import {GameScene} from "./GameScene"; import { Connexion, GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface, ListMessageUserPositionInterface, MessageUserJoined, MessageUserMovedInterface, MessageUserPositionInterface, Point } from "../../Connexion"; import {SimplePeerInterface, SimplePeer} from "../../WebRtc/SimplePeer"; import {getMapKeyByUrl} from "../Login/LogincScene"; import ScenePlugin = Phaser.Scenes.ScenePlugin; import {AddPlayerInterface} from "./AddPlayerInterface"; export enum StatusGameManagerEnum { IN_PROGRESS = 1, CURRENT_USER_CREATED = 2 } export interface HasMovedEvent { direction: string; x: number; y: number; } export interface MapObject { key: string, url: string } export class GameManager { status: number; private ConnexionInstance: Connexion; private currentGameScene: GameScene; private playerName: string; SimplePeer : SimplePeerInterface; private characterUserSelected: string; constructor() { this.status = StatusGameManagerEnum.IN_PROGRESS; } connect(name: string, characterUserSelected : string) { this.playerName = name; this.characterUserSelected = characterUserSelected; this.ConnexionInstance = new Connexion(this); return this.ConnexionInstance.createConnexion(name, characterUserSelected).then((data : any) => { this.SimplePeer = new SimplePeer(this.ConnexionInstance); return data; }).catch((err) => { throw err; }); } loadMaps(){ return this.ConnexionInstance.loadMaps().then((data) => { return data; }).catch((err) => { throw err; }); } setCurrentGameScene(gameScene: GameScene) { this.currentGameScene = gameScene; } /** * Permit to create player in started room */ createCurrentPlayer(): void { //Get started room send by the backend this.currentGameScene.createCurrentPlayer(); this.status = StatusGameManagerEnum.CURRENT_USER_CREATED; } joinRoom(sceneKey : string){ this.ConnexionInstance.joinARoom(sceneKey); } onUserJoins(message: MessageUserJoined): void { let userMessage: AddPlayerInterface = { userId: message.userId, character: message.character, name:, position: new Point(-1000, -1000) } this.currentGameScene.addPlayer(userMessage); } onUserMoved(message: MessageUserMovedInterface): void { this.currentGameScene.updatePlayerPosition(message); } onUserLeft(userId: string): void { this.currentGameScene.removePlayer(userId); } /** * Share position in game * @param ListMessageUserPosition * @deprecated */ shareUserPosition(ListMessageUserPosition: ListMessageUserPositionInterface): void { if (this.status === StatusGameManagerEnum.IN_PROGRESS) { return; } try { this.currentGameScene.shareUserPosition(ListMessageUserPosition.listUsersPosition) } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } initUsersPosition(usersPosition: MessageUserPositionInterface[]): void { // Shall we wait for room to be loaded? /*if (this.status === StatusGameManagerEnum.IN_PROGRESS) { return; }*/ try { this.currentGameScene.initUsersPosition(usersPosition) } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } /** * Share group position in game */ shareGroupPosition(groupPositionMessage: GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface): void { if (this.status === StatusGameManagerEnum.IN_PROGRESS) { return; } try { this.currentGameScene.shareGroupPosition(groupPositionMessage) } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } deleteGroup(groupId: string): void { if (this.status === StatusGameManagerEnum.IN_PROGRESS) { return; } try { this.currentGameScene.deleteGroup(groupId) } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } getPlayerName(): string { return this.playerName; } getPlayerId(): string { return this.ConnexionInstance.userId; } getCharacterSelected(): string { return this.characterUserSelected; } pushPlayerPosition(event: HasMovedEvent) { this.ConnexionInstance.sharePosition(event.x, event.y, event.direction); } loadMap(mapUrl: string, scene: ScenePlugin): string { let sceneKey = getMapKeyByUrl(mapUrl); let gameIndex = scene.getIndex(sceneKey); let game : Phaser.Scene = null; if(gameIndex === -1){ game = new GameScene(sceneKey, mapUrl); scene.add(sceneKey, game, false); } return sceneKey; } } export const gameManager = new GameManager();