'localhost', # 'domain' => 'example.com', # 'search_attr' => '', # 'search_dn' => '', # // The following credentials will be used when searching for the user's DN: # 'search_bind_rdn' => NULL, # 'search_bind_password' => NULL, # 'displayname_attrs' => '', # 'options' => array (LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION => 3), # 'use_tls' => 2, // 0 == don't attempt, 1 == attempt, 2 == require #); # For SAML configuration details: # http://wiki.racktables.org/index.php?title=SAML #$SAML_options = array #( # 'simplesamlphp_basedir' => '../simplesaml', # 'sp_profile' => 'default-sp', # 'usernameAttribute' => 'eduPersonPrincipName', # 'fullnameAttribute' => 'fullName', # 'groupListAttribute' => 'memberOf', #); # This HTML banner is intended to assist users in dispatching their issues # to the local tech support service. Its text (in its verbatim form) will # be appended to assorted error messages visible in user's browser (including # "not authenticated" message). Beware of placing any sensitive information # here, it will be readable by unauthorized visitors. #$helpdesk_banner = 'This RackTables instance is supported by Example Inc. IT helpdesk, dial ext. 1234 to report a problem.'; ?>