#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # acertmgr - ssl management functions # Copyright (c) Markus Hauschild & David Klaftenegger, 2016. # available under the ISC license, see LICENSE from OpenSSL import crypto import base64 import binascii import copy import datetime import hashlib import json import subprocess import textwrap import time import os import re try: from urllib.request import urlopen # Python 3 except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen # Python 2 # @brief retrieve notBefore and notAfter dates of a certificate file # @param cert_file the path to the certificate # @return the tuple of dates: (notBefore, notAfter) def cert_valid_times(cert_file): with open(cert_file) as f: cert_data = f.read() cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_data) asn1time = str('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ'.encode('utf8')) not_before = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(cert.get_notBefore()), asn1time) not_after = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(cert.get_notAfter()), asn1time) return (not_before, not_after) # @brief create a certificate signing request # @param names list of domain names the certificate should be valid for # @param key_data the key to use with the certificate in PEM format # @return the CSR in PEM format def cert_request(names, key_data): req = crypto.X509Req() req.get_subject().commonName = names[0] entries = ['DNS:'+name for name in names] extensions = [crypto.X509Extension('subjectAltName'.encode('utf8'), False, ', '.join(entries).encode('utf8'))] req.add_extensions(extensions) key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key_data) req.set_pubkey(key) req.sign(key, 'sha256') #return crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, req) return req # @brief convert certificate to PEM format # @param cert certificate object in pyopenssl format # @return the certificate in PEM format def cert_to_pem(cert): return crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode('utf8') # @brief read a key from file # @param path path to key file # @return the key in pyopenssl format def read_key(path): with open(path) as f: key_data = f.read() return crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key_data) # @brief create the header information for ACME communication # @param key the account key # @return the header for ACME def acme_header(key): proc = subprocess.Popen(['openssl', 'rsa', '-modulus', '-noout', '-text'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)) if proc.returncode != 0: raise IOError("OpenSSL Error: {0}".format(err)) pub_exp, pub_mod = re.search( r"publicExponent: [0-9]+ \(0x([0-9A-F]+)\).+Modulus=([0-9A-F]+)", out.decode('utf8'), re.DOTALL).groups() pub_exp = "0{0}".format(pub_exp) if len(pub_exp) % 2 else pub_exp header = { "alg": "RS256", "jwk": { "e": base64_enc(binascii.unhexlify(pub_exp.encode("utf-8"))), "kty": "RSA", "n": base64_enc(binascii.unhexlify(pub_mod.encode("utf-8"))), }, } return header # @brief register an account over ACME # @param account_key the account key to register # @param CA the certificate authority to register with # @return True if new account was registered, False otherwise def register_account(account_key, CA): header = acme_header(account_key) code, result = send_signed(account_key, CA, CA + "/acme/new-reg", header, { "resource": "new-reg", "agreement": "https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.0.1-July-27-2015.pdf", }) if code == 201: print("Registered!") return True elif code == 409: print("Already registered!") return False else: raise ValueError("Error registering: {0} {1}".format(code, result)) # @brief helper function to base64 encode for JSON objects # @param b the string to encode # @return the encoded string def base64_enc(b): return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b).decode('utf8').replace("=", "") # @brief helper function to make signed requests # @param CA the certificate authority # @param url the request URL # @param header the message header # @param payload the message # @return tuple of return code and request answer def send_signed(account_key, CA, url, header, payload): payload64 = base64_enc(json.dumps(payload).encode('utf8')) protected = copy.deepcopy(header) protected["nonce"] = urlopen(CA + "/directory").headers['Replay-Nonce'] protected64 = base64_enc(json.dumps(protected).encode('utf8')) out = crypto.sign(account_key, '.'.join([protected64, payload64]), 'sha256') data = json.dumps({ "header": header, "protected": protected64, "payload": payload64, "signature": base64_enc(out), }) try: resp = urlopen(url, data.encode('utf8')) return resp.getcode(), resp.read() except IOError as e: return getattr(e, "code", None), getattr(e, "read", e.__str__)() # @brief function to fetch certificate using ACME # @param account_key the account key in pyopenssl format # @param csr the certificate signing request in pyopenssl format # @param domains list of domains in the certificate, first is CN # @param acme_dir directory for ACME challanges # @param CA which signing CA to use # @return the certificate in pyopenssl format # @note algorithm and parts of the code are from acme-tiny def get_crt_from_csr(account_key, csr, domains, acme_dir, CA): header = acme_header(account_key) accountkey_json = json.dumps(header['jwk'], sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) account_thumbprint = base64_enc(hashlib.sha256(accountkey_json.encode('utf8')).digest()) # verify each domain for domain in domains: print("Verifying {0}...".format(domain)) # get new challenge code, result = send_signed(account_key, CA, CA + "/acme/new-authz", header, { "resource": "new-authz", "identifier": {"type": "dns", "value": domain}, }) if code != 201: raise ValueError("Error requesting challenges: {0} {1}".format(code, result)) # make the challenge file challenge = [c for c in json.loads(result.decode('utf8'))['challenges'] if c['type'] == "http-01"][0] token = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]", "_", challenge['token']) keyauthorization = "{0}.{1}".format(token, account_thumbprint) wellknown_path = os.path.join(acme_dir, token) with open(wellknown_path, "w") as wellknown_file: wellknown_file.write(keyauthorization) # check that the file is in place wellknown_url = "http://{0}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{1}".format(domain, token) try: resp = urlopen(wellknown_url) resp_data = resp.read().decode('utf8').strip() assert resp_data == keyauthorization except (IOError, AssertionError): os.remove(wellknown_path) raise ValueError("Wrote file to {0}, but couldn't download {1}".format( wellknown_path, wellknown_url)) # notify challenge are met code, result = send_signed(account_key, CA, challenge['uri'], header, { "resource": "challenge", "keyAuthorization": keyauthorization, }) if code != 202: raise ValueError("Error triggering challenge: {0} {1}".format(code, result)) # wait for challenge to be verified while True: try: resp = urlopen(challenge['uri']) challenge_status = json.loads(resp.read().decode('utf8')) except IOError as e: raise ValueError("Error checking challenge: {0} {1}".format( e.code, json.loads(e.read().decode('utf8')))) if challenge_status['status'] == "pending": time.sleep(2) elif challenge_status['status'] == "valid": print("{0} verified!".format(domain)) os.remove(wellknown_path) break else: raise ValueError("{0} challenge did not pass: {1}".format( domain, challenge_status)) # get the new certificate print("Signing certificate...") csr_der = crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, csr) code, result = send_signed(account_key, CA, CA + "/acme/new-cert", header, { "resource": "new-cert", "csr": base64_enc(csr_der), }) if code != 201: raise ValueError("Error signing certificate: {0} {1}".format(code, result)) # return signed certificate! print("Certificate signed!") cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, result) return cert