version: "3" services: # the frontend is only built here - it is served directly via nginx front: image: thecodingmachine/nodejs:14 environment: DEBUG_MODE: "$DEBUG_MODE" JITSI_URL: "$JITSI_URL" JITSI_PRIVATE_MODE: "$JITSI_PRIVATE_MODE" NODE_ENV: development PUSHER_URL: "//pusher.$DOMAIN" UPLOADER_URL: "//uploader.$DOMAIN" STARTUP_COMMAND_1: ./ STARTUP_COMMAND_2: yarn install STUN_SERVER: "" TURN_SERVER: "," DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS: "$DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS" SKIP_RENDER_OPTIMIZATIONS: "$SKIP_RENDER_OPTIMIZATIONS" # Use TURN_USER/TURN_PASSWORD if your Coturn server is secured via hard coded credentials. # Advice: you should instead use Coturn REST API along the TURN_STATIC_AUTH_SECRET in the Back container TURN_USER: "" TURN_PASSWORD: "" START_ROOM_URL: "$START_ROOM_URL" MAX_PER_GROUP: "$MAX_PER_GROUP" MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH: "$MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH" command: yarn run build volumes: - ./front:/usr/src/app pusher: image: thecodingmachine/nodejs:12 environment: DEBUG: "socket:*" STARTUP_COMMAND_1: yarn install SECRET_JITSI_KEY: "$SECRET_JITSI_KEY" SECRET_KEY: yourSecretKey ADMIN_API_TOKEN: "$ADMIN_API_TOKEN" API_URL: back:50051 JITSI_URL: "$JITSI_URL" JITSI_ISS: "$JITSI_ISS" FEDERATE_PUSHER: $FEDERATE_PUSHER command: yarn run prod ports: - "" volumes: - ./pusher:/usr/src/app back: image: thecodingmachine/nodejs:12 environment: DEBUG: "*" STARTUP_COMMAND_1: yarn install SECRET_KEY: yourSecretKey SECRET_JITSI_KEY: "$SECRET_JITSI_KEY" ALLOW_ARTILLERY: "true" ADMIN_API_TOKEN: "$ADMIN_API_TOKEN" JITSI_URL: "$JITSI_URL" JITSI_ISS: "$JITSI_ISS" TURN_STATIC_AUTH_SECRET: SomeStaticAuthSecret MAX_PER_GROUP: "MAX_PER_GROUP" command: yarn run prod volumes: - ./back:/usr/src/app uploader: image: thecodingmachine/nodejs:12 environment: DEBUG: "*" STARTUP_COMMAND_1: yarn install command: yarn run prod ports: - "" volumes: - ./uploader:/usr/src/app messages: #image: thecodingmachine/nodejs:14 image: thecodingmachine/workadventure-back-base:latest environment: #STARTUP_COMMAND_0: sudo apt-get install -y inotify-tools STARTUP_COMMAND_1: yarn install STARTUP_COMMAND_2: yarn run proto:watch volumes: - ./messages:/usr/src/app - ./back:/usr/src/back - ./front:/usr/src/front - ./pusher:/usr/src/pusher