/** * Class to measure the sound volume of a media stream */ export class SoundMeter { private instant: number; private clip: number; //private script: ScriptProcessorNode; private analyser: AnalyserNode|undefined; private dataArray: Uint8Array|undefined; private context: AudioContext|undefined; private source: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode|undefined; constructor() { this.instant = 0.0; this.clip = 0.0; //this.script = context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1); } private init(context: AudioContext) { this.context = context; this.analyser = this.context.createAnalyser(); this.analyser.fftSize = 2048; const bufferLength = this.analyser.fftSize; this.dataArray = new Uint8Array(bufferLength); } public connectToSource(stream: MediaStream, context: AudioContext): void { if (this.source !== undefined) { this.stop(); } this.init(context); this.source = this.context?.createMediaStreamSource(stream); if (this.analyser !== undefined) { this.source?.connect(this.analyser); } //analyser.connect(distortion); //distortion.connect(this.context.destination); //this.analyser.connect(this.context.destination); } public getVolume(): number { if (this.context === undefined || this.dataArray === undefined || this.analyser === undefined) { return 0; } this.analyser.getByteFrequencyData(this.dataArray); const input = this.dataArray; let i; let sum = 0.0; //let clipcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { sum += input[i] * input[i]; // if (Math.abs(input[i]) > 0.99) { // clipcount += 1; // } } this.instant = Math.sqrt(sum / input.length); //this.slow = 0.95 * that.slow + 0.05 * that.instant; //this.clip = clipcount / input.length; //console.log('instant', this.instant, 'clip', this.clip); return this.instant; } public stop(): void { if (this.context === undefined) { return; } if (this.source !== undefined) { this.source.disconnect(); } this.context = undefined; this.analyser = undefined; this.dataArray = undefined; this.source = undefined; } } // Meter class that generates a number correlated to audio volume. // The meter class itself displays nothing, but it makes the // instantaneous and time-decaying volumes available for inspection. // It also reports on the fraction of samples that were at or near // the top of the measurement range. /*function SoundMeter(context) { this.context = context; this.instant = 0.0; this.slow = 0.0; this.clip = 0.0; this.script = context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1); const that = this; this.script.onaudioprocess = function(event) { const input = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0); let i; let sum = 0.0; let clipcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { sum += input[i] * input[i]; if (Math.abs(input[i]) > 0.99) { clipcount += 1; } } that.instant = Math.sqrt(sum / input.length); that.slow = 0.95 * that.slow + 0.05 * that.instant; that.clip = clipcount / input.length; }; } SoundMeter.prototype.connectToSource = function(stream, callback) { console.log('SoundMeter connecting'); try { this.mic = this.context.createMediaStreamSource(stream); this.mic.connect(this.script); // necessary to make sample run, but should not be. this.script.connect(this.context.destination); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { callback(null); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { callback(e); } } }; SoundMeter.prototype.stop = function() { this.mic.disconnect(); this.script.disconnect(); }; */