mirror of https://github.com/moepman/acertmgr.git synced 2024-06-01 15:42:35 +02:00
Kishi85 b63a0bc424 tools: add log function, update log messages mentioning certificates
This simple implementation writes log messages to stdout/err and flushes
the buffers immediately after the message has been written.

Also update log messages with the certificate CN to a better readable format
Introduce functions for get_cert_cn and get_cert_valid_until to
encapsulate all cryptographic functions consistently in tools.
2019-04-07 15:31:06 +02:00

267 lines
13 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# acertmgr - acme api v2 functions
# Copyright (c) Rudolf Mayerhofer, 2019.
# available under the ISC license, see LICENSE
import copy
import json
import re
import time
from acertmgr import tools
from acertmgr.authority.acme import ACMEAuthority as AbstractACMEAuthority
from acertmgr.tools import log
class ACMEAuthority(AbstractACMEAuthority):
# @brief Init class with config
# @param config Configuration data
# @param key Account key data
def __init__(self, config, key):
AbstractACMEAuthority.__init__(self, config, key)
# Initialize config vars
self.ca = config['authority']
self.tos_agreed = str(config.get('authority_tos_agreement')).lower() == 'true'
contact_email = config.get('authority_contact_email')
if contact_email is None:
self.contact = None
elif isinstance(contact_email, list):
self.contact = ["mailto:{}".format(contact) for contact in contact_email]
self.contact = ["mailto:{}".format(contact_email)]
# Initialize runtime vars
code, self.directory, _ = self._request_url(self.ca + '/directory')
if code >= 400 or not self.directory:
self.directory = {
"meta": {},
"newAccount": "{}/acme/new-acct".format(self.ca),
"newNonce": "{}/acme/new-nonce".format(self.ca),
"newOrder": "{}/acme/new-order".format(self.ca),
"revokeCert": "{}/acme/revoke-cert".format(self.ca),
log("API directory retrieval failed ({}). Guessed necessary values: {}".format(code, self.directory),
self.nonce = None
self.algorithm, jwk = tools.get_key_alg_and_jwk(key)
self.account_protected = {
"alg": self.algorithm,
"jwk": jwk
self.account_id = None # will be updated to correct value during account registration
# @brief fetch a given url
def _request_url(self, url, data=None, raw_result=False):
header = {'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json'}
if data:
data = data.encode('utf-8')
resp = tools.get_url(url, data, header)
# Store next Replay-Nonce if it is in the header
if 'Replay-Nonce' in resp.headers:
self.nonce = resp.headers['Replay-Nonce']
body = resp.read()
if not raw_result and len(body) > 0:
body = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
raise ValueError('Could not parse non-raw result (expected JSON)', e)
return resp.getcode(), body, resp.headers
# @brief helper function to make signed requests
def _request_acme_url(self, url, payload=None, protected=None, raw_result=False):
if not payload:
payload = {}
if not protected:
protected = {}
payload64 = tools.bytes_to_base64url(json.dumps(payload).encode('utf8'))
# Request a new nonce if there is none in cache
if not self.nonce:
protected["nonce"] = self.nonce
protected["url"] = url
if self.algorithm:
protected["alg"] = self.algorithm
if self.account_id:
protected["kid"] = self.account_id
protected64 = tools.bytes_to_base64url(json.dumps(protected).encode('utf8'))
out = tools.signature_of_str(self.key, '.'.join([protected64, payload64]))
data = json.dumps({
"protected": protected64,
"payload": payload64,
"signature": tools.bytes_to_base64url(out),
return self._request_url(url, data, raw_result)
except IOError as e:
return getattr(e, "code", None), getattr(e, "read", e.__str__)(), {}
# @brief send a request to authority
def _request_endpoint(self, request, data=None, raw_result=False):
return self._request_url(self.directory[request], data, raw_result)
# @brief send a signed request to authority
def _request_acme_endpoint(self, request, payload=None, protected=None, raw_result=False):
return self._request_acme_url(self.directory[request], payload, protected, raw_result)
# @brief register an account over ACME
def register_account(self):
if self.account_id:
# We already have registered with this authority, just return
protected = copy.deepcopy(self.account_protected)
payload = {
"termsOfServiceAgreed": self.tos_agreed,
"onlyReturnExisting": False,
if self.contact:
payload["contact"] = self.contact
code, result, headers = self._request_acme_endpoint("newAccount", payload, protected)
if code < 400 and result['status'] == 'valid':
self.account_id = headers['Location']
if 'meta' in self.directory and 'termsOfService' in self.directory['meta']:
log("ToS at {} have been accepted.".format(self.directory['meta']['termsOfService']))
log("Account registered and valid on {}.".format(self.ca))
raise ValueError("Error registering account: {0} {1}".format(code, result))
