diff --git a/group_vars/all/vars.yml b/group_vars/all/vars.yml index 6399d4d..a8ba6db 100644 --- a/group_vars/all/vars.yml +++ b/group_vars/all/vars.yml @@ -75,17 +75,6 @@ pve_targets: - pve01.ffrgb - pve02.ffrgb -telegraf_influxdb_url: stats.regensburg.freifunk.net:8086 -telegraf_influxdb_database: wgstats -telegraf_influxdb_username: admin -telegraf_influxdb_password: "{{ vault_yanic_influx_pw }}" -telegraf_plugins_base: - - name: wireguard - options: - devices: - - "wg-{{ site_code }}" - - site: ffrgb site_domain: regensburg.freifunk.net diff --git a/roles/telegraf/README.md b/roles/telegraf/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2a99954..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -Telegraf -======== - -An Ansible role to install, configure, and manage [Telegraf](https://github.com/influxdb/telegraf), the plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB. - -Requirements ------------- - -Prior knowledge/experience with InfluxDB and Telegraf is highly recommended. Full documentation is available [here](https://docs.influxdata.com). - -Installation ------------- - -Either clone this repository, or install through Ansible Galaxy directly using the command: - -``` -ansible-galaxy install rossmcdonald.telegraf -``` - -Role Variables --------------- - -The high-level variables are stored in the `defaults/main.yml` file. The most important ones being: - -``` -# Channel of Telegraf to install (currently only 'stable' is supported) -telegraf_install_version: stable -``` - -More advanced configuration options are stored in the `vars/main.yml` file, which includes all of the necessary bells and whistles to tweak your configuration. - -Dependencies ------------- - -No other Ansible dependencies are required. This role was tested and developed with Ansible 1.9.4. - -Example Playbook ----------------- - -An example playbook is included in the `test.yml` file. There is also a `Vagrantfile`, which can be used for quick local testing leveraging [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/). - -Contributions and Feedback --------------------------- - -Any contributions are welcome. For any bugs or feature requests, please open an issue through Github. - -License -------- - -MIT - -Author ------- - -Created by [Ross McDonald](https://github.com/rossmcdonald). - diff --git a/roles/telegraf/Vagrantfile b/roles/telegraf/Vagrantfile deleted file mode 100644 index 1c38fd6..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/Vagrantfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -# -*- mode: ruby -*- -# vi: set ft=ruby : - -Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| - config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64" - # config.vm.box = "ubuntu/vivid64" - # config.vm.box = "relativkreativ/centos-7-minimal" - # config.vm.box = "box-cutter/fedora22" - # config.vm.box = "puppetlabs/centos-6.6-64-nocm" - # config.vm.box = "debian/jessie64" - - BOX_COUNT = 1 - (1..BOX_COUNT).each do |machine_id| - config.vm.define "telegraf#{machine_id}" do |machine| - machine.vm.hostname = "telegraf#{machine_id}" - # machine.vm.network "private_network", ip: "10.0.3.#{1+machine_id}", virtualbox__intnet: true - # machine.vm.network "public_network" - machine.vm.network "public_network", :bridge => 'en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)' - - machine.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| - v.memory = 512 - v.cpus = 1 - end - - if machine_id == BOX_COUNT - machine.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible| - # ansible.verbose = 'vvvv' - ansible.limit = 'all' - ansible.playbook = "test.yml" - ansible.sudo = true - ansible.host_key_checking = false - ansible.extra_vars = { - is_vagrant: true, - } - end - end - - end - end -end diff --git a/roles/telegraf/defaults/main.yml b/roles/telegraf/defaults/main.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 08d7b28..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/defaults/main.