/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #pragma once /** * French * * LCD Menu Messages * See also https://marlinfw.org/docs/development/lcd_language.html */ #define DISPLAY_CHARSET_ISO10646_1 namespace Language_fr { using namespace Language_en; // Inherit undefined strings from English constexpr uint8_t CHARSIZE = 2; LSTR LANGUAGE = _UxGT("Français"); LSTR WELCOME_MSG = MACHINE_NAME _UxGT(" prête."); LSTR MSG_YES = _UxGT("Oui"); LSTR MSG_NO = _UxGT("Non"); LSTR MSG_BACK = _UxGT("Retour"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_ABORTING = _UxGT("Annulation..."); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_INSERTED = _UxGT("Média inséré"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_REMOVED = _UxGT("Média retiré"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_WAITING = _UxGT("Attente média"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_READ_ERROR = _UxGT("Err lecture média"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_USB_REMOVED = _UxGT("USB débranché"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_USB_FAILED = _UxGT("Erreur média USB"); LSTR MSG_LCD_ENDSTOPS = _UxGT("Butées"); LSTR MSG_LCD_SOFT_ENDSTOPS = _UxGT("Butées SW"); LSTR MSG_MAIN = _UxGT("Menu principal"); LSTR MSG_ADVANCED_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Config. avancée"); LSTR MSG_CONFIGURATION = _UxGT("Configuration"); LSTR MSG_RUN_AUTO_FILES = _UxGT("Exéc. auto.gcode"); LSTR MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS = _UxGT("Arrêter moteurs"); LSTR MSG_DEBUG_MENU = _UxGT("Menu debug"); LSTR MSG_PROGRESS_BAR_TEST = _UxGT("Test barre progress."); LSTR MSG_HOMING = _UxGT("Origine"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME = _UxGT("Origine auto"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_X = _UxGT("Origine X auto"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_Y = _UxGT("Origine Y auto"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_Z = _UxGT("Origine Z auto"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_I = _UxGT("Origine ") LCD_STR_I _UxGT(" auto"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_J = _UxGT("Origine ") LCD_STR_J _UxGT(" auto"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_K = _UxGT("Origine ") LCD_STR_K _UxGT(" auto"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_Z_ALIGN = _UxGT("Align. Z auto"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_HOMING = _UxGT("Origine XYZ..."); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_WAITING = _UxGT("Clic pour commencer"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_NEXT_POINT = _UxGT("Point suivant"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_DONE = _UxGT("Mise à niveau OK!"); LSTR MSG_Z_FADE_HEIGHT = _UxGT("Hauteur lissée"); LSTR MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS = _UxGT("Régl. décal origine"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_X = _UxGT("Décal. origine X"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_Y = _UxGT("Décal. origine Y"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_Z = _UxGT("Décal. origine Z"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_I = _UxGT("Décal. origine ") LCD_STR_I; LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_J = _UxGT("Décal. origine ") LCD_STR_J; LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_K = _UxGT("Décal. origine ") LCD_STR_K; LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSETS_APPLIED = _UxGT("Décalages appliqués"); LSTR MSG_SET_ORIGIN = _UxGT("Régler origine"); LSTR MSG_TRAMMING_WIZARD = _UxGT("Assistant Molettes"); LSTR MSG_SELECT_ORIGIN = _UxGT("Molette du lit"); // Not a selection of the origin LSTR MSG_LAST_VALUE_SP = _UxGT("Ecart origine "); #if PREHEAT_COUNT LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1 = _UxGT("Préchauffage ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL; LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_H = _UxGT("Préchauffage ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL " ~"; LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_END = _UxGT("Préch. ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" buse"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_END_E = _UxGT("Préch. ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" buse ~"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_ALL = _UxGT("Préch. ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" Tout"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_BEDONLY = _UxGT("Préch. ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" lit"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Régler préch. ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL; LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M = _UxGT("Préchauffage $"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_H = _UxGT("Préchauffage $ ~"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_END = _UxGT("Préch. $ buse"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_END_E = _UxGT("Préch. $ buse ~"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_ALL = _UxGT("Préch. $ Tout"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_BEDONLY = _UxGT("Préch. $ lit"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Régler préch. $"); #endif LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_CUSTOM = _UxGT("Préchauf. perso"); LSTR MSG_COOLDOWN = _UxGT("Refroidir"); LSTR MSG_LASER_MENU = _UxGT("Contrôle Laser"); LSTR MSG_LASER_POWER = _UxGT("Puissance"); LSTR MSG_SPINDLE_REVERSE = _UxGT("Inverser broches"); LSTR MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON = _UxGT("Allumer alim."); LSTR MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF = _UxGT("Eteindre alim."); LSTR MSG_EXTRUDE = _UxGT("Extrusion"); LSTR MSG_RETRACT = _UxGT("Rétractation"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_AXIS = _UxGT("Déplacer un axe"); LSTR MSG_BED_LEVELING = _UxGT("Régler Niv. lit"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED = _UxGT("Niveau du lit"); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING = _UxGT("Niveau des coins"); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING_RAISE = _UxGT("Relever le coin jusqu'à la sonde"); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING_IN_RANGE = _UxGT("Coins dans la tolérance. Niveau lit "); LSTR MSG_NEXT_CORNER = _UxGT("Coin suivant"); LSTR MSG_MESH_EDITOR = _UxGT("Modif. maille"); // 13 car. max LSTR MSG_EDIT_MESH = _UxGT("Modifier grille"); LSTR MSG_EDITING_STOPPED = _UxGT("Modification arrêtée"); LSTR MSG_PROBING_POINT = _UxGT("Mesure point"); LSTR MSG_MESH_X = _UxGT("Index X"); LSTR MSG_MESH_Y = _UxGT("Index Y"); LSTR MSG_MESH_EDIT_Z = _UxGT("Valeur Z"); LSTR MSG_CUSTOM_COMMANDS = _UxGT("Commandes perso"); LSTR MSG_LCD_TILTING_MESH = _UxGT("Mesure point"); LSTR MSG_M48_TEST = _UxGT("Ecart sonde Z M48"); LSTR MSG_M48_DEVIATION = _UxGT("Ecart"); LSTR MSG_M48_POINT = _UxGT("Point M48"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MENU = _UxGT("Mode IDEX"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_AUTOPARK = _UxGT("Auto-Park"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_DUPLICATE = _UxGT("Duplication"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_MIRRORED_COPY = _UxGT("Copie miroir"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_FULL_CTRL = _UxGT("Contrôle complet"); LSTR MSG_OFFSETS_MENU = _UxGT("Offsets Outil"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET_X = _UxGT("Buse 2 X"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET_Y = _UxGT("Buse 2 Y"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET_Z = _UxGT("Buse 2 Z"); LSTR MSG_G26_HEATING_BED = _UxGT("G26: Chauffage du lit"); LSTR MSG_G26_HEATING_NOZZLE = _UxGT("Buse en chauffe..."); LSTR MSG_G26_MANUAL_PRIME = _UxGT("Amorce manuelle..."); LSTR MSG_G26_FIXED_LENGTH = _UxGT("Amorce longueur fixe"); LSTR MSG_G26_PRIME_DONE = _UxGT("Amorce terminée"); LSTR MSG_G26_CANCELED = _UxGT("G26 annulé"); LSTR MSG_G26_LEAVING = _UxGT("Sortie G26"); LSTR MSG_UBL_DOING_G29 = _UxGT("G29 en cours"); LSTR MSG_UBL_TOOLS = _UxGT("Outils UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_LEVEL_BED = _UxGT("Niveau lit unifié"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MANUAL_MESH = _UxGT("Maillage manuel"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT = _UxGT("Poser câle & mesurer"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT2 = _UxGT("Mesure"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BC_REMOVE = _UxGT("ôter et mesurer lit"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MOVING_TO_NEXT = _UxGT("Aller au suivant"); LSTR MSG_UBL_ACTIVATE_MESH = _UxGT("Activer l'UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_DEACTIVATE_MESH = _UxGT("Désactiver l'UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SET_TEMP_BED = _UxGT("Température lit"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BED_TEMP_CUSTOM = _UxGT("Température lit"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SET_TEMP_HOTEND = _UxGT("Température buse"); LSTR MSG_UBL_HOTEND_TEMP_CUSTOM = _UxGT("Température buse"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_EDIT = _UxGT("Modifier grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_EDIT_CUSTOM_MESH = _UxGT("Modif. grille perso"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_MESH = _UxGT("Réglage fin"); LSTR MSG_UBL_DONE_EDITING_MESH = _UxGT("Terminer"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("Créer la grille"); #if PREHEAT_COUNT LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_M = _UxGT("Créer grille $"); LSTR MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_M = _UxGT("Impr. grille $"); #endif LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_CUSTOM_MESH = _UxGT("Créer grille ..."); LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_COLD_MESH = _UxGT("Mesure à froid"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_ADJUST = _UxGT("Ajuster haut. couche"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_AMOUNT = _UxGT("Hauteur (x0.1mm)"); LSTR MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("Vérifier grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_CUSTOM_MESH = _UxGT("Impr. grille ..."); LSTR MSG_UBL_CONTINUE_MESH = _UxGT("Continuer grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau par mailles"); LSTR