* The account key is expected at `/etc/acme/account.key`
* The domain key is expected at `/etc/acme/server.key` (note: only one domain key is required for all domains used in the same instance of acertmgr)
If you are missing these keys, you can create them using `openssl genrsa 4096 > /etc/acme/account.key` and `openssl genrsa 4096 > /etc/acme/server.key` respectively.
* webdir: In this mode, challenges are put into a directory, and served by an existing webserver. Make sure the target directory exists!
* standalone: In this mode, challenges are completed by acertmgr directly.
This starts a webserver to solve the challenges, which can be used standalone or together with an existing webserver that forwards request to a specified local port.
Finally, you need to setup the configuration files, as shown in the next section.
The main configuration is read from `/etc/acme/acme.conf`, domains for which certificates should be obtained/renewed should be configured in `/etc/acme/domains.d/{fqdn}.conf`.