#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "logic.h" using namespace std; const string Logic::_lockPagePrefix = LOCKPAGE_PREFIX; const string Logic::_fifoLocation = FIFO_LOCATION; Logic &Logic::get() { static Logic l; return l; } Logic::Logic() : _logger(Logger::get()), _door(Door::get()), _epaper(Epaper::get()) { srand(time(NULL)); _logger(LogLevel::debug, "Creating Fifo file"); if (access(_fifoLocation.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) { _logger(LogLevel::warning, "Fifo file aready existing, trying to delete"); if (unlink(_fifoLocation.c_str()) != 0) { throw("Unable to delete Fifo file"); } } if (mkfifo(_fifoLocation.c_str(), 0660) != 0) { throw("Unable to create Fifo"); } _fifoHandle = open(_fifoLocation.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (_fifoHandle == -1) { throw("Unable to open Fifo"); } _createNewToken(false); } Logic::~Logic() { if (_fifoHandle != -1) { close(_fifoHandle); } _logger(LogLevel::debug, "Removing Fifo file"); if (unlink(_fifoLocation.c_str()) != 0) { throw("Unable to delete Fifo file"); } } void Logic::_parseRequest(const string &str) { _logger("Parsing request..."); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; bool suc = reader.parse(str, root, false); if (!suc) { _logger(LogLevel::error, "Request ist not valid JSON!"); return; } string action, user, password, host, token; bool authenticated; try { action = getJsonOrFail(root, "action"); host = getJsonOrFail(root, "host"); authenticated = getJsonOrFail(root, "authenticated"); string user, password; if (authenticated == true) { user = getJsonOrFail(root, "user"); password = getJsonOrFail(root, "password"); token = getJsonOrFail(root, "token"); } } catch (...) { _logger(LogLevel::warning, "Error parsing JSON"); return; } printf("Action: %s\nAuthenticated: %d\nHost: %s\n",action.c_str(), authenticated, host.c_str()); printf("User: %s\nPassword: %s\nToken: %s\n",user.c_str(), password.c_str(), token.c_str()); if (authenticated == true) { if (_checkToken(token) == false) { _logger(LogLevel::error, "User provided invalid token"); return; } if (_checkLDAP(user, password) == false) { _logger(LogLevel::error, "invalid LDAP credentials"); return; } } if (action == "lock") { _lock(); } else if (action == "unlock") { _unlock(); } else { _logger(LogLevel::error, "Unknown Action: %s", action.c_str()); } } void Logic::_lock() { if (_state == LOCKED) { _logger(LogLevel::warning, "Unable to lock: already locked"); return; } _door.lock(); _state = LOCKED; _createNewToken(false); } void Logic::_unlock() { if (_state == UNLOCKED) { _logger(LogLevel::warning, "Unable to unlock: already unlocked"); return; } _door.unlock(); _state = UNLOCKED; _createNewToken(false); } void Logic::run() { struct timeval tv; fd_set set; for (;;) { FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(_fifoHandle, &set); tv.tv_sec = _tokenTimeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; int i = select(_fifoHandle+1, &set, nullptr, nullptr, &tv); if (i == 0) { _createNewToken(true); continue; } else if (i == -1) { throw "Fifo select() failed"; } if (!FD_ISSET(_fifoHandle, &set)) { _logger(LogLevel::warning, "select(): Not my fd"); continue; } string payload; for (;;) { constexpr int BUFSIZE = 2; char tmp[BUFSIZE]; i = read(_fifoHandle, tmp, BUFSIZE); if (i > 0) { payload += string(tmp, i); } else { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { break; } throw "read() fifo failed"; } } _parseRequest(payload); } } bool Logic::_checkToken(const string &strToken) { try { uint64_t token = toUint64(strToken); if (token == _curToken || (_prevValid == true && token == _prevToken)) { _logger(LogLevel::info, "Token check successful"); return true; } } catch (const char* const &ex) { _logger(LogLevel::error, "Check Token failed for token \"%s\" (expected %s): %s", strToken.c_str(), toHexString(_curToken).c_str(), ex); } return false; } bool Logic::_checkLDAP(const string &user, const string &password) { return true; } void Logic::_createNewToken(const bool stillValid) { _prevToken = _curToken; _prevValid = stillValid; _curToken = (((uint64_t)rand())<<32) | ((uint64_t)rand()); _epaper.draw(_lockPagePrefix + toHexString(_curToken)); ostringstream message; message << "New Token generated: " << toHexString(_curToken) << " old Token: " << toHexString(_prevToken) << " is " << (_prevValid?"still":"not") << " valid"; _logger(message, LogLevel::info); }