2022-06-06 14:39:14 +02:00
#include <FastLED.h>
//lichterkette: PWM 2
//mikrofon: A1
#define LED_PIN 2
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#define NUM_LEDS 144
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#define SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_BP 40 // number of energy chunks per second
#define SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_CONTROL 1 // check number of times per second if the current band pass is the best one
#define Q 20. // quality factor of band pass filters
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#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
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#define n_BP 30 //number of band pass filters
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unsigned long sampling_period_bp = 1000000L/SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_BP;
unsigned long sampling_period_control = 1000000L/SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_CONTROL;
double energy = 0;
unsigned long last_us_bp = 0L;
unsigned long last_us_control = 0L;
float a0[n_BP];
float a1[n_BP];
float a2[n_BP];
float b0[n_BP];
//float b1[n_BP];
float b2[n_BP];
float a[n_BP];
float w0[n_BP];
float yy1[n_BP];
float yy2[n_BP];
float yy3[n_BP];
float yy4[n_BP];
float yy5[n_BP];
float yy6[n_BP];
float u1[n_BP];
float u2[n_BP];
float y[n_BP];
float y_fil[n_BP];
float angle;
float angle2;
double energy_fil = 800.;
float pos_target = NUM_LEDS/2;
float pos_target_filtered = NUM_LEDS/2;
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float microphone_offset = 512;
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long initial_time;
int active = 15;
int candidate = 15;
int rounds = 0;
void setup() {
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FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, LED_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
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FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps(5, 300);
// for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++)
// { int brightness = get_value(i, pos_target_filtered);
// leds[i].setRGB(brightness, brightness, brightness); }
// FastLED.show();
// long sumsamples = 0;
// for(int j = 1; j<1000; j++)
// {
// int sample = analogRead(1);
// sumsamples += sample;
// delay(1);
// if(j==500)
// {
// sumsamples = 0;
// }
// }
// microphone_offset = sumsamples/500;
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initial_time = micros();
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void set_filter() {
for(int i = 0; i < n_BP; i++)
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float frequency = 1.75+i*(2.4-1.75)/n_BP;
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w0[i] = 2.*PI*frequency/SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_BP;
a[i] = sin(w0[i]/(2.*Q));
b0[i] = a[i];
//b1[i] = 0;
b2[i] = -a[i];
a0[i] = 1.+a[i];
a1[i] = -2.*cos(w0[i]);
a2[i] = 1.-a[i];
int get_value(int pos, float pos0) {
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if (abs(pos0-pos) > 20) { return 0; }
else { return (40-abs(pos0-pos)*2); }
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void loop() {
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int sample = int(analogRead(1) - microphone_offset);
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energy += abs(sample)*abs(sample);
if (micros() - last_us_bp > sampling_period_bp)
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microphone_offset += (analogRead(1)-microphone_offset)*0.001;
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last_us_bp += sampling_period_bp;
energy_fil += (energy - energy_fil) * 0.01;
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for(int i = 0; i < n_BP; i++)
y[i] = (b0[i]/a0[i])*energy + 0. + (b2[i]/a0[i])*u2[i] - (a1[i]/a0[i])*yy1[i] - (a2[i]/a0[i])*yy2[i];
u2[i] = u1[i];
u1[i] = energy;
yy6[i] = yy5[i];
yy5[i] = yy4[i];
yy4[i] = yy3[i];
yy3[i] = yy2[i];
yy2[i] = yy1[i];
yy1[i] = y[i];
y_fil[i] += (abs(y[i]) - y_fil[i]) * 0.005; //linie der scheitelpunkte
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float delays = constrain( SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_BP * 0.25/(1.75+active*(2.4-1.75)/n_BP) , 4., 6.);
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float delayed = 0;
if (delays > 5)
{delayed = yy5[active]*(1-delays+5) + yy6[active]*(delays-5); }
{delayed = yy4[active]*(1-delays+4) + yy5[active]*(delays-4); }
angle = atan2(delayed , y[active]);
if (PI < abs(angle - angle2) && abs(angle - angle2) < 3*PI)
{ angle2 = angle + 2*PI; }
{ angle2 = angle; }
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pos_target = map(angle2, -PI, 3*PI, -0.3*NUM_LEDS, NUM_LEDS*1.5);
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if (pos_target > pos_target_filtered)
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{ pos_target_filtered += (pos_target - pos_target_filtered)*0.35; }
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{ pos_target_filtered = pos_target; }
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// Serial.print(y_fil[active]);
// Serial.print(",");
// Serial.println(y[active]);
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energy = 0;
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for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++)
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int brightness = get_value(i, pos_target_filtered);
//leds[i].setRGB(brightness, brightness, brightness);
leds[i].setHSV( 160, (rounds == 6) ? 60 : 0, brightness);
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if (micros() - last_us_control > sampling_period_control)
last_us_control += sampling_period_control;
int argmax = -1;
float valuemax = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n_BP; i++)
if(y_fil[i] > valuemax)
valuemax = y_fil[i];
argmax = i;
if(argmax > -1)
if(argmax == candidate)
rounds ++;
rounds = 0;
candidate = argmax;
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if(rounds > 6)
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rounds = 0;
active = candidate;