![](https://github.com/thecodingmachine/workadventure/workflows/Continuous%20Integration/badge.svg) # Work Adventure ## Work in progress Work Adventure is a web-based collaborative workspace for small to medium teams (2-100 people) presented in the form of a 16-bit video game. In Work Adventure, you can move around your office and talk to your colleagues (using a video-chat feature that is triggered when you move next to a colleague). ## Getting started Install Docker. Run: ``` docker-compose up ``` The environment will start. You should now be able to browse to http://workadventure.localhost/ and see the application. Note: on some OSes, you will need to add this line to your `/etc/hosts` file: **/etc/hosts** ``` workadventure.localhost ``` ## Designing a map If you want to design your own map, you can use [Tiled](https://www.mapeditor.org/). A few things to notice: - your map can have as many layers as your want - your map MUST contain a layer named "floorLayer" of type "objectgroup" that represents the layer on which characters will be drawn. - the tilesets in your map MUST be embedded. You can refer to an external typeset in a TSX file. Click the "embed tileset" button in the tileset tab to embed tileset data. - your map MUST be exported in JSON format. You need to use a recent version of Tiled to get JSON format export (1.3+) ![](doc/images/tiled_screenshot_1.png) In order to place an on your scene that leads to another scene: - You must create an "exit" layer. The layer name MUST be "exit". - In layer properties, you must add "exitSceneUrl" property. It represents the map URL of the next scene. For example : `//.json`. Be careful, if you want the next map to be correctly loaded, you must check that the map files are in folder `back/src/Assets/Maps/`. The files will be accessible by url `/map/files//...`. - If you want to have multiple exits, you can create many layers with name "exit". Each layer has a different key `exitSceneUrl` and have tiles that represent exits to another scene. ![](doc/images/exit_layer_map.png) ### MacOS developers, your environment with Vagrant If you are using MacOS, you can increase Docker performance using Vagrant. If you want more explanations, you can read [this medium article](https://medium.com/better-programming/vagrant-to-increase-docker-performance-with-macos-25b354b0c65c). #### Prerequisites - VirtualBox* 5.x Latest version https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads - Vagrant 2.2.7 Latest version https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html #### First steps Create a config file `Vagrantfile` from `Vagrantfile.template` ```bash cp Vagrantfile.template Vagrantfile ``` In `Vagrantfile`, update `VM_HOST_PATH` with the local project path of your machine. ``` #VM_HOST_PATH# => your local machine path to the project ``` (run `pwd` and copy the path in this variable) To start your VM Vagrant, run: ```bash Vagrant up ``` To connect to your VM, run: ```bash Vagrant ssh ``` To start project environment, run ```bash docker-compose up ``` You environment runs in you VM Vagrant. When you want stop your VM, you can run: ````bash Vagrant halt ```` If you want to destroy, you can run ````bash Vagrant destroy ```` #### Available commands * `Vagrant up`: start your VM Vagrant. * `Vagrant reload`: reload your VM Vagrant when you change Vagrantfile. * `Vagrant ssh`: connect on your VM Vagrant. * `Vagrant halt`: stop your VM Vagrant. * `Vagrant destroy`: delete your VM Vagrant. ## Features developed You have more details of features developed in back [README.md](./back/README.md).