum = ((TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME * 1000UL) - (millis() - residencyStart)) / 1000UL; SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN( codenum ); } else { SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN( "?" ); } #else SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); #endif codenum = millis(); } manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); lcd_update(); #ifdef TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME /* start/restart the TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME timer whenever we reach target temp for the first time or when current temp falls outside the hysteresis after target temp was reached */ if ((residencyStart == -1 && target_direction && (degHotend(tmp_extruder) >= (degTargetHotend(tmp_extruder)-TEMP_WINDOW))) || (residencyStart == -1 && !target_direction && (degHotend(tmp_extruder) <= (degTargetHotend(tmp_extruder)+TEMP_WINDOW))) || (residencyStart > -1 && labs(degHotend(tmp_extruder) - degTargetHotend(tmp_extruder)) > TEMP_HYSTERESIS) ) { residencyStart = millis(); } #endif //TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME } LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE); starttime=millis(); previous_millis_cmd = millis(); } break; case 190: // M190 - Wait for bed heater to reach target. #if defined(TEMP_BED_PIN) && TEMP_BED_PIN > -1 LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_BED_HEATING); if (code_seen('S')) { setTargetBed(code_value()); CooldownNoWait = true; } else if (code_seen('R')) { setTargetBed(code_value()); CooldownNoWait = false; } codenum = millis(); target_direction = isHeatingBed(); // true if heating, false if cooling while ( target_direction ? (isHeatingBed()) : (isCoolingBed()&&(CooldownNoWait==false)) ) { if(( millis() - codenum) > 1000 ) //Print Temp Reading every 1 second while heating up. { float tt=degHotend(active_extruder); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("T:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(tt); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" E:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL((int)active_extruder); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(" B:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(degBed(),1); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); codenum = millis(); } manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); lcd_update(); } LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_BED_DONE); previous_millis_cmd = millis(); #endif break; #if defined(FAN_PIN) && FAN_PIN > -1 case 106: //M106 Fan On if (code_seen('S')){ fanSpeed=constrain(code_value(),0,255); } else { fanSpeed=255; } break; case 107: //M107 Fan Off fanSpeed = 0; break; #endif //FAN_PIN #ifdef BARICUDA // PWM for HEATER_1_PIN #if defined(HEATER_1_PIN) && HEATER_1_PIN > -1 case 126: //M126 valve open if (code_seen('S')){ ValvePressure=constrain(code_value(),0,255); } else { ValvePressure=255; } break; case 127: //M127 valve closed ValvePressure = 0; break; #endif //HEATER_1_PIN // PWM for HEATER_2_PIN #if defined(HEATER_2_PIN) && HEATER_2_PIN > -1 case 128: //M128 valve open if (code_seen('S')){ EtoPPressure=constrain(code_value(),0,255); } else { EtoPPressure=255; } break; case 129: //M129 valve closed EtoPPressure = 0; break; #endif //HEATER_2_PIN #endif #if defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1 case 80: // M80 - Turn on Power Supply SET_OUTPUT(PS_ON_PIN); //GND WRITE(PS_ON_PIN, PS_ON_AWAKE); // If you have a switch on suicide pin, this is useful // if you want to start another print with suicide feature after // a print without suicide... #if defined SUICIDE_PIN && SUICIDE_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(SUICIDE_PIN); WRITE(SUICIDE_PIN, HIGH); #endif #ifdef ULTIPANEL powersupply = true; LCD_MESSAGEPGM(WELCOME_MSG); lcd_update(); #endif break; #endif case 81: // M81 - Turn off Power Supply disable_heater(); st_synchronize(); disable_e0(); disable_e1(); disable_e2(); finishAndDisableSteppers(); fanSpeed = 0; delay(1000); // Wait a little before to switch off #if defined(SUICIDE_PIN) && SUICIDE_PIN > -1 st_synchronize(); suicide(); #elif defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(PS_ON_PIN); WRITE(PS_ON_PIN, PS_ON_ASLEEP); #endif #ifdef ULTIPANEL powersupply = false; LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MACHINE_NAME" "MSG_OFF"."); lcd_update(); #endif break; case 82: axis_relative_modes[3] = false; break; case 83: axis_relative_modes[3] = true; break; case 18: //compatibility case 84: // M84 if(code_seen('S')){ stepper_inactive_time = code_value() * 1000; } else { bool all_axis = !((code_seen(axis_codes[0])) || (code_seen(axis_codes[1])) || (code_seen(axis_codes[2]))|| (code_seen(axis_codes[3]))); if(all_axis) { st_synchronize(); disable_e0(); disable_e1(); disable_e2(); finishAndDisableSteppers(); } else { st_synchronize(); if(code_seen('X')) disable_x(); if(code_seen('Y')) disable_y(); if(code_seen('Z')) disable_z(); #if ((E0_ENABLE_PIN != X_ENABLE_PIN) && (E1_ENABLE_PIN != Y_ENABLE_PIN)) // Only enable on boards that have seperate ENABLE_PINS if(code_seen('E')) { disable_e0(); disable_e1(); disable_e2(); } #endif } } break; case 85: // M85 code_seen('S'); max_inactive_time = code_value() * 1000; break; case 92: // M92 for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) { if(i == 3) { // E float value = code_value(); if(value < 20.0) { float factor = axis_steps_per_unit[i] / value; // increase e constants if M92 E14 is given for netfab. max_e_jerk *= factor; max_feedrate[i] *= factor; axis_steps_per_sqr_second[i] *= factor; } axis_steps_per_unit[i] = value; } else { axis_steps_per_unit[i] = code_value(); } } } break; case 115: // M115 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_M115_REPORT); break; case 117: // M117 display message starpos = (strchr(strchr_pointer + 5,'*')); if(starpos!