import Image = Phaser.GameObjects.Image; import Rectangle = Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle; import { addLoader } from "../Components/Loader"; import { gameManager} from "../Game/GameManager"; import { ResizableScene } from "./ResizableScene"; import { TextField } from "../Components/TextField"; import { EnableCameraSceneName } from "./EnableCameraScene"; import { localUserStore } from "../../Connexion/LocalUserStore"; import { CompanionResourceDescriptionInterface } from "../Companion/CompanionTextures"; import { getAllCompanionResources } from "../Companion/CompanionTexturesLoadingManager"; export const SelectCompanionSceneName = "SelectCompanionScene"; enum LoginTextures { playButton = "play_button", icon = "icon", mainFont = "main_font" } export class SelectCompanionScene extends ResizableScene { private logo!: Image; private textField!: TextField; private pressReturnField!: TextField; private readonly nbCharactersPerRow = 7; private selectedRectangle!: Rectangle; private selectedCompanion!: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite; private companions: Array = new Array(); private companionModels: Array = [null]; constructor() { super({ key: SelectCompanionSceneName }); } preload() { addLoader(this); getAllCompanionResources(this.load).forEach(model => { this.companionModels.push(model); }); this.load.image(LoginTextures.icon, "resources/logos/tcm_full.png"); this.load.image(LoginTextures.playButton, "resources/objects/play_button.png"); // Note: arcade.png from the Phaser 3 examples at: this.load.bitmapFont(LoginTextures.mainFont, 'resources/fonts/arcade.png', 'resources/fonts/arcade.xml'); addLoader(this); } create() { this.textField = new TextField(this, / 2, 50, 'Select your companion'); this.pressReturnField = new TextField( this, / 2, 90 + 32 * Math.ceil(this.companionModels.length / this.nbCharactersPerRow), 'Press enter to start' ); const rectangleXStart = / 2 - (this.nbCharactersPerRow / 2) * 32 + 16; this.selectedRectangle = this.add.rectangle(rectangleXStart, 90, 32, 32).setStrokeStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF); this.logo = new Image(this, - 30, - 20, LoginTextures.icon); this.add.existing(this.logo); // input events this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-ENTER', this.nextScene.bind(this)); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-RIGHT', this.selectNext.bind(this)); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-LEFT', this.selectPrevious.bind(this)); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-DOWN', this.jumpToNextRow.bind(this)); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-UP', this.jumpToPreviousRow.bind(this)); this.createCurrentCompanion(); this.selectCompanion(this.getCompanionIndex()); } update(time: number, delta: number): void { this.pressReturnField.setVisible(!!(Math.floor(time / 500) % 2)); } private jumpToPreviousRow(): void { const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion) - this.nbCharactersPerRow; if (index >= 0) { this.selectCompanion(index); } } private jumpToNextRow(): void { const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion) + this.nbCharactersPerRow; if (index < this.companions.length) { this.selectCompanion(index); } } private selectPrevious(): void { const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion); this.selectCompanion(index - 1); } private selectNext(): void { const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion); this.selectCompanion(index + 1); } private selectCompanion(index?: number): void { if (typeof index === 'undefined') { index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion); } // make sure index is inside possible range index = Math.min(this.companions.length - 1, Math.max(0, index)); if (this.selectedCompanion === this.companions[index]) { return; } this.selectedCompanion.anims.pause(); this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[index]; this.redrawSelectedRectangle(); const model = this.companionModels[index]; if (model !== null) {; } } private redrawSelectedRectangle(): void { this.selectedRectangle.setVisible(true); this.selectedRectangle.setX(this.selectedCompanion.x); this.selectedRectangle.setY(this.selectedCompanion.y); this.selectedRectangle.setSize(32, 32); } private storeCompanionSelection(): string|null { const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion); const model = this.companionModels[index]; const companion = model === null ? null :; localUserStore.setCompanion(companion); return companion; } private nextScene(): void { const companion = this.storeCompanionSelection(); // next scene this.scene.stop(SelectCompanionSceneName); gameManager.setCompanion(companion); gameManager.tryResumingGame(this, EnableCameraSceneName); this.scene.remove(SelectCompanionSceneName); } private createCurrentCompanion(): void { for (let i = 0; i < this.companionModels.length; i++) { const companionResource = this.companionModels[i]; const col = i % this.nbCharactersPerRow; const row = Math.floor(i / this.nbCharactersPerRow); const [x, y] = this.getCharacterPosition(col, row); let name = "null"; if (companionResource !== null) { name =; } const companion = this.physics.add.sprite(x, y, name, 0); companion.setBounce(0.2); companion.setCollideWorldBounds(true); if (companionResource !== null) { this.anims.create({ key: name, frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers(name, {start: 0, end: 2,}), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }); } companion.setInteractive().on("pointerdown", () => { this.selectCompanion(i); }); this.companions.push(companion); } this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[0]; } private getCharacterPosition(x: number, y: number): [number, number] { return [ / 2 + 16 + (x - this.nbCharactersPerRow / 2) * 32, y * 32 + 90 ]; } public onResize(ev: UIEvent): void { this.textField.x = / 2; this.pressReturnField.x = / 2; this.logo.x = - 30; this.logo.y = - 20; for (let i = 0; i < this.companionModels.length; i++) { const companion = this.companions[i]; const col = i % this.nbCharactersPerRow; const row = Math.floor(i / this.nbCharactersPerRow); const [x, y] = this.getCharacterPosition(col, row); companion.x = x; companion.y = y; } this.redrawSelectedRectangle(); } private getCompanionIndex(): number { const companion = localUserStore.getCompanion(); if (companion === null) { return 0; } return this.companionModels.findIndex(model => model !== null && === companion); } }