// Copyright 2013 Pervasive Displays, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at: // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either // express or implied. See the License for the specific language // governing permissions and limitations under the License. /****************************************************************************** * Includes *****************************************************************************/ #include "Display_Hardware_Driver.h" /****************************************************************************** * Public functions *****************************************************************************/ void epd_cs_high(void) { // CS_SET_HIGH; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_6, 1); } void epd_cs_low(void) { // CS_SET_LOW; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_6, 0); } void epd_rst_high(void) { // RST_SET_HIGH; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_12, 1); } void epd_rst_low(void) { // RST_SET_LOW; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_12, 0); } void epd_discharge_high(void) { // DISCHARGE_SET_HIGH; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_14, 1); } void epd_discharge_low(void) { // DISCHARGE_SET_LOW; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_14, 0); } void epd_panelon_off(void) { // PANELON_SET_LOW; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_13, 0); } void epd_panelon_on(void) { // PANELON_SET_HIGH; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_13, 1); } void epd_border_high(void) { // BORDER_SET_HIGH; } void epd_border_low(void) { // BORDER_SET_LOW; } void epd_delay_ms(uint32_t Time) { bsp_delayMs(Time); } int16_t epd_get_temperature(void) { return bsp_getTemp(); } uint32_t epd_GetCurrentTimeTick(void) { return bsp_getMsTicks(); } //****************************************************************** //PWM Configuration/Control //****************************************************************** #if 0 volatile uint32_t period = 500; //96Khz PWM frequency void epd_pwm_disable(void) { disable_timer16(1); LPC_IOCON->PIO1_9 &= 0xFC;//Disable PWM,set general IO PWM_DIR_OUT(); PWM_SET_LOW(); } void epd_pwm_active(void) { PWM_SET_HIGH(); /* Initialize the PWM in timer32_1 enabling match0 output */ init_timer16PWM(1, period, MATCH0,0); setMatch_timer16PWM (1, 1, period/8); enable_timer16(1); } #endif void epd_pwm_active(uint16_t delayInMs) { uint16_t numOfIterations; numOfIterations = delayInMs * 100; // PWM_DIR_OUT; bsp_pinMode(BSP_PIN_11, BSP_PINMODE_OUTPUT); for(; numOfIterations > 0; numOfIterations--) { // PWM_SET_HIGH; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_11, 1); bsp_delayUs(5); //100kHz (96kHz ideal) // PWM_SET_LOW; bsp_pinOut(BSP_PIN_11, 0); bsp_delayUs(5); } } //****************************************************************** //SPI Configuration //****************************************************************** void epd_spi_detach(void) { #if 0 LPC_IOCON->PIO0_8 &= 0xFC;; /* SSP I/O config */ SPIMISO_DIR_OUT(); SPIMISO_Set(Low); LPC_IOCON->PIO0_9 &= 0xFC; /* SSP MOSI */ SPIMOSI_DIR_OUT(); SPIMOSI_Set(Low); LPC_IOCON->PIO2_11 &= 0xFC; SPICLK_DIR_OUT(); SPICLK_Set(Low); #endif } void epd_spi_init (void) { bsp_spiInit(); //SSP_IOConfig( SSP_PORT ); /* initialize SSP port */ //SSP_Init( SSP_PORT ); } void epd_SPI_Send (unsigned char Register, unsigned char *Data, unsigned Length) { uint8_t buf[2]; epd_cs_low(); buf[0] = 0x70; buf[1] = Register; bsp_writeToDisplay(buf, 2); epd_cs_high(); bsp_delayUs(10); epd_cs_low(); buf[0] = 0x72; bsp_writeToDisplay(buf, 1); bsp_writeToDisplay(Data, Length); epd_cs_high(); bsp_delayUs(10); } void epd_SPI_Send_Byte (uint8_t Register, uint8_t Data) { uint8_t buf[2]; epd_cs_low(); buf[0] = 0x70; buf[1] = Register; bsp_writeToDisplay(buf, 2); epd_cs_high(); bsp_delayUs(10); epd_cs_low(); buf[0] = 0x72; buf[1] = Data; bsp_writeToDisplay(buf, 2); epd_cs_high(); bsp_delayUs(10); } void epd_InitDisplayHardware(void) { // RST_DIR_OUT; bsp_pinMode(BSP_PIN_12, BSP_PINMODE_OUTPUT); // DISCHARGE_DIR_OUT; bsp_pinMode(BSP_PIN_14, BSP_PINMODE_OUTPUT); // CS_DIR_OUT; bsp_pinMode(BSP_PIN_6, BSP_PINMODE_OUTPUT); // PANELON_DIR_OUT; bsp_pinMode(BSP_PIN_13, BSP_PINMODE_OUTPUT); // DRIVERBUSY_DIR_IN; bsp_pinMode(BSP_PIN_7, BSP_PINMODE_INPUT); // BORDER_DIR_OUT; epd_panelon_off(); epd_spi_init(); epd_cs_low(); // epd_pwm_low(); epd_pwm_active(0); //set output low epd_rst_low(); epd_discharge_low(); // TESTPin_DIR_OUT(); // TESTPin2_DIR_OUT(); } //************************************************************************ void TestPinLow(void) { // TESTPin_Set(0); } void TestPinHigh(void) { // TESTPin_Set(1); } void TestPinTrigger(void) { // if(TESTPin_Get())TestPinLow(); // else TestPinHigh(); } void TestPin2Low(void) { // TESTPin2_Set(0); } void TestPin2High(void) { // TESTPin2_Set(1); } void TestPin2Trigger(void) { // if(TESTPin2_Get())TestPin2Low(); // else TestPin2High(); }