=NULL) *(starpos-1)='\0'; lcd_setstatus(strchr_pointer + 5); break; case 114: // M114 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("X:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[X_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Y:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Y_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Z:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("E:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(current_position[E_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_COUNT_X); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(float(st_get_position(X_AXIS))/axis_steps_per_unit[X_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Y:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(float(st_get_position(Y_AXIS))/axis_steps_per_unit[Y_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Z:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(float(st_get_position(Z_AXIS))/axis_steps_per_unit[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); break; case 120: // M120 enable_endstops(false) ; break; case 121: // M121 enable_endstops(true) ; break; case 119: // M119 SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(MSG_M119_REPORT); #if defined(X_MIN_PIN) && X_MIN_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_X_MIN); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(((READ(X_MIN_PIN)^X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING)?MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT:MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN)); #endif #if defined(X_MAX_PIN) && X_MAX_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_X_MAX); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(((READ(X_MAX_PIN)^X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING)?MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT:MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN)); #endif #if defined(Y_MIN_PIN) && Y_MIN_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_Y_MIN); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(((READ(Y_MIN_PIN)^Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING)?MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT:MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN)); #endif #if defined(Y_MAX_PIN) && Y_MAX_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_Y_MAX); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(((READ(Y_MAX_PIN)^Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING)?MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT:MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN)); #endif #if defined(Z_MIN_PIN) && Z_MIN_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_Z_MIN); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(((READ(Z_MIN_PIN)^Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING)?MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT:MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN)); #endif #if defined(Z_MAX_PIN) && Z_MAX_PIN > -1 SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_Z_MAX); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(((READ(Z_MAX_PIN)^Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING)?MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT:MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN)); #endif break; //TODO: update for all axis, use for loop #ifdef BLINKM case 150: // M150 { byte red; byte grn; byte blu; if(code_seen('R')) red = code_value(); if(code_seen('U')) grn = code_value(); if(code_seen('B')) blu = code_value(); SendColors(red,grn,blu); } break; #endif //BLINKM case 201: // M201 for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) { max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second[i] = code_value(); } } // steps per sq second need to be updated to agree with the units per sq second (as they are what is used in the planner) reset_acceleration_rates(); break; #if 0 // Not used for Sprinter/grbl gen6 case 202: // M202 for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) axis_travel_steps_per_sqr_second[i] = code_value() * axis_steps_per_unit[i]; } break; #endif case 203: // M203 max feedrate mm/sec for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) max_feedrate[i] = code_value(); } break; case 204: // M204 acclereration S normal moves T filmanent only moves { if(code_seen('S')) acceleration = code_value() ; if(code_seen('T')) retract_acceleration = code_value() ; } break; case 205: //M205 advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk { if(code_seen('S')) minimumfeedrate = code_value(); if(code_seen('T')) mintravelfeedrate = code_value(); if(code_seen('B')) minsegmenttime = code_value() ; if(code_seen('X')) max_xy_jerk = code_value() ; if(code_seen('Z')) max_z_jerk = code_value() ; if(code_seen('E')) max_e_jerk = code_value() ; } break; case 206: // M206 additional homeing offset for(int8_t i=0; i < 3; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) add_homeing[i] = code_value(); } break; #ifdef DELTA case 666: // M666 set delta endstop adjustemnt for(int8_t i=0; i < 3; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) endstop_adj[i] = code_value(); } break; #endif #ifdef FWRETRACT case 207: //M207 - set retract length S[positive mm] F[feedrate mm/sec] Z[additional zlift/hop] { if(code_seen('S')) { retract_length = code_value() ; } if(code_seen('F')) { retract_feedrate = code_value() ; } if(code_seen('Z')) { retract_zlift = code_value() ; } }break; case 208: // M208 - set retract recover length S[positive mm surplus to the M207 S*] F[feedrate mm/sec] { if(code_seen('S')) { retract_recover_length = code_value() ; } if(code_seen('F')) { retract_recover_feedrate = code_value() ; } }break; case 209: // M209 - S<1=true/0=false> enable automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support G10/11: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction. { if(code_seen('S')) { int t= code_value() ; switch(t) { case 0: autoretract_enabled=false;retracted=false;break; case 1: autoretract_enabled=true;retracted=false;break; default: SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_UNKNOWN_COMMAND); SERIAL_ECHO(cmdbuffer[bufindr]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("\""); } } }break; #endif // FWRETRACT #if EXTRUDERS > 1 case 218: // M218 - set hotend offset (in mm), T X Y { if(setTargetedHotend(218)){ break; } if(code_seen('X')) { extruder_offset[X_AXIS][tmp_extruder] = code_value(); } if(code_seen('Y')) { extruder_offset[Y_AXIS][tmp_extruder] = code_value(); } #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if(code_seen('Z')) { extruder_offset[Z_AXIS][tmp_extruder] = code_value(); } #endif SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET); for(tmp_extruder = 0; tmp_extruder < EXTRUDERS; tmp_extruder++) { SERIAL_ECHO(" "); SERIAL_ECHO(extruder_offset[X_AXIS][tmp_extruder]); SERIAL_ECHO(","); SERIAL_ECHO(extruder_offset[Y_AXIS][tmp_extruder]); #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE SERIAL_ECHO(","); SERIAL_ECHO(extruder_offset[Z_AXIS][tmp_extruder]); #endif } SERIAL_ECHOLN(""); }break; #endif case 220: // M220 S- set speed factor override percentage { if(code_seen('S')) { feedmultiply = code_value() ; } } break; case 221: // M221 S- set extrude factor override percentage { if(code_seen('S')) { extrudemultiply = code_value() ; } } break; case 226: // M226 P S- Wait until the specified pin reaches the state required { if(code_seen('P')){ int pin_number = code_value(); // pin number int pin_state = -1; // required pin state - default is inverted if(code_seen('S')) pin_state = code_value(); // required pin state if(pin_state >= -1 && pin_state <= 1){ for(int8_t i = 0; i < (int8_t)sizeof(sensitive_pins); i++) { if (sensitive_pins[i] == pin_number) { pin_number = -1; break; } } if (pin_number > -1) { st_synchronize(); pinMode(pin_number, INPUT); int target; switch(pin_state){ case 1: target = HIGH; break; case 0: target = LOW; break; case -1: target = !digitalRead(pin_number); break; } while(digitalRead(pin_number) != target){ manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); lcd_update(); } } } } } break; #if NUM_SERVOS > 0 case 280: // M280 - set servo position absolute. P: servo index, S: angle or microseconds { int servo_index = -1; int servo_position = 0; if (code_seen('P')) servo_index = code_value(); if (code_seen('S')) { servo_position = code_value(); if ((servo_index >= 0) && (servo_index < NUM_SERVOS)) { #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) servos[servo_index].attach(0); #endif servos[servo_index].write(servo_position); #if defined (ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && (PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY > 0) delay(PROBE_SERVO_DEACTIVATION_DELAY); servos[servo_index].detach(); #endif } else { SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHO("Servo "); SERIAL_ECHO(servo_index); SERIAL_ECHOLN(" out of range"); } } else if (servo_index >= 0) { SERIAL_PROTOCOL(MSG_OK); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" Servo "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(servo_index); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(": "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(servos[servo_index].read()); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); } } break; #endif // NUM_SERVOS > 0 #if LARGE_FLASH == true && ( BEEPER > 0 || defined(ULTRALCD) ) case 300: // M300 { int beepS = code_seen('S') ? code_value() : 110; int beepP = code_seen('P') ? code_value() : 1000; if (beepS > 0) { #if BEEPER > 0 tone(BEEPER, beepS); delay(beepP); noTone(BEEPER); #elif defined(ULTRALCD) lcd_buzz(beepS, beepP); #endif } else { delay(beepP); } } break; #endif // M300 #ifdef PIDTEMP case 301: // M301 { if(code_seen('P')) Kp = code_value(); if(code_seen('I')) Ki = scalePID_i(code_value()); if(code_seen('D')) Kd = scalePID_d(code_value()); #ifdef PID_ADD_EXTRUSION_RATE if(code_seen('C')) Kc = code_value(); #endif updatePID(); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(MSG_OK); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" p:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(Kp); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" i:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(unscalePID_i(Ki)); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" d:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(unscalePID_d(Kd)); #ifdef