David Négrier 4d4f845b9e Setting "importsNotUsedAsValues": "error"
Turning the "importsNotUsedAsValues" TS config value to "error".
This will require us to use `import type` instead of `import` when we are importing a value that is only used as a type (and therefore that is dropped by the Typescript compiler).

Why this change?
This is a requirement to be able to use Svelte in the future. See
2021-05-12 09:13:25 +02:00

52 lines
1.7 KiB

import type {ITiledMapObject} from "../Map/ITiledMap";
import type {GameScene} from "../Game/GameScene";
export class TextUtils {
public static createTextFromITiledMapObject(scene: GameScene, object: ITiledMapObject): void {
if (object.text === undefined) {
throw new Error('This object has not textual representation.');
const options: {
fontStyle?: string,
fontSize?: string,
fontFamily?: string,
color?: string,
align?: string,
wordWrap?: {
width: number,
useAdvancedWrap?: boolean
} = {};
if (object.text.italic) {
options.fontStyle = 'italic';
// Note: there is no support for "strikeout" and "underline"
let fontSize: number = 16;
if (object.text.pixelsize) {
fontSize = object.text.pixelsize;
options.fontSize = fontSize + 'px';
if (object.text.fontfamily) {
options.fontFamily = '"'+object.text.fontfamily+'"';
let color = '#000000';
if (object.text.color !== undefined) {
color = object.text.color;
options.color = color;
if (object.text.wrap === true) {
options.wordWrap = {
width: object.width,
//useAdvancedWrap: true
if (object.text.halign !== undefined) {
options.align = object.text.halign;
const textElem = scene.add.text(object.x, object.y, object.text.text, options);