nextcloud: first step towards handling php from ansible again

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Markus 2019-05-20 21:35:58 +02:00
parent 477441585d
commit f8daa11de1
1 changed files with 34 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,42 @@
- name: Enable https for apt
apt: name=apt-transport-https
- name: Enable sury php apt-key
apt_key: url=''
- name: Enable sury php repository
apt_repository: repo="deb stretch main"
- name: Install packages
apt: name={{ item }}
# FIXME currently PHP handled out of ansible
# - php7.0-apcu
# - php7.0-curl
# - php7.0-fpm
# - php7.0-gd
# - php7.0-ldap
# - php7.0-mbstring
# - php7.0-pgsql
# - php7.0-xml
# - php7.0-zip
# - php-redis
- php-redis
- php7.3
- php7.3-bcmath
- php7.3-bz2
- php7.3-cli
- php7.3-common
- php7.3-curl
- php7.3-dev
- php7.3-fpm
- php7.3-gd
- php7.3-imap
- php7.3-intl
- php7.3-json
- php7.3-ldap
- php7.3-mbstring
- php7.3-mysql
- php7.3-opcache
- php7.3-pgsql
- php7.3-readline
- php7.3-soap
- php7.3-sqlite3
- php7.3-tidy
- php7.3-xml
- php7.3-xmlrpc
- php7.3-zip
- postgresql
- python-psycopg2