MSG_UBL_3POINT_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau à 3 points"); LSTR MSG_UBL_GRID_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau par grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVEL = _UxGT("Effectuer mesures"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SIDE_POINTS = _UxGT("Points latéraux"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MAP_TYPE = _UxGT("Type de carte"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP = _UxGT("Exporter grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_HOST = _UxGT("Export pour hôte"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_CSV = _UxGT("Export en CSV"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_BACKUP = _UxGT("Export sauvegarde"); LSTR MSG_UBL_INFO_UBL = _UxGT("Infos debug UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FILLIN_AMOUNT = _UxGT("Nombre de points"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MANUAL_FILLIN = _UxGT("Remplissage manuel"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SMART_FILLIN = _UxGT("Remplissage auto"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FILLIN_MESH = _UxGT("Remplissage grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_ALL = _UxGT("Tout effacer"); LSTR MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_CLOSEST = _UxGT("Effacer le + près"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_ALL = _UxGT("Réglage fin (tous)"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_CLOSEST = _UxGT("Réglage fin + près"); LSTR MSG_UBL_STORAGE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("Stockage grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_STORAGE_SLOT = _UxGT("Slot mémoire"); LSTR MSG_UBL_LOAD_MESH = _UxGT("Charger la grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SAVE_MESH = _UxGT("Stocker la grille"); LSTR MSG_MESH_LOADED = _UxGT("Grille %i chargée"); LSTR MSG_MESH_SAVED = _UxGT("Grille %i enreg."); LSTR MSG_UBL_NO_STORAGE = _UxGT("Pas de mémoire"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SAVE_ERROR = _UxGT("Err: Enreg. UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_RESTORE_ERROR = _UxGT("Err: Ouvrir UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_Z_OFFSET = _UxGT("Z-Offset: "); LSTR MSG_UBL_Z_OFFSET_STOPPED = _UxGT("Décal. Z arrêté"); LSTR MSG_UBL_STEP_BY_STEP_MENU = _UxGT("Assistant UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_1_BUILD_COLD_MESH = _UxGT("1.Mesure à froid"); LSTR MSG_UBL_2_SMART_FILLIN = _UxGT("2.Compléter auto."); LSTR MSG_UBL_3_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("3.Vérifier grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_4_FINE_TUNE_ALL = _UxGT("4.Réglage fin"); LSTR MSG_UBL_5_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("5.Vérifier grille"); LSTR MSG_UBL_6_FINE_TUNE_ALL = _UxGT("6.Réglage fin"); LSTR MSG_UBL_7_SAVE_MESH = _UxGT("7.Stocker grille"); LSTR MSG_LED_CONTROL = _UxGT("Contrôle LED"); LSTR MSG_LEDS = _UxGT("Lumière"); LSTR MSG_LED_PRESETS = _UxGT("Préregl. LED"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_RED = _UxGT("Rouge"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_ORANGE = _UxGT("Orange"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_YELLOW = _UxGT("Jaune"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_GREEN = _UxGT("Vert"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_BLUE = _UxGT("Bleu"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_INDIGO = _UxGT("Indigo"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_VIOLET = _UxGT("Violet"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_WHITE = _UxGT("Blanc"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_DEFAULT = _UxGT("Defaut"); LSTR MSG_CUSTOM_LEDS = _UxGT("LEDs perso."); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_R = _UxGT("Intensité rouge"); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_G = _UxGT("Intensité vert"); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_B = _UxGT("Intensité bleu"); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_W = _UxGT("Intensité blanc"); LSTR MSG_LED_BRIGHTNESS = _UxGT("Luminosité"); LSTR MSG_MOVING = _UxGT("Déplacement..."); LSTR MSG_FREE_XY = _UxGT("Débloquer XY"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_X = _UxGT("Déplacer X"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_Y = _UxGT("Déplacer Y"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_Z = _UxGT("Déplacer Z"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_I = _UxGT("Déplacer ") LCD_STR_I; LSTR MSG_MOVE_J = _UxGT("Déplacer ") LCD_STR_J; LSTR MSG_MOVE_K = _UxGT("Déplacer ") LCD_STR_K; LSTR MSG_MOVE_E = _UxGT("Extruder"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_EN = _UxGT("Extruder *"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_TOO_COLD = _UxGT("Buse trop froide"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_N_MM = _UxGT("Déplacer %smm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_01MM = _UxGT("Déplacer 0.1mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_1MM = _UxGT("Déplacer 1mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_10MM = _UxGT("Déplacer 10mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_100MM = _UxGT("Déplacer 100mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_0001IN = _UxGT("Déplacer 0.001\""); LSTR MSG_MOVE_001IN = _UxGT("Déplacer 0.01\""); LSTR MSG_MOVE_01IN = _UxGT("Déplacer 0.1\""); LSTR MSG_MOVE_1IN = _UxGT("Déplacer 1\""); LSTR MSG_SPEED = _UxGT("Vitesse"); LSTR MSG_BED_Z = _UxGT("Lit Z"); LSTR MSG_NOZZLE = _UxGT("Buse"); LSTR MSG_NOZZLE_N = _UxGT("Buse ~"); LSTR MSG_BED = _UxGT("Lit"); LSTR MSG_CHAMBER = _UxGT("Caisson"); LSTR MSG_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT("Vit. ventil. "); // 15 car. max LSTR MSG_FAN_SPEED_N = _UxGT("Vit. ventil. ~"); LSTR MSG_STORED_FAN_N = _UxGT("Vit. enreg. ~"); LSTR MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT("Extra ventil. "); LSTR MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED_N = _UxGT("Extra ventil. ~"); LSTR MSG_FLOW = _UxGT("Flux"); LSTR MSG_FLOW_N = _UxGT("Flux ~"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL = _UxGT("Contrôler"); LSTR MSG_MIN = " " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Min"); LSTR MSG_MAX = " " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Max"); LSTR MSG_FACTOR = " " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Facteur"); LSTR MSG_AUTOTEMP = _UxGT("Temp. Auto."); LSTR MSG_LCD_ON = _UxGT("Marche"); LSTR MSG_LCD_OFF = _UxGT("Arrêt"); LSTR MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE = _UxGT("PID Autotune"); LSTR MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE_E = _UxGT("PID Autotune *"); LSTR MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE_DONE = _UxGT("Tuning PID terminé"); LSTR MSG_PID_BAD_EXTRUDER_NUM = _UxGT("Echec Autotune! E incorrect"); LSTR MSG_PID_TEMP_TOO_HIGH = _UxGT("Echec Autotune! Temp. trop haute"); LSTR MSG_PID_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("Echec Autotune! Opér. expirée"); LSTR MSG_SELECT = _UxGT("Sélectionner"); LSTR MSG_SELECT_E = _UxGT("Sélectionner *"); LSTR MSG_ACC = _UxGT("Accélération"); LSTR MSG_JERK = _UxGT("Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VA_JERK = _UxGT("V") LCD_STR_A _UxGT(" jerk"); LSTR MSG_VB_JERK = _UxGT("V") LCD_STR_B _UxGT(" jerk"); LSTR MSG_VC_JERK = _UxGT("V") LCD_STR_C _UxGT(" jerk"); LSTR MSG_VI_JERK = _UxGT("V") LCD_STR_I _UxGT(" jerk"); LSTR MSG_VJ_JERK = _UxGT("V") LCD_STR_J _UxGT(" jerk"); LSTR MSG_VK_JERK = _UxGT("V") LCD_STR_K _UxGT(" jerk"); LSTR MSG_VE_JERK = _UxGT("Ve jerk"); LSTR MSG_VELOCITY = _UxGT("Vélocité"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_A = _UxGT("Vit. Max ") LCD_STR_A; LSTR MSG_VMAX_B = _UxGT("Vit. Max ") LCD_STR_B; LSTR MSG_VMAX_C = _UxGT("Vit. Max ") LCD_STR_C; LSTR MSG_VMAX_I = _UxGT("Vit. Max ") LCD_STR_I; LSTR MSG_VMAX_J = _UxGT("Vit. Max ") LCD_STR_J; LSTR MSG_VMAX_K = _UxGT("Vit. Max ") LCD_STR_K; LSTR MSG_VMAX_E = _UxGT("Vit. Max ") LCD_STR_E; LSTR MSG_VMAX_EN = _UxGT("Vit. Max *"); LSTR MSG_JUNCTION_DEVIATION = _UxGT("Déviat. jonct."); LSTR MSG_VMIN = _UxGT("Vit. Min"); LSTR MSG_VTRAV_MIN = _UxGT("Vmin course"); LSTR MSG_ACCELERATION = _UxGT("Accélération"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_A = _UxGT("Max Accél. ") LCD_STR_A; LSTR MSG_AMAX_B = _UxGT("Max Accél. ") LCD_STR_B; LSTR MSG_AMAX_C = _UxGT("Max Accél. ") LCD_STR_C; LSTR MSG_AMAX_I = _UxGT("Max Accél. ") LCD_STR_I; LSTR MSG_AMAX_J = _UxGT("Max Accél. ") LCD_STR_J; LSTR MSG_AMAX_K = _UxGT("Max Accél. ") LCD_STR_K; LSTR MSG_AMAX_E = _UxGT("Max Accél. ") LCD_STR_E; LSTR MSG_AMAX_EN = _UxGT("Max Accél. *"); LSTR MSG_A_RETRACT = _UxGT("Acc.rétraction"); LSTR MSG_A_TRAVEL = _UxGT("Acc.course"); LSTR MSG_XY_FREQUENCY_LIMIT = _UxGT("Fréquence max"); LSTR MSG_XY_FREQUENCY_FEEDRATE = _UxGT("Vitesse min"); LSTR MSG_STEPS_PER_MM = _UxGT("Pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_A_STEPS = LCD_STR_A _UxGT(" pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_B_STEPS = LCD_STR_B _UxGT(" pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_C_STEPS = LCD_STR_C _UxGT(" pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_I_STEPS = LCD_STR_I _UxGT(" pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_J_STEPS = LCD_STR_J _UxGT(" pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_K_STEPS = LCD_STR_K _UxGT(" pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_E_STEPS = _UxGT("E pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_EN_STEPS = _UxGT("* pas/mm"); LSTR MSG_TEMPERATURE = _UxGT("Température"); LSTR MSG_MOTION = _UxGT("Mouvement"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Filament"); LSTR MSG_VOLUMETRIC_ENABLED = _UxGT("E en mm") SUPERSCRIPT_THREE; LSTR MSG_VOLUMETRIC_LIMIT = _UxGT("Limite en mm") SUPERSCRIPT_THREE; LSTR MSG_VOLUMETRIC_LIMIT_E = _UxGT("Limite *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_DIAM = _UxGT("Diamètre fil."); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_DIAM_E = _UxGT("Diamètre fil. *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_UNLOAD = _UxGT("Retrait mm"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_LOAD = _UxGT("Charger mm"); LSTR MSG_ADVANCE_K = _UxGT("Avance K"); LSTR MSG_ADVANCE_K_E = _UxGT("Avance K *"); LSTR MSG_BRIGHTNESS = _UxGT("Luminosité LCD"); LSTR