{{ ansible_managed | comment(decoration = '; ') }} [Globals] ; xrdp.ini file version number ini_version=1 ; fork a new process for each incoming connection fork=true ; ports to listen on, number alone means listen on all interfaces ; or :: if ipv6 is configured ; space between multiple occurrences ; ALL specified interfaces must be UP when xrdp starts, otherwise xrdp will fail to start ; ; Examples: ; port=3389 ; port=unix://./tmp/xrdp.socket ; port=tcp://.:3389 ; port=tcp://:3389 *:3389 ; port=tcp://:3389 ; port=tcp6://.:3389 ::1:3389 ; port=tcp6://:3389 *:3389 ; port=tcp6://{}:3389 {FC00:0:0:0:0:0:0:1}:3389 ; port=vsock://: port=3389 ; 'port' above should be connected to with vsock instead of tcp ; use this only with number alone in port above ; prefer use vsock://: above use_vsock=false ; regulate if the listening socket use socket option tcp_nodelay ; no buffering will be performed in the TCP stack tcp_nodelay=true ; regulate if the listening socket use socket option keepalive ; if the network connection disappear without close messages the connection will be closed tcp_keepalive=true ; set tcp send/recv buffer (for experts) #tcp_send_buffer_bytes=32768 #tcp_recv_buffer_bytes=32768 ; security layer can be 'tls', 'rdp' or 'negotiate' ; for client compatible layer security_layer=negotiate ; minimum security level allowed for client for classic RDP encryption ; use tls_ciphers to configure TLS encryption ; can be 'none', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'fips' crypt_level=high ; X.509 certificate and private key ; openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 ; note this needs the user xrdp to be a member of the ssl-cert group, do with e.g. ;$ sudo adduser xrdp ssl-cert certificate= key_file= ; set SSL protocols ; can be comma separated list of 'SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.3' ssl_protocols=TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3 ; set TLS cipher suites #tls_ciphers=HIGH ; concats the domain name to the user if set for authentication with the separator ; for example when the server is multi homed with SSSd #domain_user_separator=@ ; The following options will override the keyboard layout settings. ; These options are for DEBUG and are not recommended for regular use. #xrdp.override_keyboard_type=0x04 #xrdp.override_keyboard_subtype=0x01 #xrdp.override_keylayout=0x00000409 ; Section name to use for automatic login if the client sends username ; and password. If empty, the domain name sent by the client is used. ; If empty and no domain name is given, the first suitable section in ; this file will be used. autorun= allow_channels=true allow_multimon=true bitmap_cache=true bitmap_compression=true bulk_compression=true #hidelogwindow=true max_bpp=32 new_cursors=true ; fastpath - can be 'input', 'output', 'both', 'none' use_fastpath=both ; when true, userid/password *must* be passed on cmd line #require_credentials=true ; when true, the userid will be used to try to authenticate #enable_token_login=true ; You can set the PAM error text in a gateway setup (MAX 256 chars) #pamerrortxt=change your password according to policy at http://url ; ; colors used by windows in RGB format ; blue=009cb5 grey=dedede #black=000000 #dark_grey=808080 #blue=08246b #dark_blue=08246b #white=ffffff #red=ff0000 #green=00ff00 #background=626c72 ; ; configure login screen ; ; Login Screen Window Title ls_title={{ xrdp_ls_title }} ; top level window background color in RGB format ls_top_window_bg_color={{ xrdp_ls_top_window_bg_color }} ; width and height of login screen ; ; The default height allows for about 5 fields to be comfortably displayed ; above the buttons at the bottom. To display more fields, make ; larger, and also increase and ; below ; ls_width={{ xrdp_ls_width }} ls_height={{ xrdp_ls_height }} ; login screen background color in RGB format ls_bg_color={{ xrdp_ls_bg_color }} ; optional background image filename. BMP format is always supported, ; but other formats will be supported if xrdp is build with imlib2 ; The transform can be one of the following:- ; none : No transformation. Image is placed in bottom-right corner ; of the screen. ; scale : Image is scaled to the screen size. The image aspect ; ratio is not preserved. ; zoom : Image is scaled to the screen size. The image aspect ; ratio is preserved by clipping the image. #ls_background_image= #ls_background_transform=none ; logo ; full path to file or file in shared folder. BMP format is always supported, ; but other formats will be supported if xrdp is build with imlib2 ; For transform values, see 'ls_background_transform'. The logo width and ; logo height are ignored for a transform of 'none'. ls_logo_filename=/usr/local/share/xrdp/{{ xrdp_ls_logo_filename }} #ls_logo_transform=none #ls_logo_width=240 #ls_logo_height=140 ls_logo_x_pos={{ xrdp_ls_logo_x_pos }} ls_logo_y_pos={{ xrdp_ls_logo_y_pos }} ; for positioning labels such as username, password etc ls_label_x_pos={{ xrdp_ls_label_x_pos }} ls_label_width={{ xrdp_ls_label_width }} ; for positioning text and combo boxes next to above labels ls_input_x_pos={{ xrdp_ls_input_x_pos }} ls_input_width={{ xrdp_ls_input_width }} ; y pos for first label and combo box ls_input_y_pos={{ xrdp_ls_input_y_pos }} ; OK button ls_btn_ok_x_pos={{ xrdp_ls_btn_ok_x_pos }} ls_btn_ok_y_pos={{ xrdp_ls_btn_ok_y_pos }} ls_btn_ok_width=85 ls_btn_ok_height=30 ; Cancel button ls_btn_cancel_x_pos={{ xrdp_ls_btn_cancel_x_pos }} ls_btn_cancel_y_pos={{ xrdp_ls_btn_cancel_y_pos }} ls_btn_cancel_width=85 ls_btn_cancel_height=30 [Logging] ; Note: Log levels can be any of: core, error, warning, info, debug, or trace LogFile=xrdp.log LogLevel=INFO EnableSyslog=true #SyslogLevel=INFO #EnableConsole=false #ConsoleLevel=INFO #EnableProcessId=false [LoggingPerLogger] ; Note: per logger configuration is only used if xrdp is built with ; --enable-devel-logging #xrdp.c=INFO #main()=INFO [Channels] ; Channel names not listed here will be blocked by XRDP. ; You can block any channel by setting its value to false. ; IMPORTANT! All channels are not supported in all use ; cases even if you set all values to true. ; You can override these settings on each session type ; These settings are only used if allow_channels=true rdpdr=true rdpsnd=true drdynvc=true cliprdr=true rail=true xrdpvr=true tcutils=true ; for debugging xrdp, in section xrdp1, change port=-1 to this: #port=/tmp/.xrdp/xrdp_display_10 ; ; Session types ; ; Some session types such as Xorg, X11rdp and Xvnc start a display server. ; Startup command-line parameters for the display server are configured ; in sesman.ini. See and configure also sesman.ini. {% for app, config in xrdp_applications.items() %} [{{ app }}] name={{ app }} lib=libxup.so username={{ config.user }} password={{ config.pass }} ip= port=-1 code=20 {% endfor %} [Xorg] name=Xorg lib=libxup.so username=ask password=ask ip= port=-1 code=20 #[Xvnc] #name=Xvnc #lib=libvnc.so #username=ask #password=ask #ip= #port=-1 ##xserverbpp=24 ##delay_ms=2000 #; Disable requested encodings to support buggy VNC servers #; (1 = ExtendedDesktopSize) ##disabled_encodings_mask=0 #; Use this to connect to a chansrv instance created outside of sesman #; (e.g. as part of an x11vnc console session). Replace '0' with the #; display number of the session ##chansrvport=DISPLAY(0) ; Generic VNC Proxy ; Tailor this to specific hosts and VNC instances by specifying an ip ; and port and setting a suitable name. #[vnc-any] #name=vnc-any #lib=libvnc.so #ip=ask #port=ask5900 #username=na #password=ask ##pamusername=asksame ##pampassword=asksame ##pamsessionmng= ##delay_ms=2000 ; Generic RDP proxy using NeutrinoRDP ; Tailor this to specific hosts by specifying an ip and port and setting ; a suitable name. #[neutrinordp-any] #name=neutrinordp-any #; To use this section, you should build xrdp with configure option #; --enable-neutrinordp. #lib=libxrdpneutrinordp.so #ip=ask #port=ask3389 #username=ask #password=ask #; Uncomment the following lines to enable PAM authentication for proxy #; connections. ##pamusername=ask ##pampassword=ask ##pamsessionmng= #; Currently NeutrinoRDP doesn't support dynamic resizing. Uncomment #; this line if you're using a client which does. ##enable_dynamic_resizing=false #; By default, performance settings requested by the RDP client are ignored #; and chosen by NeutrinoRDP. Uncomment this line to allow the user to #; select performance settings in the RDP client. ##perf.allow_client_experiencesettings=true #; Override any experience setting by uncommenting one or more of the #; following lines. ##perf.wallpaper=false ##perf.font_smoothing=false ##perf.desktop_composition=false ##perf.full_window_drag=false ##perf.menu_anims=false ##perf.themes=false ##perf.cursor_blink=false #; By default NeutrinoRDP supports cursor shadows. If this is giving #; you problems (e.g. cursor is a black rectangle) try disabling cursor #; shadows by uncommenting the following line. #perf.cursor_shadow=false #; By default, NeutrinoRDP uses the keyboard layout of the remote RDP Server. #; If you want to tell the remote the keyboard layout of the RDP Client, #; by uncommenting the following line. ##neutrinordp.allow_client_keyboardLayout=true #; The following options will override the remote keyboard layout settings. #; These options are for DEBUG and are not recommended for regular use. ##neutrinordp.override_keyboardLayout_mask=0x0000FFFF ##neutrinordp.override_kbd_type=0x04 ##neutrinordp.override_kbd_subtype=0x01 ##neutrinordp.override_kbd_fn_keys=12 ##neutrinordp.override_kbd_layout=0x00000409 ; You can override the common channel settings for each session type #channel.rdpdr=true #channel.rdpsnd=true #channel.drdynvc=true #channel.cliprdr=true #channel.rail=true #channel.xrdpvr=true