Thomas Basler
* Integrate IotWebConf as local library * Add support for ESP Async Webserver to IotWebConf * Changed application to work with Async Webserver
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* IotWebConf07MqttRelay.ino -- IotWebConf is an ESP8266/ESP32
* non blocking WiFi/AP web configuration library for Arduino.
* Copyright (C) 2018 Balazs Kelemen <>
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
* of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
* Example: MQTT Relay Demo
* Description:
* All IotWebConf specific aspects of this example are described in
* previous examples, so please get familiar with IotWebConf before
* starting this example. So nothing new will be explained here,
* but a complete demo application will be built.
* It is also expected from the reader to have a basic knowledge over
* MQTT to understand this code.
* This example starts an MQTT client with the configured
* connection settings.
* Will receives messages appears in channel "/devices/[thingName]/action"
* with payload ON/OFF, and reports current state in channel
* "/devices/[thingName]/status" (ON/OFF). Where the thingName can be
* configured in the portal. A relay will be switched on/off
* corresponding to the received action. The relay can be also controlled
* by the push button.
* The thing will delay actions arriving within 7 seconds.
* This example also provides the firmware update option.
* (See previous examples for more details!)
* Software setup for this example:
* This example utilizes Joel Gaehwiler's MQTT library.
* Hardware setup for this example:
* - A Relay is attached to the D5 pin (On=HIGH). Note on relay pin!
* - An LED is attached to LED_BUILTIN pin with setup On=LOW.
* - A push button is attached to pin D2, the other leg of the
* button should be attached to GND.
* Note on relay pin
* Some people might want to use Wemos Relay Shield to test this example.
* Now Wemos Relay Shield connects the relay to pin D1.
* However, when using D1 as output, Serial communication will be blocked.
* So you will either keep on using D1 and miss the Serial monitor
* feedback, or connect your relay to another digital pin (e.g. D5).
* (You can modify your Wemos Relay Shield for that, as I show it in this
* video:
#include <MQTT.h>
#include <IotWebConf.h>
// -- Initial name of the Thing. Used e.g. as SSID of the own Access Point.
const char thingName[] = "testThing";
// -- Initial password to connect to the Thing, when it creates an own Access Point.
const char wifiInitialApPassword[] = "smrtTHNG8266";
#define STRING_LEN 128
// -- Configuration specific key. The value should be modified if config structure was changed.
#define CONFIG_VERSION "mqt2"
// -- When BUTTON_PIN is pulled to ground on startup, the Thing will use the initial
// password to buld an AP. (E.g. in case of lost password)
#define BUTTON_PIN D2
// -- Status indicator pin.
// First it will light up (kept LOW), on Wifi connection it will blink,
// when connected to the Wifi it will turn off (kept HIGH).
// -- Connected ouput pin. See "Note on relay pin"!
#define RELAY_PIN D5
#define MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX "/devices/"
// -- Ignore/limit status changes more frequent than the value below (milliseconds).
#define ACTION_FEQ_LIMIT 7000
#define NO_ACTION -1
// -- Callback method declarations.
void wifiConnected();
void configSaved();
boolean formValidator();
void mqttMessageReceived(String &topic, String &payload);
DNSServer dnsServer;
WebServer server(80);
HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater;
WiFiClient net;
MQTTClient mqttClient;
char mqttServerValue[STRING_LEN];
IotWebConf iotWebConf(thingName, &dnsServer, &server, wifiInitialApPassword, CONFIG_VERSION);
IotWebConfParameter mqttServerParam = IotWebConfParameter("MQTT server", "mqttServer", mqttServerValue, STRING_LEN);
boolean needMqttConnect = false;
boolean needReset = false;
unsigned long lastMqttConnectionAttempt = 0;
int needAction = NO_ACTION;
int state = LOW;
unsigned long lastAction = 0;
char mqttActionTopic[STRING_LEN];
char mqttStatusTopic[STRING_LEN];
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); // See "Note on relay pin"!
Serial.println("Starting up...");
// -- Initializing the configuration.
boolean validConfig = iotWebConf.init();
if (!validConfig)
mqttServerValue[0] = '\0';
// -- Set up required URL handlers on the web server.
server.on("/", handleRoot);
server.on("/config", []{ iotWebConf.handleConfig(); });
server.onNotFound([](){ iotWebConf.handleNotFound(); });
// -- Prepare dynamic topic names
String temp = String(MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX);
temp += iotWebConf.getThingName();
temp += "/action";
temp.toCharArray(mqttActionTopic, STRING_LEN);
temp = String(MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX);
temp += iotWebConf.getThingName();
temp += "/status";
temp.toCharArray(mqttStatusTopic, STRING_LEN);
mqttClient.begin(mqttServerValue, net);
void loop()
// -- doLoop should be called as frequently as possible.
if (needMqttConnect)
if (connectMqtt())
needMqttConnect = false;
else if ((iotWebConf.getState() == IOTWEBCONF_STATE_ONLINE) && (!mqttClient.connected()))
Serial.println("MQTT reconnect");
if (needReset)
Serial.println("Rebooting after 1 second.");
unsigned long now = millis();
// -- Check for button push
if ((digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == LOW)
&& ( ACTION_FEQ_LIMIT < now - lastAction))
needAction = 1 - state; // -- Invert the state
if ((needAction != NO_ACTION)
&& ( ACTION_FEQ_LIMIT < now - lastAction))
state = needAction;
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, state);
if (state == HIGH)
iotWebConf.blink(5000, 95);
mqttClient.publish(mqttStatusTopic, state == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF", true, 1);
mqttClient.publish(mqttActionTopic, state == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF", true, 1);
Serial.print("Switched ");
Serial.println(state == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF");
needAction = NO_ACTION;
lastAction = now;
* Handle web requests to "/" path.
void handleRoot()
// -- Let IotWebConf test and handle captive portal requests.
if (iotWebConf.handleCaptivePortal())
// -- Captive portal request were already served.
String s = F("<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no\"/>");
s += iotWebConf.getHtmlFormatProvider()->getStyle();
s += "<title>IotWebConf 07 MQTT Relay</title></head><body>";
s += iotWebConf.getThingName();
s += "<div>State: ";
s += (state == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF");
s += "</div>";
s += "<button type='button' onclick=\"location.href='';\" >Refresh</button>";
s += "<div>Go to <a href='config'>configure page</a> to change values.</div>";
s += "</body></html>\n";
server.send(200, "text/html", s);
void wifiConnected()
needMqttConnect = true;
void configSaved()
Serial.println("Configuration was updated.");
needReset = true;
boolean formValidator()
Serial.println("Validating form.");
boolean valid = true;
int l = server.arg(mqttServerParam.getId()).length();
if (l < 3)
mqttServerParam.errorMessage = "Please provide at least 3 characters!";
valid = false;
return valid;
boolean connectMqtt() {
unsigned long now = millis();
if (1000 > now - lastMqttConnectionAttempt)
// Do not repeat within 1 sec.
return false;
Serial.println("Connecting to MQTT server...");
if (!mqttClient.connect(iotWebConf.getThingName())) {
lastMqttConnectionAttempt = now;
return false;
mqttClient.publish(mqttStatusTopic, state == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF", true, 1);
mqttClient.publish(mqttActionTopic, state == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF", true, 1);
return true;
void mqttMessageReceived(String &topic, String &payload)
Serial.println("Incoming: " + topic + " - " + payload);
if (topic.endsWith("action"))
needAction = payload.equals("ON") ? HIGH : LOW;
if (needAction == state)
needAction = NO_ACTION;