""" Doorlockd -- Binary Kitchen's smart door opener Copyright (c) Binary Kitchen e.V., 2018 Author: Ralf Ramsauer This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See the LICENSE file in the top-level directory. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. """ import logging from flask import abort, Flask, jsonify, render_template, request from flask_socketio import SocketIO from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import PasswordField, StringField, SubmitField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length from .Door import DoorState from .Doorlock import DoorlockResponse from .Authenticator import AuthMethod log = logging.getLogger() webapp = Flask(__name__) socketio = SocketIO(webapp, async_mode='threading') def emit_doorstate(response=None): state = logic.state if response: message = str(response) else: message = str(state) socketio.emit('status', {'led': state.to_img(), 'message': message}) class AuthenticationForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField('Username', [Length(min=3, max=25)]) password = PasswordField('Password', [DataRequired()]) open = SubmitField('Open') present = SubmitField('Present') close = SubmitField('Close') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): FlaskForm.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.desired_state = DoorState.Closed def validate(self): if not FlaskForm.validate(self): return False if self.open.data: self.desired_state = DoorState.Open elif self.present.data: self.desired_state = DoorState.Present return True @socketio.on('request_status') @socketio.on('connect') def on_connect(): emit_doorstate() @webapp.route('/display') def display(): return render_template('display.html', room=room, title=title, welcome=welcome) @webapp.route('/api', methods=['POST']) def api(): def json_response(response, msg=None): json = dict() json['err'] = response.value json['msg'] = str(response) if msg is None else msg if response == DoorlockResponse.Success or \ response == DoorlockResponse.AlreadyActive: # TBD: Remove 'open'. No more users. Still used in App Version 2.1.1! json['open'] = logic.state.is_open() json['status'] = logic.state.value return jsonify(json) user = request.form.get('user') password = request.form.get('pass') command = request.form.get('command') if any(v is None for v in [user, password, command]): log.warning('Incomplete API request') abort(400) if not user or not password: log.warning('Invalid username or password format') return json_response(DoorlockResponse.Inval, 'Invalid username or password format') credentials = user, password if command == 'status': return json_response(logic.auth.try_auth(credentials)) desired_state = DoorState.from_string(command) if not desired_state: return json_response(DoorlockResponse.Inval, "Invalid command requested") log.info('Incoming API request from %s' % user.encode('utf-8')) log.info(' desired state: %s' % desired_state) log.info(' current state: %s' % logic.state) response = logic.request(desired_state, credentials) return json_response(response) @webapp.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def home(): authentication_form = AuthenticationForm() response = None if request.method == 'POST' and authentication_form.validate(): user = authentication_form.username.data password = authentication_form.password.data credentials = user, password log.info('Incoming request from %s' % user.encode('utf-8')) desired_state = authentication_form.desired_state log.info(' desired state: %s' % desired_state) log.info(' current state: %s' % logic.state) response = logic.request(desired_state, credentials) log.info(' response: %s' % response) # Don't trust python, zero credentials user = password = credentials = None return render_template('index.html', authentication_form=authentication_form, response=response, state_text=str(logic.state), led=logic.state.to_img(), banner='%s - %s' % (title, room)) def webapp_run(cfg, my_logic, status, version, template_folder, static_folder): global logic logic = my_logic debug = cfg.boolean('DEBUG') host = 'localhost' if debug: host = '' global room room = cfg.str('ROOM') global title title = cfg.str('TITLE') global welcome welcome = cfg.str('WELCOME') global html_title html_title = '%s (%s - v%s)' % (title, status, version) webapp.config['SECRET_KEY'] = cfg.str('SECRET_KEY') webapp.template_folder = template_folder webapp.static_folder = static_folder socketio.run(webapp, host=host, port=8080, use_reloader=False, debug=debug)