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ ---- -# Channel of Telegraf to install -telegraf_install_version: stable - -# The user and group telegraf should run under (should be set to telegraf unless needed otherwise) -telegraf_runas_user: telegraf -telegraf_runas_group: telegraf - -# Configuration Template -telegraf_configuration_template: telegraf.conf.j2 - -# Configuration Variables -telegraf_tags: -telegraf_aws_tags: false -telegraf_aws_tags_prefix: - -telegraf_agent_interval: 10s -telegraf_round_interval: "true" -telegraf_metric_batch_size: "1000" -telegraf_metric_buffer_limit: "10000" - -telegraf_collection_jitter: 0s -telegraf_flush_interval: 10s -telegraf_flush_jitter: 0s -telegraf_debug: "false" -telegraf_quiet: "false" -telegraf_hostname: -telegraf_omit_hostname: "false" -telegraf_install_url: - - -telegraf_influxdb_url: http://stats.regensburg.freifunk.net:8086 -telegraf_influxdb_database: telegraf -telegraf_influxdb_precision: s -telegraf_influxdb_retention_policy: autogen -telegraf_influxdb_write_consistency: any -telegraf_influxdb_ssl_ca: -telegraf_influxdb_ssl_cert: -telegraf_influxdb_ssl_key: -telegraf_influxdb_insecure_skip_verify: - -telegraf_influxdb_timeout: 5s -telegraf_influxdb_username: telegraf -telegraf_influxdb_password: -telegraf_influxdb_user_agent: -telegraf_influxdb_udp_payload: - -telegraf_plugins_base: - - name: swap - - name: processes - - name: kernel - - name: netstat - - name: mem - - name: system - - name: cpu - options: - percpu: "true" - totalcpu: "true" - collect_cpu_time: "false" - report_active: "false" - fielddrop: - - "time_*" - - name: disk - options: - mountpoints: - - "/" - ignore_fs: - - "tmpfs" - - "devtmpfs" - - "devfs" - - name: diskio - options: - skip_serial_number: "true" - - name: procstat - options: - exe: "influxd" - prefix: "influxdb" - - name: net - options: - interfaces: - - "eth0" - -telegraf_plugins: "{{ telegraf_plugins_base }} + {{ telegraf_plugins_extra | default([]) }}" - -telegraf_influxdata_base_url: "https://repos.influxdata.com" diff --git a/roles/telegraf/handlers/install.yml b/roles/telegraf/handlers/install.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/roles/telegraf/handlers/main.yml b/roles/telegraf/handlers/main.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 04dc39f..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/handlers/main.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -# The order here matters -- name: restart telegraf - service: - name: telegraf - state: restarted - become: true - when: telegraf_start_service - -- name: pause - pause: - seconds: "{{ telegraf_start_delay }}" - when: telegraf_start_service - -## After version 2.2 of ansible 'listen' could be used to -## group 'check status' and 'assert running' into a single listener -- name: check status - command: service telegraf status - args: - warn: false - ignore_errors: yes - register: telegraf_service_status - become: true - when: telegraf_start_service - -- name: assert running - assert: - that: - - "telegraf_service_status.rc == 0" - when: telegraf_start_service diff --git a/roles/telegraf/meta/main.yml b/roles/telegraf/meta/main.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 9b8fe5b..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/meta/main.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -galaxy_info: - author: Ross McDonald - description: Install and configure Telegraf, the plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB - company: InfluxData - license: MIT - min_ansible_version: 1.2 - platforms: - - name: EL - versions: - - 6 - - 7 - - name: Ubuntu - versions: - - trusty - - utopic - - vivid - - name: Debian - versions: - - jessie - - wheezy - categories: - - monitoring -dependencies: [] diff --git a/roles/telegraf/tasks/configure.yml b/roles/telegraf/tasks/configure.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 8da28d5..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/tasks/configure.