--- - name: Install misc software apt: name: - ca-certificates - dnsutils - git - htop - less - mtr-tiny - net-tools - openssl - psmisc - pydf - rsync - sudo - vim-nox - zsh - fail2ban - name: Install software on KVM VMs apt: name: - acpid - qemu-guest-agent when: ansible_virtualization_role == "guest" and ansible_virtualization_type == "kvm" - name: Configure misc software copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} diff: no with_items: - { src: ".zshrc", dest: "/root/.zshrc" } - { src: ".zshrc.local", dest: "/root/.zshrc.local" } - { src: "motd", dest: "/etc/motd" } - { src: "vimrc.local", dest: "/etc/vim/vimrc.local" } - name: Set shell for root user user: name=root shell=/bin/zsh - name: Disable hibernation/resume copy: src=resume dest=/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume notify: update-initramfs - name: use new-style network interface names file: path=/etc/systemd/network/{{ item }} state=absent with_items: - 50-virtio-kernel-names.link - 99-default.link notify: update-initramfs - name: Prevent normal users from running su lineinfile: path: /etc/pam.d/su regexp: "^.*auth\\s+required\\s+pam_wheel.so$" line: "auth required pam_wheel.so" - name: Configure journald retention lineinfile: path: "/etc/systemd/journald.conf" state: "present" regexp: "^#?MaxRetentionSec=.*" line: "MaxRetentionSec=7day" notify: Restart journald - name: Set logrotate.conf to daily replace: path: "/etc/logrotate.conf" regexp: "(?:weekly|monthly)" replace: "daily" - name: Set logrotate.conf rotation to 7 replace: path: "/etc/logrotate.conf" regexp: "rotate [0-9]+" replace: "rotate 7"