import {HtmlUtils} from "./HtmlUtils"; export enum LayoutMode { // All videos are displayed on the right side of the screen. If there is a screen sharing, it is displayed in the middle. Presentation = "Presentation", // Videos take the whole page. VideoChat = "VideoChat", } export enum DivImportance { // For screen sharing Important = "Important", // For normal video Normal = "Normal", } /** * This class is in charge of the video-conference layout. * It receives positioning requests for videos and does its best to place them on the screen depending on the active layout mode. */ class LayoutManager { private mode: LayoutMode = LayoutMode.Presentation; private importantDivs: Map = new Map(); private normalDivs: Map = new Map(); public add(importance: DivImportance, userId: string, html: string): void { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; = "user-"+userId; if (importance === DivImportance.Important) { this.importantDivs.set(userId, div); // If this is the first video with high importance, let's switch mode automatically. if (this.importantDivs.size === 1 && this.mode === LayoutMode.VideoChat) { this.switchLayoutMode(LayoutMode.Presentation); } } else if (importance === DivImportance.Normal) { this.normalDivs.set(userId, div); } else { throw new Error('Unexpected importance'); } this.positionDiv(div, importance); this.adjustVideoChatClass(); } private positionDiv(elem: HTMLDivElement, importance: DivImportance): void { if (this.mode === LayoutMode.VideoChat) { const chatModeDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('chat-mode'); chatModeDiv.appendChild(elem); } else { if (importance === DivImportance.Important) { const mainSectionDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('main-section'); mainSectionDiv.appendChild(elem); } else if (importance === DivImportance.Normal) { const sideBarDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('sidebar'); sideBarDiv.appendChild(elem); } } } /** * Removes the DIV matching userId. */ public remove(userId: string): void { console.log('Removing video for userID '+userId+'.'); let div = this.importantDivs.get(userId); if (div !== undefined) { div.remove(); this.importantDivs.delete(userId); this.adjustVideoChatClass(); return; } div = this.normalDivs.get(userId); if (div !== undefined) { div.remove(); this.normalDivs.delete(userId); this.adjustVideoChatClass(); return; } console.log('Cannot remove userID '+userId+'. Already removed?'); //throw new Error('Could not find user ID "'+userId+'"'); } private adjustVideoChatClass(): void { const chatModeDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('chat-mode'); chatModeDiv.classList.remove('one-col', 'two-col', 'three-col', 'four-col'); const nbUsers = this.importantDivs.size + this.normalDivs.size; if (nbUsers <= 1) { chatModeDiv.classList.add('one-col'); } else if (nbUsers <= 4) { chatModeDiv.classList.add('two-col'); } else if (nbUsers <= 9) { chatModeDiv.classList.add('three-col'); } else { chatModeDiv.classList.add('four-col'); } } private switchLayoutMode(layoutMode: LayoutMode) { this.mode = layoutMode; if (layoutMode === LayoutMode.Presentation) { HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('sidebar').style.display = 'block'; HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('main-section').style.display = 'block'; HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('chat-mode').style.display = 'none'; } else { HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('sidebar').style.display = 'none'; HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('main-section').style.display = 'none'; HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('chat-mode').style.display = 'block'; } for (let div of this.importantDivs.values()) { this.positionDiv(div, DivImportance.Important); } for (let div of this.normalDivs.values()) { this.positionDiv(div, DivImportance.Normal); } } } const layoutManager = new LayoutManager(); export { layoutManager };