# The base domain DOMAIN=workadventure.nobody.lan DEBUG_MODE=false JITSI_URL=jitsi.binary-kitchen.de # If your Jitsi environment has authentication set up, you MUST set JITSI_PRIVATE_MODE to "true" and you MUST pass a SECRET_JITSI_KEY to generate the JWT secret JITSI_PRIVATE_MODE=false JITSI_ISS= SECRET_JITSI_KEY= ADMIN_API_TOKEN=123 START_ROOM_URL=/_/global/raw.githubusercontent.com/Binary-Kitchen/rc3.world/master/main.json # If your Turn server is configured to use the Turn REST API, you should put the shared auth secret here. # If you are using Coturn, this is the value of the "static-auth-secret" parameter in your coturn config file. # Keep empty if you are sharing hard coded / clear text credentials. TURN_STATIC_AUTH_SECRET= DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS=true SKIP_RENDER_OPTIMIZATIONS=false # The email address used by Let's encrypt to send renewal warnings (compulsory) ACME_EMAIL= MAX_PER_GROUP=4 MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH=8 OPID_CLIENT_ID= OPID_CLIENT_SECRET= OPID_CLIENT_ISSUER= OPID_CLIENT_REDIRECT_URL= OPID_LOGIN_SCREEN_PROVIDER=http://pusher.workadventure.nobody.lan/login-screen OPID_PROFILE_SCREEN_PROVIDER= DISABLE_ANONYMOUS= # If you want to have a contact page in your menu, you MUST set CONTACT_URL to the URL of the page that you want CONTACT_URL=