#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # authority - authority api package # Copyright (c) Rudolf Mayerhofer, 2019. # available under the ISC license, see LICENSE import importlib import json import os from acertmgr import tools from acertmgr.tools import log authorities = dict() # @brief find or create a suitable authority for the given settings # @param settings the authority configuration options def authority(settings): key = json.dumps(settings, sort_keys=True) if key in authorities: return authorities[key] else: acc_file = settings['account_key'] if os.path.isfile(acc_file): log("Reading account key from {}".format(acc_file)) acc_key = tools.read_pem_file(acc_file, key=True) else: log("Account key not found at '{0}'. Creating key.".format(acc_file)) acc_key = tools.new_account_key(acc_file, settings['account_key_algorithm'], settings['account_key_size']) authority_module = importlib.import_module("acertmgr.authority.{0}".format(settings["api"])) authority_class = getattr(authority_module, "ACMEAuthority") authority_obj = authority_class(settings, acc_key) authorities[key] = authority_obj return authority_obj