# dhcpd.conf # option definitions common to all supported networks... option domain-name "binary.kitchen"; option domain-name-servers {{ name_servers | join(', ') }}; option ntp-servers,; default-lease-time 7200; max-lease-time 28800; # Use this to enble / disable dynamic dns updates globally. ddns-update-style none; # If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented. authoritative; # Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also # have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection). log-facility local7; {% if dhcpd_failover == true %} # Failover failover peer "failover-partner" { {% if ansible_default_ipv4.address == dhcpd_primary %} primary; address {{ dhcpd_primary }}; peer address {{ dhcpd_secondary }}; {% elif ansible_default_ipv4.address == dhcpd_secondary %} secondary; address {{ dhcpd_secondary }}; peer address {{ dhcpd_primary }}; {% endif %} port 520; peer port 520; max-response-delay 60; max-unacked-updates 10; {% if ansible_default_ipv4.address == dhcpd_primary %} mclt 600; split 255; {% endif %} load balance max seconds 3; } {% endif %} # Binary Kitchen subnets # Management subnet netmask { option routers; } # Services subnet netmask { allow bootp; option routers; } # Users subnet netmask { option routers; pool { {% if dhcpd_failover == true %} failover peer "failover-partner"; {% endif %} range; } } # MQTT subnet netmask { option routers; pool { {% if dhcpd_failover == true %} failover peer "failover-partner"; {% endif %} range; } } # Fixed IPs host ap01 { hardware ethernet 44:48:c1:ce:a9:00; fixed-address ap01.binary.kitchen; } host ap04 { hardware ethernet 44:48:c1:ce:90:06; fixed-address ap04.binary.kitchen; } host bowle { hardware ethernet ac:1f:6b:25:16:b6; fixed-address bowle.binary.kitchen; } host cannelloni { hardware ethernet 00:10:f3:15:88:ac; fixed-address cannelloni.binary.kitchen; } host cashdesk { hardware ethernet 00:0b:ca:94:13:f1; fixed-address cashdesk.binary.kitchen; } host fusilli { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:1d:b9:bf; fixed-address fusilli.binary.kitchen; } host garlic { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:56:2b:7c; fixed-address garlic.binary.kitchen; } host homer { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:24:b2:12; fixed-address homer.binary.kitchen; } host klopi { hardware ethernet 74:da:38:6e:e6:9d; fixed-address klopi.binary.kitchen; } host lock { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:d8:b9:ad; fixed-address lock.binary.kitchen; } host maccaroni { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:18:5c:11; fixed-address maccaroni.binary.kitchen; } host matrix { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:ed:22:58; fixed-address matrix.binary.kitchen; } host mirror { hardware ethernet 74:da:38:7d:ed:84; fixed-address mirror.binary.kitchen; } host mpcnc { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:0f:d3:8b; fixed-address mpcnc.binary.kitchen; } host noodlehub { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:eb:e5:88; fixed-address noodlehub.binary.kitchen; } host pizza { hardware ethernet 52:54:00:17:02:21; fixed-address pizza.binary.kitchen; } host punsch { hardware ethernet 00:21:85:1b:7f:3d; fixed-address punsch.binary.kitchen; } host spaghetti { hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:e3:e9:f1; fixed-address spaghetti.binary.kitchen; } host schweinshaxn { hardware ethernet 52:54:00:17:02:24; fixed-address schweinshaxn.binary.kitchen; } host strammermax { hardware ethernet 08:00:37:B8:55:44; fixed-address strammermax.binary.kitchen; } host obatzda { hardware ethernet ec:9a:74:35:35:cf; fixed-address obatzda.binary.kitchen; } # VoIP Phones host voip01 { hardware ethernet 00:1D:45:B6:99:2F; option tftp-server-name ""; } host voip02 { hardware ethernet 00:1D:A2:66:B8:3E; option tftp-server-name ""; } host voip03 { hardware ethernet 00:1E:BE:90:FB:DB; option tftp-server-name ""; } host voip04 { hardware ethernet 00:1E:BE:90:FF:06; option tftp-server-name ""; } # OMAPI omapi-port 7911; omapi-key omapi_key; key omapi_key { algorithm hmac-md5; secret KDTrwNNyUOnGtrYo8RBjTzsE35hAjuggm5pxZD3xMuE4PdPyOkjuN/bM1uLLaIL/iGHQb/OmNsqCGqzOMSwhdA==; }