import socketIO = require(''); import {Socket} from ""; import * as http from "http"; import {MessageUserPosition} from "../Model/Websocket/MessageUserPosition"; //TODO fix import by "_Model/.." import {ExSocketInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/ExSocketInterface"; //TODO fix import by "_Model/.." import Jwt, {JsonWebTokenError} from "jsonwebtoken"; import {SECRET_KEY} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; //TODO fix import by "_Enum/..." export class IoSocketController{ Io: socketIO.Server; constructor(server : http.Server) { this.Io = socketIO(server); // Authentication with token. it will be decoded and stored in the socket. this.Io.use( (socket: Socket, next) => { if (!socket.handshake.query || !socket.handshake.query.token) { return next(new Error('Authentication error')); } Jwt.verify(socket.handshake.query.token, SECRET_KEY, (err: JsonWebTokenError, tokenDecoded: object) => { if (err) { return next(new Error('Authentication error')); } (socket as ExSocketInterface).token = tokenDecoded; next(); }); }); this.ioConnection(); this.shareUsersPosition(); } ioConnection() { this.Io.on('connection', (socket: Socket) => { /*join-rom event permit to join one room. message : userId : user identification roomId: room identification position: position of user in map x: user x position on map y: user y position on map */ socket.on('join-room', (message : string) => { let messageUserPosition = this.hydrateMessageReceive(message); if(messageUserPosition instanceof Error){ return socket.emit("message-error", JSON.stringify({message: messageUserPosition.message})) } //join user in room socket.join(messageUserPosition.roomId); // sending to all clients in room except sender this.saveUserInformation((socket as ExSocketInterface), messageUserPosition);'join-room', messageUserPosition.toString()); }); socket.on('user-position', (message : string) => { let messageUserPosition = this.hydrateMessageReceive(message); if(messageUserPosition instanceof Error){ return socket.emit("message-error", JSON.stringify({message: messageUserPosition.message})); } // sending to all clients in room except sender this.saveUserInformation((socket as ExSocketInterface), messageUserPosition);'join-room', messageUserPosition.toString()); }); }); } //permit to save user position in socket saveUserInformation(socket : ExSocketInterface, message : MessageUserPosition){ socket.position = message.position; socket.roomId = message.roomId; socket.userId = message.userId; } //Hydrate and manage error hydrateMessageReceive(message : string) : MessageUserPosition | Error{ try { return new MessageUserPosition(message); }catch (err) { //TODO log error return new Error(err); } } /** permit to share user position ** users position will send in event 'user-position' ** The data sent is an array with information for each user : [ { userId: , roomId: , position: { x : , y : } }, ... ] **/ seTimeOutInProgress : any = null; shareUsersPosition(){ if(!this.seTimeOutInProgress) { clearTimeout(this.seTimeOutInProgress); } let clients = this.Io.clients(); let socketsKey = Object.keys(this.Io.clients().sockets); //create mapping with all users in all rooms let mapPositionUserByRoom = new Map(); for(let i = 0; i < socketsKey.length; i++){ let socket = clients.sockets[socketsKey[i]]; if(!(socket as ExSocketInterface).position){ continue; } let data = { userId : (socket as ExSocketInterface).userId, roomId : (socket as ExSocketInterface).roomId, position : (socket as ExSocketInterface).position, }; let dataArray = []; if(mapPositionUserByRoom.get(data.roomId)){ dataArray = mapPositionUserByRoom.get(data.roomId); dataArray.push(data); }else{ dataArray = [data]; } mapPositionUserByRoom.set(data.roomId, dataArray); } //send for each room, all data of position user let arrayMap = Array.from(mapPositionUserByRoom); arrayMap.forEach((value) => { let roomId = value[0]; let data = value[1];'user-position', JSON.stringify(data)); }); this.seTimeOutInProgress = setTimeout(() => { this.shareUsersPosition(); }, 10); } }