mirror of https://github.com/moepman/acertmgr.git synced 2024-06-14 22:12:34 +02:00
Kishi85 ed96f2bbf2 acertmgr: store CSR and support static CSR usage
Store the generated CSR for later review/usage and allow the stored
CSR to be used for future request. Configuration directives csr_file
(path) and csr_static (=true) have been added for this.

This allows simplified deployment of DANE/TLSA due the former requiring
updates to DNS with every public key change, which will not be the case
with a static CSR. A new CSR can be triggered manually by deleting the
CSR file upon which the next certificate will require an update of any
TLSA records in DNS.

This may also be used to specify a custom CSR to use, as long as the
csr_file path and the domains in the CSR match the ones given in the
acertmgr configuration.
2019-03-25 10:13:02 +01:00

270 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# config - acertmgr config parser
# Copyright (c) Markus Hauschild & David Klaftenegger, 2016.
# Copyright (c) Rudolf Mayerhofer, 2019.
# available under the ISC license, see LICENSE
import argparse
import copy
import hashlib
import io
import json
import os
# Backward compatiblity for older versions/installations of acertmgr
LEGACY_WORK_DIR = "/etc/acme"
LEGACY_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(LEGACY_WORK_DIR, "acme.conf")
LEGACY_CONF_DIR = os.path.join(LEGACY_WORK_DIR, "domains.d")
# Configuration defaults to use if not specified otherwise
DEFAULT_CONF_FILE = "/etc/acertmgr/acertmgr.conf"
DEFAULT_CONF_DIR = "/etc/acertmgr"
DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH = 4096 # bits
DEFAULT_TTL = 30 # days
DEFAULT_AUTHORITY = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org"
LEGACY_AUTHORITY = "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org"
# @brief augment configuration with defaults
# @param domainconfig the domain configuration
# @param defaults the default configuration
# @return the augmented configuration
def complete_action_config(domainconfig, config):
defaults = config['defaults']
domainconfig['ca_file'] = config['ca_file']
domainconfig['cert_file'] = config['cert_file']
domainconfig['key_file'] = config['key_file']
for name, value in defaults.items():
if name not in domainconfig:
domainconfig[name] = value
if 'action' not in domainconfig:
domainconfig['action'] = None
return domainconfig
# @brief update config[name] with value from localconfig>globalconfig>default
def update_config_value(config, name, localconfig, globalconfig, default):
values = [x for x in localconfig if name in x]
if len(values) > 0:
config[name] = values[0]
config[name] = globalconfig.get(name, default)
# @brief load the configuration from a file
def parse_config_entry(entry, globalconfig, work_dir, authority_tos_agreement):
config = dict()
# Basic domain information
config['domains'], data = entry
config['domainlist'] = config['domains'].split(' ')
config['id'] = hashlib.md5(config['domains'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# Append IDNA domains to the domainlist and domains
if any(ord(c) >= 128 for c in config['domains']):
import idna
domainlist = []
config['domaintranslation'] = {}
for domain in config['domainlist']:
if any(ord(c) >= 128 for c in domain):
# Translate IDNA domain name from a unicode domain (handle wildcards separately)
if domain.startswith('*.'):
idna_domain = "*.{}".format(idna.encode(domain[2:]).decode('utf-8'))
idna_domain = idna.encode(domain).decode('utf-8')
config['domaintranslation'][idna_domain] = domain
# Refresh the domainlist and domains config value
config['domainlist'] = domainlist
config['domains'] = ' '.join(domainlist)
except ImportError:
print("Unicode domain found but IDNA names could not be translated due to missing idna module")
# Action config defaults
config['defaults'] = globalconfig.get('defaults', {})
# API version
update_config_value(config, 'api', entry, globalconfig, DEFAULT_API)
# Certificate authority
update_config_value(config, 'authority', entry, globalconfig, DEFAULT_AUTHORITY)
# Certificate authority ToS agreement
update_config_value(config, 'authority_tos_agreement', entry, globalconfig, authority_tos_agreement)
# Certificate authority contact email addresses
update_config_value(config, 'authority_contact_email', entry, globalconfig, None)
# Account key
update_config_value(config, 'account_key', entry, globalconfig, os.path.join(work_dir, "account.key"))
# Certificate directory
update_config_value(config, 'cert_dir', entry, globalconfig, work_dir)
# TTL days
update_config_value(config, 'ttl_days', entry, globalconfig, DEFAULT_TTL)
config['ttl_days'] = int(config['ttl_days'])
# Use a static cert request
update_config_value(config, 'csr_static', entry, globalconfig, "false")
# SSL cert request location
update_config_value(config, 'csr_file', entry, globalconfig,
os.path.join(config['cert_dir'], "{}.csr".format(config['id'])))
# SSL cert location (with compatibility to older versions)
if 'server_cert' in globalconfig:
print("WARNING: Legacy configuration directive 'server_cert' used. Support will be removed in 1.0")
update_config_value(config, 'cert_file', entry, globalconfig,
os.path.join(config['cert_dir'], "{}.crt".format(config['id']))))