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ ---- -- name: Retrieve ec2 facts - ec2_metadata_facts: - when: telegraf_aws_tags - -- name: Retrieve all ec2 tags on the instance - ec2_tag: - region: "{{ ansible_ec2_placement_region }}" - resource: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}" - state: list - when: telegraf_aws_tags - register: ec2_tags - -- name: get the rpm or apt package facts - package_facts: - manager: "auto" - -- name: Set templatized Telegraf configuration - template: - src: "{{ telegraf_configuration_template }}" - dest: "{{ telegraf_configuration_dir }}/telegraf.conf" - force: yes - backup: yes - owner: telegraf - group: telegraf - mode: 0740 - when: telegraf_template_configuration - # If config changes, restart telegraf and confirm it remained running - notify: - - "restart telegraf" - - "pause" - - "check status" - - "assert running" - -- name: Test for sysvinit script - stat: - path: /etc/init.d/telegraf - register: telegraf_sysvinit_script - -- name: Modify user Telegraf should run as [sysvinit] - replace: - path: /etc/init.d/telegraf - regexp: USER=.* - replace: USER={{ telegraf_runas_user }} - when: telegraf_runas_user != "telegraf" and telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists - -- name: Modify group Telegraf should run as [sysvinit] - replace: - path: /etc/init.d/telegraf - regexp: GROUP=.* - replace: GROUP={{ telegraf_runas_group }} - when: telegraf_runas_group != "telegraf" and telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists - -- name: Create systemd service directory [systemd] - file: - path: /etc/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d - state: directory - when: telegraf_runas_user != "telegraf" and not telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists - -- name: Modify user Telegraf should run as [systemd] - template: - src: systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/override.conf - dest: /etc/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/override.conf - when: telegraf_runas_user != "telegraf" and not telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists - register: telegraf_unit_file_updated - -- name: Reload systemd configuration [systemd] - systemd: - daemon_reload: yes - when: telegraf_unit_file_updated is defined and telegraf_unit_file_updated.changed diff --git a/roles/telegraf/tasks/install-debian.yml b/roles/telegraf/tasks/install-debian.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 5aeac2e..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/tasks/install-debian.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ ---- -- name: Install any necessary dependencies [Debian/Ubuntu] - apt: - name: - - python-httplib2 - - python-apt - - curl - - apt-transport-https - state: present - update_cache: yes - cache_valid_time: 3600 - register: apt_result - until: apt_result is success - retries: 2 - delay: 5 - -- name: Import InfluxData GPG signing key [Debian/Ubuntu] - apt_key: - url: "{{ telegraf_influxdata_base_url }}/influxdb.key" - state: present - when: telegraf_install_url is not defined or telegraf_install_url == None - -- name: Add InfluxData repository [Debian/Ubuntu] - apt_repository: - repo: deb {{ telegraf_influxdata_base_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} {{ telegraf_install_version }} - state: present - when: telegraf_install_url is not defined or telegraf_install_url == None - -- name: Install Telegraf packages [Debian/Ubuntu] - apt: - name: telegraf - state: latest - update_cache: yes - cache_valid_time: 3600 - register: apt_result - until: apt_result is success - retries: 2 - delay: 5 - when: telegraf_install_url is not defined or telegraf_install_url == None - -- name: Download Telegraf package via URL [Debian/Ubuntu] - get_url: - url: "{{ telegraf_install_url }}" - dest: /tmp/telegraf-ansible-download.deb - when: telegraf_install_url is defined and telegraf_install_url != None - -- name: Install downloaded Telegraf package [Debian/Ubuntu] - apt: - deb: /tmp/telegraf-ansible-download.deb - state: present - register: apt_result - until: apt_result is success - retries: 2 - delay: 5 - when: telegraf_install_url is defined and telegraf_install_url != None diff --git a/roles/telegraf/tasks/install-redhat.yml b/roles/telegraf/tasks/install-redhat.yml deleted file mode 100644 index dbe5ca1..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/tasks/install-redhat.