MSG_CONTRAST = _UxGT("Contraste LCD"); LSTR MSG_STORE_EEPROM = _UxGT("Enregistrer config."); LSTR MSG_LOAD_EEPROM = _UxGT("Charger config."); LSTR MSG_RESTORE_DEFAULTS = _UxGT("Restaurer défauts"); LSTR MSG_INIT_EEPROM = _UxGT("Initialiser EEPROM"); LSTR MSG_SETTINGS_STORED = _UxGT("Config. enregistrée"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_UPDATE = _UxGT("MaJ Firmware SD"); LSTR MSG_RESET_PRINTER = _UxGT("RaZ imprimante"); LSTR MSG_REFRESH = LCD_STR_REFRESH _UxGT("Actualiser"); LSTR MSG_INFO_SCREEN = _UxGT("Surveiller"); LSTR MSG_PREPARE = _UxGT("Préparer"); LSTR MSG_TUNE = _UxGT("Régler"); LSTR MSG_START_PRINT = _UxGT("Démarrer impression"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_NEXT = _UxGT("Suivant"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_INIT = _UxGT("Init."); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_STOP = _UxGT("Stop"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_PRINT = _UxGT("Imprimer"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_RESET = _UxGT("Reset"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_IGNORE = _UxGT("Ignorer"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_CANCEL = _UxGT("Annuler"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_DONE = _UxGT("Terminé"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_BACK = _UxGT("Retour"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_PROCEED = _UxGT("Procéder"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_SKIP = _UxGT("Passer"); LSTR MSG_PAUSING = _UxGT("Mise en pause..."); LSTR MSG_PAUSE_PRINT = _UxGT("Pause impression"); LSTR MSG_RESUME_PRINT = _UxGT("Reprendre impr."); LSTR MSG_STOP_PRINT = _UxGT("Arrêter impr."); LSTR MSG_PRINTING_OBJECT = _UxGT("Impression objet"); LSTR MSG_CANCEL_OBJECT = _UxGT("Annuler objet"); LSTR MSG_CANCEL_OBJECT_N = _UxGT("Annuler objet ="); LSTR MSG_OUTAGE_RECOVERY = _UxGT("Récup. coup."); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_MENU = _UxGT("Impression SD"); LSTR MSG_NO_MEDIA = _UxGT("Pas de média"); LSTR MSG_DWELL = _UxGT("Repos..."); LSTR MSG_USERWAIT = _UxGT("Attente utilis."); LSTR MSG_PRINT_PAUSED = _UxGT("Impr. en pause"); LSTR MSG_PRINTING = _UxGT("Impression"); LSTR MSG_PRINT_ABORTED = _UxGT("Impr. annulée"); LSTR MSG_NO_MOVE = _UxGT("Moteurs bloqués"); LSTR MSG_KILLED = _UxGT("KILLED"); LSTR MSG_STOPPED = _UxGT("STOPPÉ"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT = _UxGT("Rétractation mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP = _UxGT("Ech. rétr. mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF = _UxGT("Vit. rétract°"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZHOP = _UxGT("Saut Z mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER = _UxGT("Rét.reprise mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAP = _UxGT("Ech.reprise mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVERF = _UxGT("V.rét. reprise"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAPF = _UxGT("V.éch. reprise"); LSTR MSG_AUTORETRACT = _UxGT("Rétraction auto"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_CHANGE = _UxGT("Changement outil"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_CHANGE_ZLIFT = _UxGT("Augmenter Z"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_PRIME_SPEED = _UxGT("Vitesse primaire"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_RETRACT_SPEED = _UxGT("Vitesse rétract°"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_PARK_ENABLED = _UxGT("Garer Extrudeur"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_UNRETRACT_SPEED = _UxGT("Vitesse reprise"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT("Vit. ventil."); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_FAN_TIME = _UxGT("Temps ventil."); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_ON = _UxGT("Auto ON"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_OFF = _UxGT("Auto OFF"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION = _UxGT("Migration d'outil"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_AUTO = _UxGT("Migration auto"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_END = _UxGT("Extrudeur Final"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_SWAP = _UxGT("Migrer vers *"); LSTR MSG_NOZZLE_STANDBY = _UxGT("Attente buse"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_SWAP_LENGTH = _UxGT("Longueur retrait"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_SWAP_EXTRA = _UxGT("Longueur Extra"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_PURGE_LENGTH = _UxGT("Longueur de purge"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE = _UxGT("Changer filament"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE_E = _UxGT("Changer filament *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTLOAD = _UxGT("Charger filament"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTLOAD_E = _UxGT("Charger filament *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD = _UxGT("Retrait filament"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD_E = _UxGT("Retrait filament *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD_ALL = _UxGT("Retirer tout"); LSTR MSG_ATTACH_MEDIA = _UxGT("Charger le média"); LSTR MSG_CHANGE_MEDIA = _UxGT("Actualiser média"); LSTR MSG_RELEASE_MEDIA = _UxGT("Retirer le média"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_OUT = _UxGT("Sonde Z hors lit"); LSTR MSG_SKEW_FACTOR = _UxGT("Facteur écart"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH = _UxGT("BLTouch"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_SELFTEST = _UxGT("Self-Test"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_RESET = _UxGT("Reset"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_STOW = _UxGT("Ranger"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_DEPLOY = _UxGT("Déployer"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_SW_MODE = _UxGT("Mode SW"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_5V_MODE = _UxGT("Mode 5V"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_OD_MODE = _UxGT("Mode OD"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE = _UxGT("Appliquer Mode"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE_5V = _UxGT("Mise en 5V"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE_OD = _UxGT("Mise en OD"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_ECHO = _UxGT("Afficher Mode"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_PROBE = _UxGT("TouchMI"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_INIT = _UxGT("Init. TouchMI"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_ZTEST = _UxGT("Test décalage Z"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_SAVE = _UxGT("Sauvegarde"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_DEPLOY_TOUCHMI = _UxGT("Déployer TouchMI"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_DEPLOY = _UxGT("Déployer Sonde Z"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_STOW = _UxGT("Ranger Sonde Z"); LSTR MSG_HOME_FIRST = _UxGT("Origine %s%s%s Premier"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_OFFSETS = _UxGT("Position sonde Z"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_XOFFSET = _UxGT("Décalage X"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_YOFFSET = _UxGT("Décalage Y"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET = _UxGT("Décalage Z"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_X = _UxGT("Babystep X"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_Y = _UxGT("Babystep Y"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_Z = _UxGT("Babystep Z"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_I = _UxGT("Babystep ") LCD_STR_I; LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_J = _UxGT("Babystep ") LCD_STR_J; LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_K = _UxGT("Babystep ") LCD_STR_K; LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_TOTAL = _UxGT("Total"); LSTR MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT = _UxGT("Butée abandon"); LSTR MSG_HEATING_FAILED_LCD = _UxGT("Err de chauffe"); LSTR MSG_ERR_REDUNDANT_TEMP = _UxGT("Err TEMP. REDONDANTE"); LSTR MSG_THERMAL_RUNAWAY = _UxGT("Err THERMIQUE"); LSTR MSG_ERR_MAXTEMP = _UxGT("Err TEMP. MAX"); LSTR MSG_ERR_MINTEMP = _UxGT("Err TEMP. MIN"); LSTR MSG_HALTED = _UxGT("IMPR. STOPPÉE"); LSTR MSG_PLEASE_RESET = _UxGT("Redémarrer SVP"); LSTR MSG_SHORT_DAY = _UxGT("j"); // One character only LSTR MSG_SHORT_HOUR = _UxGT("h"); // One character only LSTR MSG_SHORT_MINUTE = _UxGT("m"); // One character only LSTR MSG_HEATING = _UxGT("en chauffe..."); LSTR MSG_COOLING = _UxGT("Refroidissement"); LSTR MSG_BED_HEATING = _UxGT("Lit en chauffe..."); LSTR MSG_BED_COOLING = _UxGT("Refroid. du lit..."); LSTR MSG_PROBE_HEATING = _UxGT("Probe en chauffe..."); LSTR MSG_PROBE_COOLING = _UxGT("Refroid. Probe..."); LSTR MSG_CHAMBER_HEATING = _UxGT("Chauffe caisson..."); LSTR MSG_CHAMBER_COOLING = _UxGT("Refroid. caisson..."); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Calibration Delta"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_X = _UxGT("Calibrer X"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Y = _UxGT("Calibrer Y"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Z = _UxGT("Calibrer Z"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_CENTER = _UxGT("Calibrer centre"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Réglages Delta"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_AUTO_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Calibration Auto"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_HEIGHT_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Hauteur Delta"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_Z_OFFSET_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Delta Z sonde"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_DIAG_ROD = _UxGT("Diagonale"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_HEIGHT = _UxGT("Hauteur"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_RADIUS = _UxGT("Rayon"); LSTR MSG_INFO_MENU = _UxGT("Infos imprimante"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINTER_MENU = _UxGT("Infos imprimante"); LSTR MSG_3POINT_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau à 3 points"); LSTR MSG_LINEAR_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau linéaire"); LSTR