# SSL key location (with compatibility to older versions)
if 'server_key' in globalconfig:
print("WARNING: Legacy configuration directive 'server_key' used. Support will be removed in 1.0")
update_config_value(config, 'key_file', entry, globalconfig,
os.path.join(config['cert_dir'], "{}.key".format(config['id']))))
# SSL key length (if key has to be (re-)generated, converted to int)
update_config_value(config, 'key_length', entry, globalconfig, DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH)
config['key_length'] = int(config['key_length'])
# SSL CA location
ca_files = [x for x in entry if 'ca_file' in x]
if len(ca_files) > 0:
config['static_ca'] = True
config['ca_file'] = ca_files[0]
elif 'server_ca' in globalconfig:
print("WARNING: Legacy configuration directive 'server_ca' used. Support will be removed in 1.0")
config['static_ca'] = True
config['ca_file'] = globalconfig['server_ca']
config['static_ca'] = False
config['ca_file'] = os.path.join(config['cert_dir'], "{}.ca".format(config['id']))
# Domain action configuration
config['actions'] = list()
for actioncfg in [x for x in data if 'path' in x]:
config['actions'].append(complete_action_config(actioncfg, config))
# Domain challenge handler configuration
config['handlers'] = dict()
handlerconfigs = [x for x in data if 'mode' in x]
for domain in config['domainlist']:
# Use global config as base handler config
cfg = copy.deepcopy(globalconfig)
# Determine generic domain handler config values
genericfgs = [x for x in handlerconfigs if 'domain' not in x]
if len(genericfgs) > 0:
# Update handler config with more specific values (use original names for translated unicode domains)
_domain = config.get('domaintranslation', {}).get(domain, domain)
specificcfgs = [x for x in handlerconfigs if 'domain' in x and x['domain'] == _domain]
if len(specificcfgs) > 0:
config['handlers'][domain] = cfg
return config
# @brief load the configuration from a file
def load():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="acertmgr - Automated Certificate Manager using ACME/Let's Encrypt")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config-file", nargs="?",
help="global configuration file (default='{}')".format(DEFAULT_CONF_FILE))
parser.add_argument("-d", "--config-dir", nargs="?",
help="domain configuration directory (default='{}')".format(DEFAULT_CONF_DIR))
parser.add_argument("-w", "--work-dir", nargs="?",
help="persistent work data directory (default=config_dir)")
parser.add_argument("--authority-tos-agreement", "--tos-agreement", "--tos", nargs="?",
help="Agree to the authorities Terms of Service (value required depends on authority)")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Determine global configuration file
if args.config_file:
global_config_file = args.config_file
elif os.path.isfile(LEGACY_CONF_FILE):
print("WARNING: Legacy config file '{}' used. Move to '{}' for 1.0".format(LEGACY_CONF_FILE, DEFAULT_CONF_FILE))
global_config_file = LEGACY_CONF_FILE
global_config_file = DEFAULT_CONF_FILE
# Determine domain configuration directory
if args.config_dir:
domain_config_dir = args.config_dir
elif os.path.isdir(LEGACY_CONF_DIR):
print("WARNING: Legacy config dir '{}' used. Move to '{}' for 1.0".format(LEGACY_CONF_DIR, DEFAULT_CONF_DIR))
domain_config_dir = LEGACY_CONF_DIR
domain_config_dir = DEFAULT_CONF_DIR
# Determine work directory...
if args.work_dir:
work_dir = args.work_dir
elif os.path.isdir(LEGACY_WORK_DIR) and domain_config_dir == LEGACY_CONF_DIR:
work_dir = LEGACY_WORK_DIR
# .. or use the domain configuration directory otherwise
work_dir = domain_config_dir
# Determine authority agreement
if args.authority_tos_agreement:
authority_tos_agreement = args.authority_tos_agreement
elif global_config_file == LEGACY_CONF_FILE:
# Old global config file assumes ToS are agreed
authority_tos_agreement = LEGACY_AUTHORITY_TOS_AGREEMENT
authority_tos_agreement = None
# load global configuration
globalconfig = dict()
if os.path.isfile(global_config_file):
with io.open(global_config_file) as config_fd:
globalconfig = json.load(config_fd)
except ValueError:
import yaml
globalconfig = yaml.safe_load(config_fd)
if global_config_file == LEGACY_CONF_FILE:
if 'api' not in globalconfig:
globalconfig['api'] = LEGACY_API
if 'authority' not in globalconfig:
globalconfig['authority'] = LEGACY_AUTHORITY
# create work directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.isdir(work_dir):
os.mkdir(work_dir, int("0700", 8))
# load domain configuration
config = list()
if os.path.isdir(domain_config_dir):
for domain_config_file in os.listdir(domain_config_dir):
domain_config_file = os.path.join(domain_config_dir, domain_config_file)
# check file extension and skip if global config file
if domain_config_file.endswith(".conf") and \
os.path.abspath(domain_config_file) != os.path.abspath(global_config_file):
with io.open(domain_config_file) as config_fd:
for entry in json.load(config_fd).items():
config.append(parse_config_entry(entry, globalconfig, work_dir, authority_tos_agreement))
except ValueError:
import yaml
for entry in yaml.safe_load(config_fd).items():
config.append(parse_config_entry(entry, globalconfig, work_dir, authority_tos_agreement))
return config