# @brief function to fetch certificate using ACME
# @param csr the certificate signing request in pyopenssl format
# @param domains list of domains in the certificate, first is CN
# @param challenge_handlers a dict containing challenge for all given domains
# @return the certificate and corresponding ca as a tuple
# @note algorithm and parts of the code are from acme-tiny
def get_crt_from_csr(self, csr, domains, challenge_handlers):
account_thumbprint = tools.bytes_to_base64url(
tools.hash_of_str(json.dumps(self.account_protected['jwk'], sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))))
log("Ordering certificate for {}".format(domains))
identifiers = [{'type': 'dns', 'value': domain} for domain in domains]
code, order, headers = self._request_acme_endpoint('newOrder', {'identifiers': identifiers})
if code >= 400:
raise ValueError("Error with certificate order: {0} {1}".format(code, order))
order_url = headers['Location']
authorizations = list()
# verify each domain
for authorizationUrl in order['authorizations']:
# get new challenge
code, authorization, _ = self._request_url(authorizationUrl)
if code >= 400:
raise ValueError("Error requesting authorization: {0} {1}".format(code, authorization))
authorization['_domain'] = "*.{}".format(authorization['identifier']['value']) if \
'wildcard' in authorization and authorization['wildcard'] else authorization['identifier']['value']
log("Authorizing {0}".format(authorization['_domain']))
# create the challenge
matching_challenges = [c for c in authorization['challenges'] if
c['type'] == challenge_handlers[authorization['_domain']].get_challenge_type()]
if len(matching_challenges) == 0:
raise ValueError("Error no challenge matching {0} found: {1}".format(
challenge_handlers[authorization['_domain']].get_challenge_type(), authorization))
authorization['_challenge'] = matching_challenges[0]
authorization['_token'] = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]", "_", authorization['_challenge']['token'])
if authorization['_domain'] not in challenge_handlers:
raise ValueError("No challenge handler given for domain: {0}".format(authorization['_domain']))
# after all challenges are created, start processing authorizations
for authorization in authorizations:
log("Starting verification of {}".format(authorization['_domain']))
# notify challenge is met
code, challenge_status, _ = self._request_acme_url(authorization['_challenge']['url'], {
"keyAuthorization": "{0}.{1}".format(authorization['_token'], account_thumbprint),
# wait for challenge to be verified
while code < 400 and challenge_status.get('status') == "pending":
code, challenge_status, _ = self._request_url(authorization['_challenge']['url'])
if challenge_status.get('status') == "valid":
log("{0} verified".format(authorization['_domain']))
raise ValueError("{0} challenge did not pass: {1}".format(
authorization['_domain'], challenge_status))
# Destroy challenge handlers in reverse order to replay
# any saved state information in the handlers correctly
for authorization in reversed(authorizations):
authorization['identifier']['value'], account_thumbprint, authorization['_token'])
except Exception as e:
log('Challenge destruction failed: {}'.format(e), error=True)
# check order status and retry once
code, order, _ = self._request_url(order_url)
if code < 400 and order.get('status') == 'pending':
code, order, _ = self._request_url(order_url)
if code >= 400:
raise ValueError("Order is still not ready to be finalized: {0} {1}".format(code, order))
# get the new certificate
log("Finalizing certificate")
code, finalize, _ = self._request_acme_url(order['finalize'], {
"csr": tools.bytes_to_base64url(tools.convert_cert_to_der_bytes(csr)),
while code < 400 and (finalize.get('status') == 'pending' or finalize.get('status') == 'processing'):
code, finalize, _ = self._request_url(order_url)
if code >= 400:
raise ValueError("Error finalizing certificate: {0} {1}".format(code, finalize))
log("Certificate ready!")
# return certificate
code, certificate, _ = self._request_url(finalize['certificate'], raw_result=True)
if code >= 400:
raise ValueError("Error downloading certificate chain: {0} {1}".format(code, certificate))
cert_dict = re.match((r'(?P<cert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[^\-]+-----END CERTIFICATE-----)\n\n'
r'(?P<ca>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[^\-]+-----END CERTIFICATE-----)?'),
certificate.decode('utf-8'), re.DOTALL).groupdict()
cert = tools.convert_pem_str_to_cert(cert_dict['cert'])
if cert_dict['ca'] is None:
ca = tools.download_issuer_ca(cert)
ca = tools.convert_pem_str_to_cert(cert_dict['ca'])
return cert, ca
# @brief function to revoke a certificate using ACME
# @param crt certificate to revoke
# @param reason (int) optional certificate revoke reason (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-5.3.1)
def revoke_crt(self, crt, reason=None):
payload = {'certificate': tools.bytes_to_base64url(tools.convert_cert_to_der_bytes(crt))}
if reason:
payload['reason'] = int(reason)
code, result, _ = self._request_acme_endpoint("revokeCert", payload)
if code < 400:
log("Revocation successful")
raise ValueError("Revocation failed: {}".format(result))