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ ---- -- name: Add InfluxData repository file [RHEL/CentOS] - template: - src: etc/yum.repos.d/influxdata.repo.j2 - dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/influxdata.repo - force: yes - backup: yes - when: telegraf_install_url is not defined or telegraf_install_url == None - -- name: Install Telegraf packages [RHEL/CentOS] - yum: - name: telegraf - state: latest - update_cache: yes - when: telegraf_install_url is not defined or telegraf_install_url == None - -- name: Install Telegraf from URL [RHEL/CentOS] - yum: - name: "{{ telegraf_install_url }}" - state: present - when: telegraf_install_url is defined and telegraf_install_url != None diff --git a/roles/telegraf/tasks/install.yml b/roles/telegraf/tasks/install.yml deleted file mode 100644 index b192444..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/tasks/install.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---- -- include: install-redhat.yml - when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" - -- include: install-debian.yml - when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" diff --git a/roles/telegraf/tasks/main.yml b/roles/telegraf/tasks/main.yml deleted file mode 100644 index bafa60b..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/tasks/main.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- -- include: install.yml - tags: [telegraf, install] - -- include: configure.yml - tags: [telegraf, configure] - -- include: start.yml - tags: [telegraf, start] - when: telegraf_start_service diff --git a/roles/telegraf/tasks/start.yml b/roles/telegraf/tasks/start.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 49c497b..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/tasks/start.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- -- name: Start the Telegraf service - service: - name: telegraf - state: started - enabled: yes - # Only care to check the status if the state changed to 'started' - notify: - - "pause" - - "check status" - - "assert running" - become: true diff --git a/roles/telegraf/templates/etc/yum.repos.d/influxdata.repo.j2 b/roles/telegraf/templates/etc/yum.repos.d/influxdata.repo.j2 deleted file mode 100644 index a9af113..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/templates/etc/yum.repos.d/influxdata.repo.j2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -[influxdb] -name = InfluxDB Repository - {{ ansible_distribution }} $releasever -{% if ansible_distribution|lower == "amazon" %} -baseurl = "{{ telegraf_influxdata_base_url }}/centos/6/amd64/{{ telegraf_install_version }}" -{% elif ansible_distribution|lower == "redhat" %} -baseurl = {{ telegraf_influxdata_base_url }}/rhel/$releasever/$basearch/{{ telegraf_install_version }} -{% else %} -baseurl = {{ telegraf_influxdata_base_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}/$releasever/$basearch/{{ telegraf_install_version }} -{% endif %} -enabled = 1 -gpgcheck = 1 -gpgkey = {{ telegraf_influxdata_base_url }}/influxdb.key -sslverify = 1 diff --git a/roles/telegraf/templates/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/override.conf b/roles/telegraf/templates/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/override.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 967ffc3..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/templates/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/override.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -[Service] -User={{ telegraf_runas_user }} diff --git a/roles/telegraf/templates/telegraf.conf.j2 b/roles/telegraf/templates/telegraf.conf.j2 deleted file mode 100644 index 1f53429..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/templates/telegraf.conf.j2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -# Telegraf configuration - -# Telegraf is entirely plugin driven. All metrics are gathered from the -# declared plugins. - -# Even if a plugin has no configuration, it must be declared in here -# to be active. Declaring a plugin means just specifying the name -# as a section with no variables. To deactivate a plugin, comment -# out the name and any variables. - -# Use 'telegraf -config telegraf.toml -test' to see what metrics a config -# file would generate. - -# One rule that plugins conform to is wherever a connection string -# can be passed, the values '' and 'localhost' are treated specially. -# They indicate to the plugin to use their own builtin configuration to -# connect to the local system. - -# NOTE: The configuration has a few required parameters. They are marked -# with 'required'. Be sure to edit