--- - name: Create acme home directory file: path: "{{ acme_home }}" state: "directory" - name: Get nsupdate.key shell: "pdnsutil list-tsig-keys | grep '^acme-{{ inventory_hostname }}. {{ acme_nsupdate_keyalgo }}'" register: "pdns_nsupdate_key" failed_when: "False" changed_when: "False" delegate_to: "{{ acme_nsupdate_server }}" - name: Update updatepolicy.aliases lineinfile: path: "/etc/powerdns/updatepolicy.aliases" regexp: '^alias\["{{ inventory_hostname}}\."\]' line: 'alias["{{ inventory_hostname }}."] = {"{{ ''.","''.join(acme_san_domains) }}."} ' delegate_to: "{{ acme_nsupdate_server }}" - name: Generate nsupdate.key shell: "pdnsutil generate-tsig-key 'acme-{{ inventory_hostname }}.' '{{ acme_nsupdate_keyalgo }}'" register: "pdns_nsupdate_genkey" when: "pdns_nsupdate_key is defined and pdns_nsupdate_key.rc != 0" delegate_to: "{{ acme_nsupdate_server }}" - name: Get nsupdate.key again shell: "pdnsutil list-tsig-keys | grep '^acme-{{ inventory_hostname }}. {{ acme_nsupdate_keyalgo }}'" register: "pdns_nsupdate_key" when: "pdns_nsupdate_genkey is defined" changed_when: "False" delegate_to: "{{ acme_nsupdate_server }}" - name: Write nsupdate.key to file template: src: "nsupdate.key.j2" dest: "{{ acme_nsupdate_key }}" when: "pdns_nsupdate_key is defined" - name: Check acme.sh exists stat: path: "{{ acme_home }}/acme.sh" register: "stat_acme_sh" - name: Fetch acme.sh get_url: url: "{{ acme_sh_url }}" dest: "/tmp/acme.sh" mode: "0755" register: "fetch_acme_sh" when: "not stat_acme_sh.stat.exists" - name: Install acme.sh shell: "./acme.sh --home '{{ acme_home }}' --install" args: chdir: "/tmp" creates: "{{ acme_home }}/acme.sh" when: "fetch_acme_sh is defined" - name: Create acme dnsapi directory file: path: "{{ acme_home }}/dnsapi" state: "directory" - name: Fetch acme.sh dns_nsupdate get_url: url: "{{ acme_dns_nsupdate_url }}" dest: "{{ acme_home }}/dnsapi/" mode: "0755" - name: Create acme certificate directory file: path: "{{ acme_home }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}" state: "directory" - name: Copy reload.sh copy: src: "reload.sh" dest: "{{ acme_reloadcmd }}" mode: "0755" - name: Issue certificate shell: "{{ lookup('template','acme.sh.request.j2').replace('\n',' ') }}" args: chdir: "{{ acme_home }}" creates: "{{ acme_cert }}"