--- - name: Retrieve ec2 facts ec2_metadata_facts: when: telegraf_aws_tags - name: Retrieve all ec2 tags on the instance ec2_tag: region: "{{ ansible_ec2_placement_region }}" resource: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}" state: list when: telegraf_aws_tags register: ec2_tags - name: get the rpm or apt package facts package_facts: manager: "auto" - name: Set templatized Telegraf configuration template: src: "{{ telegraf_configuration_template }}" dest: "{{ telegraf_configuration_dir }}/telegraf.conf" force: yes backup: yes owner: telegraf group: telegraf mode: 0744 when: telegraf_template_configuration # If config changes, restart telegraf and confirm it remained running notify: - "restart telegraf" - "pause" - "check status" - "assert running" - name: Test for sysvinit script stat: path: /etc/init.d/telegraf register: telegraf_sysvinit_script - name: Modify user Telegraf should run as [sysvinit] replace: path: /etc/init.d/telegraf regexp: USER=.* replace: USER={{ telegraf_runas_user }} when: telegraf_runas_user != "telegraf" and telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists - name: Modify group Telegraf should run as [sysvinit] replace: path: /etc/init.d/telegraf regexp: GROUP=.* replace: GROUP={{ telegraf_runas_group }} when: telegraf_runas_group != "telegraf" and telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists - name: Create systemd service directory [systemd] file: path: /etc/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d state: directory when: telegraf_runas_user != "telegraf" and not telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists - name: Modify user Telegraf should run as [systemd] template: src: systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/override.conf dest: /etc/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/override.conf when: telegraf_runas_user != "telegraf" and not telegraf_sysvinit_script.stat.exists register: telegraf_unit_file_updated - name: Reload systemd configuration [systemd] systemd: daemon_reload: yes when: telegraf_unit_file_updated is defined and telegraf_unit_file_updated.changed