PID_ADD_EXTRUSION_RATE SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" c:"); //Kc does not have scaling applied above, or in resetting defaults SERIAL_PROTOCOL(Kc); #endif SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); } break; #endif //PIDTEMP #ifdef PIDTEMPBED case 304: // M304 { if(code_seen('P')) bedKp = code_value(); if(code_seen('I')) bedKi = scalePID_i(code_value()); if(code_seen('D')) bedKd = scalePID_d(code_value()); updatePID(); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(MSG_OK); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" p:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(bedKp); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" i:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(unscalePID_i(bedKi)); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(" d:"); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(unscalePID_d(bedKd)); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); } break; #endif //PIDTEMP case 240: // M240 Triggers a camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 : http://www.doc-diy.net/photo/rc-1_hacked/ { #if defined(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN) && PHOTOGRAPH_PIN > -1 const uint8_t NUM_PULSES=16; const float PULSE_LENGTH=0.01524; for(int i=0; i < NUM_PULSES; i++) { WRITE(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN, HIGH); _delay_ms(PULSE_LENGTH); WRITE(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN, LOW); _delay_ms(PULSE_LENGTH); } delay(7.33); for(int i=0; i < NUM_PULSES; i++) { WRITE(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN, HIGH); _delay_ms(PULSE_LENGTH); WRITE(PHOTOGRAPH_PIN, LOW); _delay_ms(PULSE_LENGTH); } #endif } break; #ifdef DOGLCD case 250: // M250 Set LCD contrast value: C (value 0..63) { if (code_seen('C')) { lcd_setcontrast( ((int)code_value())&63 ); } SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("lcd contrast value: "); SERIAL_PROTOCOL(lcd_contrast); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(""); } break; #endif #ifdef PREVENT_DANGEROUS_EXTRUDE case 302: // allow cold extrudes, or set the minimum extrude temperature { float temp = .0; if (code_seen('S')) temp=code_value(); set_extrude_min_temp(temp); } break; #endif case 303: // M303 PID autotune { float temp = 150.0; int e=0; int c=5; if (code_seen('E')) e=code_value(); if (e<0) temp=70; if (code_seen('S')) temp=code_value(); if (code_seen('C')) c=code_value(); PID_autotune(temp, e, c); } break; case 400: // M400 finish all moves { st_synchronize(); } break; #if defined(ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING) && defined(SERVO_ENDSTOPS) case 401: { engage_z_probe(); // Engage Z Servo endstop if available } break; case 402: { retract_z_probe(); // Retract Z Servo endstop if enabled } break; #endif case 500: // M500 Store settings in EEPROM { Config_StoreSettings(); } break; case 501: // M501 Read settings from EEPROM { Config_RetrieveSettings(); } break; case 502: // M502 Revert to default settings { Config_ResetDefault(); } break; case 503: // M503 print settings currently in memory { Config_PrintSettings(); } break; #ifdef ABORT_ON_ENDSTOP_HIT_FEATURE_ENABLED case 540: { if(code_seen('S')) abort_on_endstop_hit = code_value() > 0; } break; #endif #ifdef FILAMENTCHANGEENABLE case 600: //Pause for filament change X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal] { float target[4]; float lastpos[4]; target[X_AXIS]=current_position[X_AXIS]; target[Y_AXIS]=current_position[Y_AXIS]; target[Z_AXIS]=current_position[Z_AXIS]; target[E_AXIS]=current_position[E_AXIS]; lastpos[X_AXIS]=current_position[X_AXIS]; lastpos[Y_AXIS]=current_position[Y_AXIS]; lastpos[Z_AXIS]=current_position[Z_AXIS]; lastpos[E_AXIS]=current_position[E_AXIS]; //retract by E if(code_seen('E')) { target[E_AXIS]+= code_value(); } else { #ifdef FILAMENTCHANGE_FIRSTRETRACT target[E_AXIS]+= FILAMENTCHANGE_FIRSTRETRACT ; #endif } plan_buffer_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); //lift Z if(code_seen('Z')) { target[Z_AXIS]+= code_value(); } else { #ifdef FILAMENTCHANGE_ZADD target[Z_AXIS]+= FILAMENTCHANGE_ZADD ; #endif } plan_buffer_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); //move xy if(code_seen('X')) { target[X_AXIS]+= code_value(); } else { #ifdef FILAMENTCHANGE_XPOS target[X_AXIS]= FILAMENTCHANGE_XPOS ; #endif } if(code_seen('Y')) { target[Y_AXIS]= code_value(); } else { #ifdef FILAMENTCHANGE_YPOS target[Y_AXIS]= FILAMENTCHANGE_YPOS ; #endif } plan_buffer_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); if(code_seen('L')) { target[E_AXIS]+= code_value(); } else { #ifdef FILAMENTCHANGE_FINALRETRACT target[E_AXIS]+= FILAMENTCHANGE_FINALRETRACT ; #endif } plan_buffer_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); //finish moves st_synchronize(); //disable extruder steppers so filament can be removed disable_e0(); disable_e1(); disable_e2(); delay(100); LCD_ALERTMESSAGEPGM(MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE); uint8_t cnt=0; while(!lcd_clicked()){ cnt++; manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(); lcd_update(); if(cnt==0) { #if BEEPER > 0 SET_OUTPUT(BEEPER); WRITE(BEEPER,HIGH); delay(3); WRITE(BEEPER,LOW); delay(3); #else lcd_buzz(1000/6,100); #endif } } //return to normal if(code_seen('L')) { target[E_AXIS]+= -code_value(); } else { #ifdef FILAMENTCHANGE_FINALRETRACT