MSG_BILINEAR_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau bilinéaire"); LSTR MSG_UBL_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau lit unifié"); LSTR MSG_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("Niveau par grille"); LSTR MSG_MESH_DONE = _UxGT("Niveau terminé"); LSTR MSG_INFO_STATS_MENU = _UxGT("Stats. imprimante"); LSTR MSG_INFO_BOARD_MENU = _UxGT("Infos carte"); LSTR MSG_INFO_THERMISTOR_MENU = _UxGT("Thermistances"); LSTR MSG_INFO_EXTRUDERS = _UxGT("Extrudeurs"); LSTR MSG_INFO_BAUDRATE = _UxGT("Bauds"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PROTOCOL = _UxGT("Protocole"); LSTR MSG_INFO_RUNAWAY_OFF = _UxGT("Protection inactive"); LSTR MSG_INFO_RUNAWAY_ON = _UxGT("Protection active"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_IDLE_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("Hotend Idle Timeout"); LSTR MSG_CASE_LIGHT = _UxGT("Lumière caisson"); LSTR MSG_CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS = _UxGT("Luminosité"); LSTR MSG_KILL_EXPECTED_PRINTER = _UxGT("Imprimante incorrecte"); #if LCD_WIDTH >= 20 LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT = _UxGT("Nbre impressions"); LSTR MSG_INFO_COMPLETED_PRINTS = _UxGT("Terminées"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_TIME = _UxGT("Tps impr. total"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_LONGEST = _UxGT("Impr. la + longue"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Total filament"); #else LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT = _UxGT("Impressions"); LSTR MSG_INFO_COMPLETED_PRINTS = _UxGT("Terminées"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_TIME = _UxGT("Total"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_LONGEST = _UxGT("+ long"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Filament"); #endif LSTR MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP = _UxGT("Temp Min"); LSTR MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP = _UxGT("Temp Max"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PSU = _UxGT("Alim."); LSTR MSG_DRIVE_STRENGTH = _UxGT("Puiss. moteur "); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_A = _UxGT("Driver ") LCD_STR_A _UxGT(" %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_B = _UxGT("Driver ") LCD_STR_B _UxGT(" %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_C = _UxGT("Driver ") LCD_STR_C _UxGT(" %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_I = _UxGT("Driver ") LCD_STR_I _UxGT(" %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_J = _UxGT("Driver ") LCD_STR_J _UxGT(" %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_K = _UxGT("Driver ") LCD_STR_K _UxGT(" %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_E = _UxGT("Driver E %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_EEPROM_WRITE = _UxGT("DAC EEPROM sauv."); LSTR MSG_ERROR_TMC = _UxGT("ERREUR CONNEXION TMC"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER = _UxGT("CHANGER FILAMENT"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_PAUSE = _UxGT("IMPR. PAUSE"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_LOAD = _UxGT("CHARGER FIL"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_UNLOAD = _UxGT("DECHARGER FIL"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_HEADER = _UxGT("OPTIONS REPRISE:"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_PURGE = _UxGT("Purger encore"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_RESUME = _UxGT("Reprendre impr."); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_NOZZLE = _UxGT(" Buse: "); LSTR MSG_RUNOUT_SENSOR = _UxGT("Capteur fil."); LSTR MSG_KILL_HOMING_FAILED = _UxGT("Echec origine"); LSTR MSG_LCD_PROBING_FAILED = _UxGT("Echec sonde"); LSTR MSG_KILL_MMU2_FIRMWARE = _UxGT("MAJ firmware MMU!!"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_CHOOSE_FILAMENT_HEADER = _UxGT("CHOISIR FILAMENT"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_MENU = _UxGT("MMU"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_NOT_RESPONDING = _UxGT("MMU ne répond plus"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESUME = _UxGT("Continuer Imp. MMU"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESUMING = _UxGT("Reprise MMU..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOAD_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Charge dans MMU"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOAD_ALL = _UxGT("Charger tous dans MMU"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOAD_TO_NOZZLE = _UxGT("Charger dans buse"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECT_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Ejecter fil. du MMU"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECT_FILAMENT_N = _UxGT("Ejecter fil. ~"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_UNLOAD_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Retrait filament"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOADING_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Chargem. fil. %i..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECTING_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Ejection fil..