config: target: "http://api.workadventure.localhost/" socketio: transports: ["websocket"] query: token: "test" phases: - duration: 10 arrivalRate: 10 - duration: 10 arrivalRate: 10 processor: "./socketioLoadTest.js" scenarios: - name: "Connect and send a bunch of messages" weight: 90 engine: "socketio" flow: #- loop: #- emit: # channel: "connection" # data: "hello world!" #- think: 5 - emit: channel: "set-player-details" data: name: 'TEST' characterLayers: ['male3'] - think: 1 - emit: channel: "join-room" data: roomId: 'global__api.workadventure.localhost/map/files/Floor0/floor0' position: x: 783 y: 170 direction: 'down' moving: false - think: 1 - loop: - function: "setYRandom" - emit: channel: "user-position" data: x: "{{ x }}" y: "{{ y }}" direction: 'down' moving: false - think: 1 count: 10 - think: 10