those to make this configuration work. - -# Tags can also be specified via a normal map, but only one form at a time: -[global_tags] -{% if telegraf_tags is defined and telegraf_tags != None %} -{% for key, value in telegraf_tags.items()%} - {{ key }} = "{{ value }}" -{% endfor %} -{% endif %} -{% if telegraf_aws_tags == true and ec2_tags is defined and ec2_tags != None %} -{% for key, value in ec2_tags.tags.items()%} - {{ telegraf_aws_tags_prefix }}{{ key }} = "{{ value }}" -{% endfor %} -{% endif %} - -# Configuration for telegraf agent -[agent] - ## Default data collection interval for all inputs - interval = "{{ telegraf_agent_interval }}" - ## Rounds collection interval to 'interval' - ## ie, if interval="10s" then always collect on :00, :10, :20, etc. - round_interval = {{ telegraf_round_interval }} - - ## Telegraf will send metrics to outputs in batches of at - ## most metric_batch_size metrics. - metric_batch_size = {{ telegraf_metric_batch_size }} - ## For failed writes, telegraf will cache metric_buffer_limit metrics for each - ## output, and will flush this buffer on a successful write. Oldest metrics - ## are dropped first when this buffer fills. - metric_buffer_limit = {{ telegraf_metric_buffer_limit }} - - ## Collection jitter is used to jitter the collection by a random amount. - ## Each plugin will sleep for a random time within jitter before collecting. - ## This can be used to avoid many plugins querying things like sysfs at the - ## same time, which can have a measurable effect on the system. - collection_jitter = "{{ telegraf_collection_jitter }}" - - ## Default flushing interval for all outputs. You shouldn't set this below - ## interval. Maximum flush_interval will be flush_interval + flush_jitter - flush_interval = "{{ telegraf_flush_interval }}" - ## Jitter the flush interval by a random amount. This is primarily to avoid - ## large write spikes for users running a large number of telegraf instances. - ## ie, a jitter of 5s and interval 10s means flushes will happen every 10-15s - flush_jitter = "{{ telegraf_flush_jitter }}" - - ## Run telegraf in debug mode - debug = {{ telegraf_debug }} - ## Run telegraf in quiet mode - quiet = {{ telegraf_quiet }} - - hostname = "{{ ansible_hostname }}" - - ## If set to true, do no set the "host" tag in the telegraf agent. - omit_hostname = {{ telegraf_omit_hostname }} - -############################################################################### -# OUTPUTS # -############################################################################### - -[outputs] - -# Configuration for influxdb server to send metrics to -[[outputs.influxdb]] - # The full HTTP or UDP endpoint URL for your InfluxDB instance. - # Multiple urls can be specified but it is assumed that they are part of the same - # cluster, this means that only ONE of the urls will be written to each interval. - # urls = ["udp://localhost:8089"] # UDP endpoint example - ## urls = [ "" ] # required - urls = ["{{ telegraf_influxdb_url }}"] - # The target database for metrics (telegraf will create it if not exists) - database = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_database }}" # required - # Precision of writes, valid values are n, u, ms, s, m, and h - # note: using second precision greatly helps InfluxDB compression - precision = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_precision }}" - - ## Retention policy to write to. - retention_policy = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_retention_policy }}" - ## Write consistency (clusters only), can be: "any", "one", "quorom", "all" - write_consistency = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_write_consistency }}" - - # Connection timeout (for the connection with InfluxDB), formatted as a string. - # If not provided, will default to 0 (no timeout) - timeout = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_timeout }}" -{% if telegraf_influxdb_username is defined and telegraf_influxdb_username != None %} - username = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_username }}" -{% endif %} - password = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_password }}" - # Set the user agent for HTTP POSTs (can be useful for log differentiation) -{% if