target[E_AXIS]+=(-1)*FILAMENTCHANGE_FINALRETRACT ; #endif } current_position[E_AXIS]=target[E_AXIS]; //the long retract of L is compensated by manual filament feeding plan_set_e_position(current_position[E_AXIS]); plan_buffer_line(target[X_AXIS], target[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); //should do nothing plan_buffer_line(lastpos[X_AXIS], lastpos[Y_AXIS], target[Z_AXIS], target[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); //move xy back plan_buffer_line(lastpos[X_AXIS], lastpos[Y_AXIS], lastpos[Z_AXIS], target[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); //move z back plan_buffer_line(lastpos[X_AXIS], lastpos[Y_AXIS], lastpos[Z_AXIS], lastpos[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); //final untretract } break; #endif //FILAMENTCHANGEENABLE #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE case 605: // Set dual x-carriage movement mode: // M605 S0: Full control mode. The slicer has full control over x-carriage movement // M605 S1: Auto-park mode. The inactive head will auto park/unpark without slicer involvement // M605 S2 [Xnnn] [Rmmm]: Duplication mode. The second extruder will duplicate the first with nnn // millimeters x-offset and an optional differential hotend temperature of // mmm degrees. E.g., with "M605 S2 X100 R2" the second extruder will duplicate // the first with a spacing of 100mm in the x direction and 2 degrees hotter. // // Note: the X axis should be homed after changing dual x-carriage mode. { st_synchronize(); if (code_seen('S')) dual_x_carriage_mode = code_value(); if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE) { if (code_seen('X')) duplicate_extruder_x_offset = max(code_value(),X2_MIN_POS - x_home_pos(0)); if (code_seen('R')) duplicate_extruder_temp_offset = code_value(); SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET); SERIAL_ECHO(" "); SERIAL_ECHO(extruder_offset[X_AXIS][0]); SERIAL_ECHO(","); SERIAL_ECHO(extruder_offset[Y_AXIS][0]); SERIAL_ECHO(" "); SERIAL_ECHO(duplicate_extruder_x_offset); SERIAL_ECHO(","); SERIAL_ECHOLN(extruder_offset[Y_AXIS][1]); } else if (dual_x_carriage_mode != DXC_FULL_CONTROL_MODE && dual_x_carriage_mode != DXC_AUTO_PARK_MODE) { dual_x_carriage_mode = DEFAULT_DUAL_X_CARRIAGE_MODE; } active_extruder_parked = false; extruder_duplication_enabled = false; delayed_move_time = 0; } break; #endif //DUAL_X_CARRIAGE case 907: // M907 Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes. { #if defined(DIGIPOTSS_PIN) && DIGIPOTSS_PIN > -1 for(int i=0;i -1 uint8_t channel,current; if(code_seen('P')) channel=code_value(); if(code_seen('S')) current=code_value(); digitalPotWrite(channel, current); #endif } break; case 350: // M350 Set microstepping mode. Warning: Steps per unit remains unchanged. S code sets stepping mode for all drivers. { #if defined(X_MS1_PIN) && X_MS1_PIN > -1 if(code_seen('S')) for(int i=0;i<=4;i++) microstep_mode(i,code_value()); for(int i=0;i -1 if(code_seen('S')) switch((int)code_value()) { case 1: for(int i=0;i= EXTRUDERS) { SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHO("T"); SERIAL_ECHO(tmp_extruder); SERIAL_ECHOLN(MSG_INVALID_EXTRUDER); } else { boolean make_move = false; if(code_seen('F')) { make_move = true; next_feedrate = code_value(); if(next_feedrate > 0.0) { feedrate = next_feedrate; } } #if EXTRUDERS > 1 if(tmp_extruder != active_extruder) { // Save current position to return to after applying extruder offset memcpy(destination, current_position, sizeof(destination)); #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_AUTO_PARK_MODE && Stopped == false && (delayed_move_time != 0 || current_position[X_AXIS] != x_home_pos(active_extruder))) { // Park old head: 1) raise 2) move to park position 3) lower plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS] + TOOLCHANGE_PARK_ZLIFT, current_position[E_AXIS], max_feedrate[Z_AXIS], active_extruder); plan_buffer_line(x_home_pos(active_extruder), current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS] + TOOLCHANGE_PARK_ZLIFT, current_position[E_AXIS], max_feedrate[X_AXIS], active_extruder); plan_buffer_line(x_home_pos(active_extruder), current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], max_feedrate[Z_AXIS], active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } // apply Y & Z extruder offset (x offset is already used in determining home pos) current_position[Y_AXIS] = current_position[Y_AXIS] - extruder_offset[Y_AXIS][active_extruder] + extruder_offset[Y_AXIS][tmp_extruder]; current_position[Z_AXIS] = current_position[Z_AXIS] - extruder_offset[Z_AXIS][active_extruder] + extruder_offset[Z_AXIS][tmp_extruder]; active_extruder = tmp_extruder; // This function resets the max/min values - the current position may be overwritten below. axis_is_at_home(X_AXIS); if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_FULL_CONTROL_MODE) { current_position[X_AXIS] = inactive_extruder_x_pos; inactive_extruder_x_pos = destination[X_AXIS]; } else if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE) { active_extruder_parked = (active_extruder == 0); // this triggers the second extruder to move into the duplication position if (active_extruder == 0 || active_extruder_parked) current_position[X_AXIS] = inactive_extruder_x_pos; else current_position[X_AXIS] = destination[X_AXIS] + duplicate_extruder_x_offset; inactive_extruder_x_pos = destination[X_AXIS]; extruder_duplication_enabled = false; } else { // record raised toolhead position for use by unpark memcpy(raised_parked_position, current_position, sizeof(raised_parked_position)); raised_parked_position[Z_AXIS] += TOOLCHANGE_UNPARK_ZLIFT; active_extruder_parked = true; delayed_move_time = 0; } #else // Offset extruder (only by XY) int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { current_position[i] = current_position[i] - extruder_offset[i][active_extruder] + extruder_offset[i][tmp_extruder]; } // Set the new active extruder and position active_extruder = tmp_extruder; #endif //else DUAL_X_CARRIAGE plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); // Move to the old position if 'F' was in the parameters if(make_move && Stopped == false) { prepare_move(); } } #endif SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHO(MSG_ACTIVE_EXTRUDER); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN((int)active_extruder); } } else { SERIAL_ECHO_START; SERIAL_ECHOPGM(MSG_UNKNOWN_COMMAND); SERIAL_ECHO(cmdbuffer[bufindr]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("\""); } ClearToSend(); } void FlushSerialRequestResend() { //char cmdbuffer[bufindr][100]="Resend:"; MYSERIAL.flush(); SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(MSG_RESEND); SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN(gcode_LastN + 1); ClearToSend(); } void ClearToSend() { previous_millis_cmd = millis(); #ifdef SDSUPPORT if(fromsd[bufindr]) return; #endif //SDSUPPORT SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM(MSG_OK); } void get_coordinates() { bool seen[4]={false,false,false,false}; for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { if(code_seen(axis_codes[i])) { destination[i] = (float)code_value() + (axis_relative_modes[i] || relative_mode)*current_position[i]; seen[i]=true; } else destination[i] = current_position[i]; //Are these else lines really needed? } if(code_seen('F')) { next_feedrate = code_value(); if(next_feedrate > 0.0) feedrate = next_feedrate; } #ifdef FWRETRACT if(autoretract_enabled) if( !(seen[X_AXIS] || seen[Y_AXIS] || seen[Z_AXIS]) && seen[E_AXIS]) { float echange=destination[E_AXIS]-current_position[E_AXIS]; if(echange<-MIN_RETRACT) //retract { if(!retracted) { destination[Z_AXIS]+=retract_zlift; //not sure why chaninging current_position negatively does not work. //if slicer retracted by echange=-1mm and you want to retract 3mm, corrrectede=-2mm additionally float correctede=-echange-retract_length; //to generate the additional steps, not the destination is changed, but inversely the current position current_position[E_AXIS]+=-correctede; feedrate=retract_feedrate; retracted=true; } } else if(echange>MIN_RETRACT) //retract_recover { if(retracted) { //current_position[Z_AXIS]+=-retract_zlift; //if slicer retracted_recovered by echange=+1mm and you want to retract_recover 3mm, corrrectede=2mm additionally float correctede=-echange+1*retract_length+retract_recover_length; //total unretract=retract_length+retract_recover_length[surplus] current_position[E_AXIS]+=correctede; //to generate the additional steps, not the destination is changed, but inversely the current position feedrate=retract_recover_feedrate; retracted=false; } } } #endif //FWRETRACT } void get_arc_coordinates() { #ifdef SF_ARC_FIX bool relative_mode_backup = relative_mode; relative_mode = true; #endif get_coordinates(); #ifdef SF_ARC_FIX relative_mode=relative_mode_backup; #endif if(code_seen('I')) { offset[0] = code_value(); } else { offset[0] = 0.0; } if(code_seen('J')) { offset[1] = code_value(); } else { offset[1] = 0.0; } } void clamp_to_software_endstops(float target[3]) { if (min_software_endstops) { if (target[X_AXIS] < min_pos[X_AXIS]) target[X_AXIS] = min_pos[X_AXIS]; if (target[Y_AXIS] < min_pos[Y_AXIS]) target[Y_AXIS] = min_pos[Y_AXIS]; if (target[Z_AXIS] < min_pos[Z_AXIS]) target[Z_AXIS] = min_pos[Z_AXIS]; } if (max_software_endstops) { if (target[X_AXIS] > max_pos[X_AXIS]) target[X_AXIS] = max_pos[X_AXIS]; if (target[Y_AXIS] > max_pos[Y_AXIS]) target[Y_AXIS] = max_pos[Y_AXIS]; if (target[Z_AXIS] > max_pos[Z_AXIS]) target[Z_AXIS] = max_pos[Z_AXIS]; } } #ifdef DELTA void calculate_delta(float cartesian[3]) { delta[X_AXIS] = sqrt(DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD_2 - sq(DELTA_TOWER1_X-cartesian[X_AXIS]) - sq(DELTA_TOWER1_Y-cartesian[Y_AXIS]) ) + cartesian[Z_AXIS]; delta[Y_AXIS] = sqrt(DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD_2 - sq(DELTA_TOWER2_X-cartesian[X_AXIS]) - sq(DELTA_TOWER2_Y-cartesian[Y_AXIS]) ) + cartesian[Z_AXIS]; delta[Z_AXIS] = sqrt(DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD_2 - sq(DELTA_TOWER3_X-cartesian[X_AXIS]) - sq(DELTA_TOWER3_Y-cartesian[Y_AXIS]) ) + cartesian[Z_AXIS]; /* SERIAL_ECHOPGM("cartesian x="); SERIAL_ECHO(cartesian[X_AXIS]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" y="); SERIAL_ECHO(cartesian[Y_AXIS]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" z="); SERIAL_ECHOLN(cartesian[Z_AXIS]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM("delta x="); SERIAL_ECHO(delta[X_AXIS]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" y="); SERIAL_ECHO(delta[Y_AXIS]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" z="); SERIAL_ECHOLN(delta[Z_AXIS]); */ } #endif void prepare_move() { clamp_to_software_endstops(destination); previous_millis_cmd = millis(); #ifdef DELTA float difference[NUM_AXIS]; for (int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { difference[i] = destination[i] - current_position[i]; } float cartesian_mm = sqrt(sq(difference[X_AXIS]) + sq(difference[Y_AXIS]) + sq(difference[Z_AXIS])); if (cartesian_mm < 0.000001) { cartesian_mm = abs(difference[E_AXIS]); } if (cartesian_mm < 0.000001) { return; } float seconds = 6000 * cartesian_mm / feedrate / feedmultiply; int steps = max(1, int(DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND * seconds)); // SERIAL_ECHOPGM("mm="); SERIAL_ECHO(cartesian_mm); // SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" seconds="); SERIAL_ECHO(seconds); // SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" steps="); SERIAL_ECHOLN(steps); for (int s = 1; s <= steps; s++) { float fraction = float(s) / float(steps); for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { destination[i] = current_position[i] + difference[i] * fraction; } calculate_delta(destination); plan_buffer_line(delta[X_AXIS], delta[Y_AXIS], delta[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate*feedmultiply/60/100.0, active_extruder); } #else #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE if (active_extruder_parked) { if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE && active_extruder == 0) { // move duplicate extruder into correct duplication position. plan_set_position(inactive_extruder_x_pos, current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS] + duplicate_extruder_x_offset, current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], max_feedrate[X_AXIS], 1); plan_set_position(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS]); st_synchronize(); extruder_duplication_enabled = true; active_extruder_parked = false; } else if (dual_x_carriage_mode == DXC_AUTO_PARK_MODE) // handle unparking of head { if (current_position[E_AXIS] == destination[E_AXIS]) { // this is a travel move - skit it but keep track of current position (so that it can later // be used as start of first non-travel move) if (delayed_move_time != 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { memcpy(current_position, destination, sizeof(current_position)); if (destination[Z_AXIS] > raised_parked_position[Z_AXIS]) raised_parked_position[Z_AXIS] = destination[Z_AXIS]; delayed_move_time = millis(); return; } } delayed_move_time = 0; // unpark extruder: 1) raise, 2) move into starting XY position, 3) lower plan_buffer_line(raised_parked_position[X_AXIS], raised_parked_position[Y_AXIS], raised_parked_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], max_feedrate[Z_AXIS], active_extruder); plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], raised_parked_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], min(max_feedrate[X_AXIS],max_feedrate[Y_AXIS]), active_extruder); plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], max_feedrate[Z_AXIS], active_extruder); active_extruder_parked = false; } } #endif //DUAL_X_CARRIAGE // Do not use feedmultiply for E or Z only moves if( (current_position[X_AXIS] == destination [X_AXIS]) && (current_position[Y_AXIS] == destination [Y_AXIS])) { plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate/60, active_extruder); } else { plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS], feedrate*feedmultiply/60/100.0, active_extruder); } #endif //else DELTA for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { current_position[i] = destination[i]; } } void prepare_arc_move(char isclockwise) { float r = hypot(offset[X_AXIS], offset[Y_AXIS]); // Compute arc radius for mc_arc // Trace the arc mc_arc(current_position, destination, offset, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS, feedrate*feedmultiply/60/100.0, r, isclockwise, active_extruder); // As far as the parser is concerned, the position is now == target. In reality the // motion control system might still be processing the action and the real tool position // in any intermediate location. for(int8_t i=0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++) { current_position[i] = destination[i]; } previous_millis_cmd = millis(); } #if defined(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN) && CONTROLLERFAN_PIN > -1 #if defined(FAN_PIN) #if CONTROLLERFAN_PIN == FAN_PIN #error "You cannot set CONTROLLERFAN_PIN equal to FAN_PIN" #endif #endif unsigned long lastMotor = 0; //Save the time for when a motor was turned on last unsigned long lastMotorCheck = 0; void controllerFan() { if ((millis() - lastMotorCheck) >= 2500) //Not a time critical function, so we only check every 2500ms { lastMotorCheck = millis(); if(!READ(X_ENABLE_PIN) || !READ(Y_ENABLE_PIN) || !READ(Z_ENABLE_PIN) || (soft_pwm_bed > 0) #if EXTRUDERS > 2 || !READ(E2_ENABLE_PIN) #endif #if EXTRUDER > 1 #if defined(X2_ENABLE_PIN) && X2_ENABLE_PIN > -1 || !READ(X2_ENABLE_PIN) #endif || !READ(E1_ENABLE_PIN) #endif || !READ(E0_ENABLE_PIN)) //If any of the drivers are enabled... { lastMotor = millis(); //... set time to NOW so the fan will turn on } if ((millis() - lastMotor) >= (CONTROLLERFAN_SECS*1000UL) || lastMotor == 0) //If the last time any driver was enabled, is longer since than CONTROLLERSEC... { digitalWrite(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN, 0); analogWrite(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN, 0); } else { // allows digital or PWM fan output to be used (see M42 