ACERTMGR ======== This is an automated certificate manager using ACME/letsencrypt. Running ACERTMGR ---------------- The main file is intended to be run regularly (e.g. as daily cron job) as root. Configuration ------------- The main configuration is read from `/etc/acme/acme.conf`, domains for which certificates should be obtained/renewed should be configured in `/etc/acme/domains.d/{fqdn}.conf`. All configuration files use yaml syntax. * Example global configuration file: ```yaml --- mode: webdir #mode: standalone webdir: /var/www/challenges/ ``` * Example domain configuration file: ```yaml --- - user: postfix group: postfix perm: '400' notify: '/etc/init.d/postfix reload' - user: dovecot group: dovecot perm: '400' notify: '/etc/init.d/dovecot reload' ```