telegraf_influxdb_user_agent is defined and telegraf_influxdb_user_agent != None %} - user_agent = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_user_agent }}" -{% endif %} - # Set UDP payload size, defaults to InfluxDB UDP Client default (512 bytes) -{% if telegraf_influxdb_udp_payload is defined and telegraf_influxdb_udp_payload != None %} - udp_payload = {{ telegraf_influxdb_udp_payload }} -{% endif %} - - ## Optional SSL Config -{% if telegraf_influxdb_ssl_ca is defined and telegraf_influxdb_ssl_ca != None %} - # ssl_ca = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_ssl_ca }}" -{% endif %} -{% if telegraf_influxdb_ssl_cert is defined and telegraf_influxdb_ssl_cert != None %} - # ssl_cert = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_ssl_cert }}" -{% endif %} -{% if telegraf_influxdb_ssl_key is defined and telegraf_influxdb_ssl_key != None %} - # ssl_key = "{{ telegraf_influxdb_ssl_key }}" -{% endif %} - -{% if telegraf_influxdb_insecure_skip_verify is defined and telegraf_influxdb_insecure_skip_verify != None %} - ## Use SSL but skip chain & host verification - insecure_skip_verify = {{ telegraf_influxdb_insecure_skip_verify }} -{% endif %} - -############################################################################### -# PLUGINS # -############################################################################### - -{% for plugin in telegraf_plugins %} -[[inputs.{{ plugin.name }}]] -{% if plugin.options is defined %} -{% for key, value in plugin.options.items() %} -{% if value is not mapping %} -{% if value is sequence and value is not string %} -{% if value[0] is number %} - {{ key }} = [ {{ value|join(', ') }} ] -{% else %} - {{ key }} = [ "{{ value|join('", "') }}" ] -{% endif %} -{% else %} -{% if value == "true" or value == "false" or value is number %} - {{ key }} = {{ value | lower }} -{% else %} - {{ key }} = "{{ value }}" -{% endif %} -{% endif %} -{% endif %} -{% endfor %} -{% for key, value in plugin.options.items() %} -{% if value is mapping %} - [inputs.{{ plugin.name }}.{{ key }}] -{% for lv2_key, lv2_value in value.items() %} -{% if lv2_value is sequence and lv2_value is not string %} -{% if lv2_value[0] is number %} - {{ lv2_key }} = [ {{ lv2_value|join(', ') }} ] -{% else %} - {{ lv2_key }} = [ "{{ lv2_value|join('", "') }}" ] -{% endif %} -{% else %} -{% if lv2_value == "true" or lv2_value == "false" or lv2_value is number %} - {{ lv2_key }} = {{ lv2_value | lower }} -{% else %} - {{ lv2_key }} = "{{ lv2_value }}" -{% endif %} -{% endif %} -{% endfor %} -{% endif %} -{% endfor %} -{% endif %} -{% endfor %} - -############################################################################### -# service PLUGINS # -############################################################################### diff --git a/roles/telegraf/test.yml b/roles/telegraf/test.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e0e8b5e..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/test.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -- hosts: all - vars_files: - - defaults/main.yml - - vars/main.yml - tasks: - - include: tasks/main.yml - handlers: - - include: handlers/main.yml diff --git a/roles/telegraf/vars/main.yml b/roles/telegraf/vars/main.yml deleted file mode 100644 index d2d07b3..0000000 --- a/roles/telegraf/vars/main.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- - -# Whether or not the playbook is run locally -# This should only be set in the Vagrantfile and not modified elsewhere -is_vagrant: no - -# If yes, service will be started. Will not be started if set to no. -telegraf_start_service: yes -telegraf_start_delay: 6 - -# If yes, will overwrite the packaged configuration with an Asnible/jinja2 template -telegraf_template_configuration: yes - -# Path for finding Telegraf data. Added for backwards-compatibility. -telegraf_binary_path: /usr/bin/telegraf -telegraf_configuration_dir: /etc/telegraf diff --git a/site.yml b/site.yml index e6990fa..899ec69 100644 --- a/site.yml +++ b/site.yml @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ hosts: [gw11.regensburg.freifunk.net, gw21.regensburg.freifunk.net, gw31.regensburg.freifunk.net] roles: - mesh_wg - - telegraf - name: Setup stats server hosts: stats.regensburg.freifunk.net