#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Doorlockd -- Binary Kitchen's smart door opener Copyright (c) Binary Kitchen e.V., 2019 Author: Ralf Ramsauer This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See the LICENSE file in the top-level directory. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. """ import gpiod import os import sys from subprocess import Popen from threading import Timer, Thread, Event import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from pydoorlock.Config import Config, sounds_prefix prog = sys.argv[0] global is_locked is_locked = None class AudioPlayer(Thread): def __init__(self, filename): super(AudioPlayer, self).__init__() self._filename = filename self._event = Event() self._shutdown = False self._process = None self._state = False def set(self, state): self._state = state self._event.set() def shutdown(self): self._state = False self._shutdown = True self._event.set() def run(self): while not self._shutdown: self._event.wait(1) if self._event.is_set(): print('Came by event') self._event.clear() if self._process: if self._process.poll() is not None: print('Cleaning up...') self._process.wait() self._process = None self._state = False elif not self._state: print('Killing...') self._process.terminate() self._process.wait() self._process = None self._state = False else: if self._state: print('Starting...') self._process = Popen(['mpg123', self._filename]) def mqtt_on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): if rc == 0: print("MqTT: Connection returned result: " + mqtt.connack_string(rc)) client.subscribe(topic_alarm) client.subscribe(topic_lockstate) else: print("MqTT: Bad connection Returned code=", rc) def mqtt_on_lockstate(client, userdata, message): global is_locked is_locked = message.payload.decode('utf-8') == 'locked' print('is_locked: %s' % is_locked) def mqtt_on_alarm(client, userdata, message): alarm_set = message.payload.decode('utf-8') == '1' print('MQTT: alarm: %u' % alarm_set) player_alarm.set(alarm_set) def publish_doorstate(): global door_open message = 'open' if door_open else 'closed' mqttc.publish(topic_doorstate, message, retain=True) cfg = Config('dooralarm') topic_alarm = cfg.str('TOPIC_ALARM') topic_doorstate = cfg.str('TOPIC_DOORSTATE') topic_lockstate = cfg.str('TOPIC_LOCKSTATE') doorstate_alarm_timeout = int(cfg.str('DOORSTATE_ALARM_TIMEOUT')) f_alarm = os.path.join(sounds_prefix, 'alarm.mp3') f_door_call = os.path.join(sounds_prefix, 'door_call.mp3') mqttc = mqtt.Client(client_id=prog) mqttc.username_pw_set(cfg.str('MQTT_USERNAME'), cfg.str('MQTT_PASSWORD')) mqttc.on_connect = mqtt_on_connect mqttc.message_callback_add(topic_alarm, mqtt_on_alarm) mqttc.message_callback_add(topic_lockstate, mqtt_on_lockstate) mqttc.connect(cfg.str('MQTT_HOST')) chip = gpiod.Chip(cfg.str('GPIO_CHIP')) pin = cfg.int('GPIO_PIN') line = chip.get_line(pin) line.request(consumer=prog, type=gpiod.LINE_REQ_EV_BOTH_EDGES) player_alarm = AudioPlayer(f_alarm) player_alarm.start() player_door_call = AudioPlayer(f_door_call) player_door_call.start() global door_open door_open = line.get_value() == 1 door_alarm_set = False while True: # Synchronous loops: MQTT + GPIO mqttc.loop(timeout=0.5, max_packets=1) ev_line = line.event_wait(sec=1) if ev_line: event = line.event_read() door_open = event.type == gpiod.LineEvent.RISING_EDGE print('door_open: %s' % door_open) publish_doorstate() # Door State stuff if is_locked is not None: if is_locked is False: if door_alarm_set: player_door_call.set(False) door_alarm_set = False elif door_open is True: if not door_alarm_set: door_alarm_set = True player_door_call.set(True) elif door_open is False: if door_alarm_set: player_door_call.set(False) door_alarm_set = False player_alarm.shutdown() player_alarm.join() player_door_call.shutdown() player_door_call.join()