A number of regressions were patched also. The UBL G29 P2 and P4 Press and Hold had stopped working. It is very possible this is broken in the bugfix_v1.1.x branch also. The main purpose of the Pull Request is to get the 3-Point mesh tilting to use the LSF algorithm just like the grid based mesh tilt. This simplifies the logic and reduces the code size some what. But the real reason to do it is the 3-Point case can be solved exactly. And by feeding these numbers into the LSF algorithm it provides a way to check all that code for 'correctness'.
/* ================================================================================ Marlin Firmware (c) 2011-2017 MarlinFirmware Portions of Marlin are (c) by their respective authors. All code complies with GPLv2 and/or GPLv3 ================================================================================ Greetings! Thank you for choosing Marlin 2 as your 3D printer firmware. To configure Marlin you must edit Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h located in the root 'Marlin' folder. Check the config/examples folder to see if there's a more suitable starting-point for your specific hardware. Before diving in, we recommend the following essential links: Marlin Firmware Official Website - http://marlinfw.org/ The official Marlin Firmware website contains the most up-to-date documentation. Contributions are always welcome! Configuration - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gwWVFtdg-4 A good 20-minute overview of Marlin configuration by Tom Sanladerer. (Applies to Marlin 1.0.x, so Jerk and Acceleration should be halved.) Also... https://www.google.com/search?tbs=vid%3A1&q=configure+marlin - http://marlinfw.org/docs/configuration/configuration.html Marlin's configuration options are explained in more detail here. Getting Help - http://forums.reprap.org/list.php?415 The Marlin Discussion Forum is a great place to get help from other Marlin users who may have experienced similar issues to your own. - https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/issues With a free GitHub account you can provide us with feedback, bug reports, and feature requests via the Marlin Issue Queue. Contributing - http://marlinfw.org/docs/development/contributing.html If you'd like to contribute to Marlin, read this first! - http://marlinfw.org/docs/development/coding_standards.html Before submitting code get to know the Coding Standards. */