handling) digitalWrite(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN, CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED); analogWrite(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN, CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED); } } } #endif #ifdef TEMP_STAT_LEDS static bool blue_led = false; static bool red_led = false; static uint32_t stat_update = 0; void handle_status_leds(void) { float max_temp = 0.0; if(millis() > stat_update) { stat_update += 500; // Update every 0.5s for (int8_t cur_extruder = 0; cur_extruder < EXTRUDERS; ++cur_extruder) { max_temp = max(max_temp, degHotend(cur_extruder)); max_temp = max(max_temp, degTargetHotend(cur_extruder)); } #if defined(TEMP_BED_PIN) && TEMP_BED_PIN > -1 max_temp = max(max_temp, degTargetBed()); max_temp = max(max_temp, degBed()); #endif if((max_temp > 55.0) && (red_led == false)) { digitalWrite(STAT_LED_RED, 1); digitalWrite(STAT_LED_BLUE, 0); red_led = true; blue_led = false; } if((max_temp < 54.0) && (blue_led == false)) { digitalWrite(STAT_LED_RED, 0); digitalWrite(STAT_LED_BLUE, 1); red_led = false; blue_led = true; } } } #endif void manage_inactivity() { if( (millis() - previous_millis_cmd) > max_inactive_time ) if(max_inactive_time) kill(); if(stepper_inactive_time) { if( (millis() - previous_millis_cmd) > stepper_inactive_time ) { if(blocks_queued() == false) { disable_x(); disable_y(); disable_z(); disable_e0(); disable_e1(); disable_e2(); } } } #if defined(KILL_PIN) && KILL_PIN > -1 if( 0 == READ(KILL_PIN) ) kill(); #endif #if defined(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN) && CONTROLLERFAN_PIN > -1 controllerFan(); //Check if fan should be turned on to cool stepper drivers down #endif #ifdef EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_PREVENT if( (millis() - previous_millis_cmd) > EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_SECONDS*1000 ) if(degHotend(active_extruder)>EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_MINTEMP) { bool oldstatus=READ(E0_ENABLE_PIN); enable_e0(); float oldepos=current_position[E_AXIS]; float oldedes=destination[E_AXIS]; plan_buffer_line(destination[X_AXIS], destination[Y_AXIS], destination[Z_AXIS], destination[E_AXIS]+EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_EXTRUDE*EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_ESTEPS/axis_steps_per_unit[E_AXIS], EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_SPEED/60.*EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_ESTEPS/axis_steps_per_unit[E_AXIS], active_extruder); current_position[E_AXIS]=oldepos; destination[E_AXIS]=oldedes; plan_set_e_position(oldepos); previous_millis_cmd=millis(); st_synchronize(); WRITE(E0_ENABLE_PIN,oldstatus); } #endif #if defined(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) // handle delayed move timeout if (delayed_move_time != 0 && (millis() - delayed_move_time) > 1000 && Stopped == false) { // travel moves have been received so enact them delayed_move_time = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // force moves to be done memcpy(destination,current_position,sizeof(destination)); prepare_move(); } #endif #ifdef TEMP_STAT_LEDS handle_status_leds(); #endif check_axes_activity(); } void kill() { cli(); // Stop interrupts disable_heater(); disable_x(); disable_y(); disable_z(); disable_e0(); disable_e1(); disable_e2(); #if defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1 pinMode(PS_ON_PIN,INPUT); #endif SERIAL_ERROR_START; SERIAL_ERRORLNPGM(MSG_ERR_KILLED); LCD_ALERTMESSAGEPGM(MSG_KILLED); suicide(); while(1) { /* Intentionally left empty */ } // Wait for reset } void Stop() { disable_heater(); if(Stopped == false) { Stopped = true; Stopped_gcode_LastN = gcode_LastN; // Save last g_code for restart SERIAL_ERROR_START; SERIAL_ERRORLNPGM(MSG_ERR_STOPPED); LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_STOPPED); } } bool IsStopped() { return Stopped; }; #ifdef FAST_PWM_FAN void setPwmFrequency(uint8_t pin, int val) { val &= 0x07; switch(digitalPinToTimer(pin)) { #if defined(TCCR0A) case TIMER0A: case TIMER0B: // TCCR0B &= ~(_BV(CS00) | _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS02)); // TCCR0B |= val; break; #endif #if defined(TCCR1A) case TIMER1A: case TIMER1B: // TCCR1B &= ~(_BV(CS10) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS12)); // TCCR1B |= val; break; #endif #if defined(TCCR2) case TIMER2: case TIMER2: TCCR2 &= ~(_BV(CS10) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS12)); TCCR2 |= val; break; #endif #if defined(TCCR2A) case TIMER2A: case TIMER2B: TCCR2B &= ~(_BV(CS20) | _BV(CS21) | _BV(CS22)); TCCR2B |= val; break; #endif #if defined(TCCR3A) case TIMER3A: case TIMER3B: case TIMER3C: TCCR3B &= ~(_BV(CS30) | _BV(CS31) | _BV(CS32)); TCCR3B |= val; break; #endif #if defined(TCCR4A) case TIMER4A: case TIMER4B: case TIMER4C: TCCR4B &= ~(_BV(CS40) | _BV(CS41) | _BV(CS42)); TCCR4B |= val; break; #endif #if defined(TCCR5A) case TIMER5A: case TIMER5B: case TIMER5C: TCCR5B &= ~(_BV(CS50) | _BV(CS51) | _BV(CS52)); TCCR5B |= val; break; #endif } } #endif //FAST_PWM_FAN bool setTargetedHotend(int code){ tmp_extruder = active_extruder; if(code_seen('T')) { tmp_extruder = code_value(); if(tmp_extruder >= EXTRUDERS) { SERIAL_ECHO_START; switch(code){ case 104: SERIAL_ECHO(MSG_M104_INVALID_EXTRUDER); break; case 105: SERIAL_ECHO(MSG_M105_INVALID_EXTRUDER); break; case 109: SERIAL_ECHO(MSG_M109_INVALID_EXTRUDER); break; case 218: SERIAL_ECHO(MSG_M218_INVALID_EXTRUDER); break; } SERIAL_ECHOLN(tmp_extruder); return true; } } return false; }