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_UNLOADING_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Retrait fil...."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_ALL = _UxGT("Tous"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_FILAMENT_N = _UxGT("Filament ~"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESET = _UxGT("Réinit. MMU"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESETTING = _UxGT("Réinit. MMU..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECT_RECOVER = _UxGT("Retrait, click"); LSTR MSG_MIX_COMPONENT_N = _UxGT("Composante ="); LSTR MSG_MIXER = _UxGT("Mixeur"); LSTR MSG_GRADIENT = _UxGT("Dégradé"); LSTR MSG_FULL_GRADIENT = _UxGT("Dégradé complet"); LSTR MSG_TOGGLE_MIX = _UxGT("Toggle mix"); LSTR MSG_CYCLE_MIX = _UxGT("Cycle mix"); LSTR MSG_GRADIENT_MIX = _UxGT("Mix dégradé"); LSTR MSG_REVERSE_GRADIENT = _UxGT("Inverser dégradé"); LSTR MSG_ACTIVE_VTOOL = _UxGT("Active V-tool"); LSTR MSG_START_VTOOL = _UxGT("Début V-tool"); LSTR MSG_END_VTOOL = _UxGT(" Fin V-tool"); LSTR MSG_GRADIENT_ALIAS = _UxGT("Alias V-tool"); LSTR MSG_RESET_VTOOLS = _UxGT("Réinit. V-tools"); LSTR MSG_COMMIT_VTOOL = _UxGT("Valider Mix V-tool"); LSTR MSG_VTOOLS_RESET = _UxGT("V-tools réinit. ok"); LSTR MSG_START_Z = _UxGT("Début Z:"); LSTR MSG_END_Z = _UxGT(" Fin Z:"); LSTR MSG_GAMES = _UxGT("Jeux"); LSTR MSG_BRICKOUT = _UxGT("Casse-briques"); LSTR MSG_INVADERS = _UxGT("Invaders"); LSTR MSG_SNAKE = _UxGT("Sn4k3"); LSTR MSG_MAZE = _UxGT("Labyrinthe"); LSTR MSG_BAD_PAGE = _UxGT("Erreur index page"); LSTR MSG_BAD_PAGE_SPEED = _UxGT("Erreur vitesse page"); #if LCD_HEIGHT >= 4 // Up to 3 lines allowed LSTR MSG_ADVANCED_PAUSE_WAITING = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Presser bouton", "pour reprendre")); LSTR MSG_PAUSE_PRINT_PARKING = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Parking...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Attente filament", "pour démarrer")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT = _UxGT(MSG_3_LINE("Insérer filament", "et app. bouton", "pour continuer...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Presser le bouton", "pour chauffer...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Buse en chauffe", "Patienter SVP...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Attente", "retrait du filament")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Attente", "chargement filament")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Attente", "Purge filament")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_CONT_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Presser pour finir", "la purge du filament")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Attente reprise", "impression")); #else // LCD_HEIGHT < 4 // Up to 2 lines allowed LSTR MSG_ADVANCED_PAUSE_WAITING = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Clic pour continuer")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Patience...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Insérer fil.")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Chauffer ?")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Chauffage...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Retrait fil...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Chargement...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Purge...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_CONT_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Terminer ?")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Reprise...")); #endif // LCD_HEIGHT < 4 LSTR MSG_TMC_CURRENT = _UxGT("Courant driver"); LSTR MSG_TMC_HYBRID_THRS = _UxGT("Seuil hybride"); LSTR MSG_TMC_HOMING_THRS = _UxGT("Home sans capteur"); LSTR MSG_TMC_STEPPING_MODE = _UxGT("Mode pas à pas"); LSTR MSG_TMC_STEALTH_ENABLED = _UxGT("StealthChop activé"); LSTR MSG_SERVICE_RESET = _UxGT("Réinit."); LSTR MSG_SERVICE_IN = _UxGT(" dans:"); LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_CORRECTION = _UxGT("Correction"); LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_SMOOTHING = _UxGT("Lissage"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_X_AXIS = _UxGT("Niveau axe X"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Etalon. auto."); #if ENABLED(TOUCH_UI_FTDI_EVE) LSTR MSG_HEATER_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("En protection, temp. réduite. Ok pour rechauffer et continuer."); #else LSTR MSG_HEATER_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("En protection"); #endif LSTR MSG_REHEAT = _UxGT("Chauffer"); LSTR MSG_REHEATING = _UxGT("Réchauffe..."); LSTR MSG_PROBE_WIZARD = _UxGT("Assistant Sonde Z"); LSTR MSG_PROBE_WIZARD_PROBING = _UxGT("Mesure référence"); LSTR MSG_PROBE_WIZARD_MOVING = _UxGT("Dépl. vers pos"); LSTR MSG_SOUND = _UxGT("Sons"); LSTR MSG_TOP_LEFT = _UxGT("Coin haut gauche"); LSTR MSG_BOTTOM_LEFT = _UxGT("Coin bas gauche"); LSTR MSG_TOP_RIGHT = _UxGT("Coin haut droit"); LSTR MSG_BOTTOM_RIGHT = _UxGT("Coin bas droit"); LSTR MSG_CALIBRATION_COMPLETED = _UxGT("Calibration terminée"); LSTR MSG_CALIBRATION_FAILED = _UxGT("Échec de l'étalonnage"); LSTR MSG_SD_CARD = _UxGT("Carte SD"); LSTR MSG_USB_DISK = _UxGT("Clé USB"); }